Monday, March 21, 2011

Jesus has Overcome

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

It is an undeniable truth: In this world, we will have trouble. I know of no one who could disagree with that statement. God never promised to keep us from trouble. Living the Christian life is not a cure all to troubles. Many people have fallen away from the faith because they believed their problems would be over after receiving Christ. Yes, even Christians have troubles.
    God did make some amazing promises to us, however. He said that we would have peace in the midst of trouble. The key is to remain in him. Only there is peace found. Our own lives can be tumultuous. The world is a violent place and is continuing to degrade further. So this amazing peace that we are promised comes only as we make daily decisions to live in Christ.
    Everything Jesus said while he was on the earth, was spoken so that we would know peace through him. If we attempt to find peace by any other source, we will be disappointed. Believe me. I have tried and I can tell you that there is no peace in depending on the things of the world. But we take heart in the fact that there is perfect peace found in a growing relationship with Jesus.
    We have perfect peace knowing that Christ has overcome the world. I have come to understand that we cannot begin to fathom the victories that were won by Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection. With that one act, he redeemed mankind, defeated sin, took away the keys of death, and removed any heavenly authority the enemy had. This is so great a victory, that we cannot comprehend the magnitude.
    Rest assured today in this fact, Jesus has overcome the world. You will find peace in that. So take heart! The world has not won the battle, the enemy of our souls has not won the battle, and sin has not overcome us. Jesus has overcome!

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