Monday, April 30, 2012

What is Your Calling?

"Nevertheless, each one should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has called him."
1 Corinthians 7:17

I often talk about the call of God. I have a specific call in my life and I have spent years answering that call. I fully believe that God has a plan for my life. My responsibility is to partner with him in the fulfillment of that plan. For me, it would be impossible to walk away from the place that God has called me. He has gifted me, equipped me, and prepared me to fulfill his will for my life. In my case, I am called to ministry. In the course of my life, I have worked at many different jobs and businesses. But none of those fulfilled me. Jobs were necessary to provide for ministry, but they were not my calling. The only thing that gives me that deep down peace and joy is receiving from God and giving it to others.
    Not everyone is called to full-time ministry. Many Christian people spend their lives working at the same job, living in the same home, attending the same church, and living a normal, successful life. Does this make them wrong? Absolutely not! It is the gift of God for all of us to be in the center of his will for our lives, no matter what that calling is. For some, it may be to teach in public schools or coach sports. Others are called to own businesses and make an impact in the marketplace. Some are called to factories, retail stores, offices, or politics. None are better than others, all are fulfilling the will of God if they are doing what He created them to do.
    If you are called to be a businessman, do it with all your heart. Do it because you are working for your Father. If you are called to the factories or offices, do it to please God. All of these places have one thing in common: They all have people. Therefore, every place you go becomes a mission field. Remember, we are called to be Christ in the world. Your coworkers may never see another representation of Jesus except you. So represent him well. Somewhere along the line, it has been summed up this way: "Bloom where you're planted." When God plants you in a career, he has called you there. When he has given you a family, he has called you to be the best mother or father you can be. God has called us all and placed us strategically in every walk of life.
    If you have felt that you are not  important in God's kingdom because of what you do, be free from that. If you are in his will, you are fulfilling his will for you. All are equal, all are called, and all have a specific assignment. The pastor has his, the businessman has his, and the laborer has his. So find peace in the place God has given you. If you have dreams, chase them with everything you've got, but never run away from the call in your life. The Bible says that God's gifts and his callings are irrevocable. You can run, but you can never hide from God's plan for your life. Take it, embrace it, and live for him. When you are done, you will hear him say, "Well done my faithful servant." And that is more than enough.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Experiencing the Kingdom

"Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
Matthew 6:10

We have discovered seven keys of the kingdom of heaven. But what good are those keys if we don't understand the value of the kingdom? Let's be honest, many of us know very little about it except passing phrases that we hear in a sermon or a song. So why is the kingdom so valuable and why would we want to receive it?
    Think of the Garden of Eden. I believe the kingdom of God was physically present on the earth during the time of the garden. Adam and Eve experienced the kingdom in a real, touchable way. First and most important, God was there. He fellowshipped, talked, and spent time with them. All their needs were met there. There was no pain or suffering. There was no sin or shame. They had absolute authority over everything around them. They had more than enough to sustain them for their entire lifetimes and longer. This was a real and glorious place. But there was one who sought to destroy it. At that time, Satan had access to the paradise. After tempting the woman, sin was birthed and the kingdom was lost.
    Jesus restored the kingdom through the work of the cross. This was God's plan of redemption. So the kingdom has been completely restored already, but it exists in the heavens or spiritual place. This is why the people who followed Jesus could not understand when he told them that he was the King of kings. They supposed he was going to reestablish the kingdom of the Jews that had been taken away as they were in subjection to the Romans. But it was so much bigger than that. The King of kings gave us access to the kingdom of heaven once again, yet they didn't understand then, and many do not understand now.
    All the things that marked the Garden of Eden are available to us today in the kingdom. We too can fellowship with God. We can have all our needs supplied. We can have abundance to last our lifetimes. We can live without shame. We have the authority of the kingdom just as dominion was given to Adam and Eve. It is all ours. Jesus told us to pray that his kingdom would come to earth just as it is already established in heaven. This is how we experience the kingdom. We are not praying the kingdom physically to earth, that plan is already set. We are praying that the kingdom would be applied to our lives while we live on the earth, taking a spiritual place and blessing, and living it out here. We have the greatest of hopes based on the truth that God is going to establish his kingdom right here on earth. It will be as in the days of Adam and Eve, but gloriously better. But now, as we live on the earth, we may live in the kingdom with no hindrance. Sin and death have been defeated and the enemy no longer has any access to God's kingdom. It is ours, prepared for us by God himself. Let's take it, let's receive it, let's live in it!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Power of Praise

"Praise the LORD.
   Praise God in his sanctuary;
   praise him in his mighty heavens.
 Praise him for his acts of power;
   praise him for his surpassing greatness.
 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
   praise him with the harp and lyre,
 praise him with tambourine and dancing,
   praise him with the strings and flute,
 praise him with the clash of cymbals,
   praise him with resounding cymbals.

  Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
   Praise the LORD."
Psalm 150

The last key of the kingdom I will share is the key of praise. We often talk about worshiping God and the importance of doing so. Worship and praise are vital to opening up the kingdom because this is the single thing that God requires of us. He is a jealous God, meaning that he will not share his glory or his praise with any other. Since there is no other true God, we are mandated to praise him. In fact, Jesus said that if we do not praise him, the rocks will cry out to him. God is deserving of our praise and he desires it above anything else.
    I remember the day this key came to me. The Lord showed me a picture in my mind's eye. The picture was of a young woman, dressed in white, twirling with her arms raised heavenward in praise. Her head was uplifted with a big smile on her face. The picture was so clear and stark that I pondered the importance of it. Soon, I realized that there was a very important element to the picture that I had not considered before. It was a picture of one who was praising God with all she had. From God's point of view, she was pure as snow and I can almost see him smile and laugh as he watches her adore her God.
    When the Christ child was born in Bethlehem, Magi from the far east came to visit him. As the story goes, they followed a star which led them to the very stable where he was. Of course, Jesus was about two years old when they arrived. But what is important about this event is this: The Magi came to worship (praise) Jesus. Keep in mind that Jesus had not done one miracle. He had not healed anyone, and he had never taught a thing. Yet these kings came to praise him. This must be our attitude of praise as we come before God. We do not praise him for what he has done for us, we praise him simply because he is God and he deserves our praise.
    Take this key and use it. Praise not only blesses God, it blesses us. It may be beyond our understanding but the spiritual atmosphere created through praise unlocks the windows of heaven. People are healed and delivered, miracles happen, and heavens open as people gather to simply praise God. But you don't have to be in a meeting to receive these things, God will meet his people wherever praise is happening. Learn to praise our God and watch the kingdom open to you.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fearing God

"He will be the sure foundation for your times,
   a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge;
   the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure."

Isaiah 33:6

Within the kingdom of heaven is a vast storehouse of salvation, wisdom and knowledge. These things are not like the wisdom and knowledge we think of, because Jesus said that the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. So the treasure that is found in the kingdom is really beyond our comprehension. But these treasures are available to each of us if we are willing to receive them.
    I love this scripture because it is so precise. It speaks of salvation, wisdom and knowledge as treasures. But it doesn't leave us trying to figure out how we may have these things. It tells us exactly what unlocks the doors of the kingdom for us to receive them. It is the fear of the Lord that is the key to receiving the treasure house of salvation, wisdom and knowledge. I think that fear of God is an often misunderstood concept. There are those who try to soften it and use the word respect. There are those who have the opinion that God is like a mean boy with a magnifying glass who delights in burning the feelers off the ants he finds. But this is not who God is. He is loving, caring and protective of his own. So how do we fear God and gain the key that unlocks the treasure of heaven?
    Fear of God is indeed a respect for him. I think the word 'reverence' better describes how we should approach him. God certainly is powerful enough to end our life if he chose to, and we certainly must respect him for his power. But the other side of God's power is his amazing love for us. We reverence him because we are overwhelmed by his love. Let's face it, we cannot understand how God loves us because we cannot love others in the same way. Unconditional love is difficult for us. Yet God loves you and me as well as the murderer, adulterer, thief and terrorist. It is with both reverence for his love and respect for his power that are the elements of the fear of the Lord.
    There is a great need for all Christians to understand the fear of the Lord. Many believe in a touchy, feely kind of God. While it is true that God desires an intimate relationship with us, we must balance that with a healthy fear. He is the God of the universe and the King of all kings. If we want to appropriate the kingdom of heaven to our lives and receive the salvation, knowledge and wisdom that is in its treasure houses, we must live a lifestyle of fearing God. Fear of God keeps us from sin and opens our spirits to receive his overwhelming love. Fear of the Lord is a key to the kingdom. Take it, learn about it, and use it.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Abiding in Him

"If you abide in me and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you. by this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples."
John 15:7&8 (NKJV)

Another key that accesses the kingdom of heaven is abiding. This is a word that we don't use much any more. The definition of the word is this: To remain in a place. To continue to be sure or firm. To dwell or sojourn (From the Free When Jesus spoke these words, he was speaking directly to a trait shared by all people. In order to continually access the kingdom, we must learn to overcome a basic human tendency that will keep us from fully entering.
    In other translations of the Bible, the word 'abide' is instead, 'remain.' People are flighty. In today's world, we have very short attention spans. Media moves so quickly that we are not required to take much time to process information. But God desires for us to remain or abide with him. This means we must reject the tendency to continually be moving to the next thing. We cannot be so overwhelmed with all we have to do that we short change our time with God. To me, I hear the Lord saying, "Come and sit with me. Relax with me. I want to show you some things." If we will respond to God's calling, we will discover more of the kingdom than we have every imagined. I am convinced that the kingdom is gained by spending extended times sitting in the presence of the Lord. We must learn to remain with him, to dwell with him, and not be overcome by the pull of our schedule.
    Often our spiritual lives are dictated by our circumstances and the emotions that surround them. If there is no struggle or trial, we think ourselves well spiritually. The problem with this approach is, we are very rarely not facing some kind of difficulty. God uses those difficulties to build us spiritually. We must learn that no matter what the circumstances, no matter how difficult the trial, we will abide with Christ. It simply means that we spend extended times with him. Our perspective changes as we receive the perfect peace that comes from being in the presence of the Lord. We must continue to be sure of God. We need to rest in the confidence we have in him. This is truly abiding.
    Abiding with Christ will bring the kingdom into your life. As you spend time with him, you will receive more of the kingdom very naturally. The receiving of the kingdom is a bi-product of abiding with God. If you will relax. forsake the schedule, and allow yourself to sit with God, the resulting blessing will be the outpouring of the kingdom of heaven into your life and circumstance. Spend less time asking him for things and more time relaxing in him. He loves to spend time with you, and he is waiting for you to sit with him for a while.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Surpassing Righteousness

"For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 5:20 

We have been discussing the kingdom of heaven recently. Jesus told Peter that he would give him the keys of the kingdom, so we need those keys. You may remember the keys we have so far; faith, humility and love. the fourth key of the kingdom is righteousness. Righteousness is absolutely vital to gaining the kingdom of heaven, for it is through righteousness that we have the 'right' to enter. Think of it this way: If you work at a job that requires you to have access to vital areas within the company, you may have a key or an identification card that opens the doors to the area you need to access. Those who do not work for the company would never have access to these areas. In fact, others within the company may not have access to the same areas you do. So is the kingdom of heaven. Without righteousness, we do not have the key to open the areas we need.
    Righteousness gives us the right to access the kingdom because we have right standing with the King. Therefore, he grants us the key to enter. Notice that Jesus said that our righteousness must surpass, or be greater than that of the Pharisees. What does that mean? The righteousness that the Pharisees claimed to have was based on a set of rules. they believed that they followed the rules better than anyone else, therefore their righteousness was greater. But Jesus wanted all to understand that this was not true righteousness. It cannot be gained by obeying laws. It cannot be earned by being good. True righteousness is given to us by God himself through Christ (Romans 5:17). The Old Testament prophet Isaiah called man's righteousness, "Filthy rags." It will not, it cannot please God. Righteousness is given as a result of our faith in God through Jesus. When we believe in him and surrender ourselves to him, we have righteousness and therefore have an important key to his kingdom. 
    True righteousness will lead us toward holiness. You see, righteousness is freely given to us, but holiness is the process of you and I raising our testimonies to the same level as our righteousness. So holiness accompanies those who are growing in their relationship with God and obeying his commands to forsake sinful, ungodly things in favor of life in the Spirit. So righteousness and holiness work hand in hand to lead us to the kingdom. Maybe an easy to understand this is found in this statement: We have righteousness through Christ. We attain holiness as we live a life that pleases God. 
    We should thank God everyday that we have the righteousness of Christ. It is the only way that this key of the kingdom is given. Be thankful that you have it, but don't forget to use it. If the key stays on your spiritual key ring, never being used, it will be of no value in attaining the kingdom. Practically, this means that when we pray, we invoke the righteousness we have through Christ. We can say things like this: "Father, because I have the righteousness of your Son, I know that I have right standing with you and I have the right to come to you. Today, I exercise righteousness so that my needs may be met. Open up the kingdom of heaven that I might receive the help I need. For my help comes from God, the Maker of heaven and earth." Add righteousness to your spiritual key ring and use it. You will be amazed how much of the kingdom is opened.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Loving God

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28

When we understand the keys of the kingdom, we must know that one of those keys is love. Everything about God is about love for God is love. If we are to boldly apply the kingdom of heaven to our lives, we must access it with the key of love. This is a multifaceted proposition. The scripture above tells us that God loves, cares, and works for us who love him. So as we seek the kingdom, we must love God and we must love others.
    We don't talk about loving God enough. We often talk about our need to love our spiritual family, our neighbors and even our enemies, but we pass over our need to love God. I think we do this because it is assumed that we do love him. But if people are honest with themselves, some would find that they don't really love God. This is not an indictment against anyone, the reason we may not love him is because we don't even understand how to do it. We often relate God to our own earthly parents, especially our fathers. If we had a good relationship with a loving father, it may be easier to relate to and love our Heavenly Father. But if we had  poor relationships with our earthly fathers, we may not understand how to love God. The greatest way we can love him is to obey what he tells us to do. This means that one who is in a growing relationship with him and moving forward in his Christian walk is one who loves God.
    Loving God may result in emotional experiences, but our love for him is not defined by these. It is defined by what we do in response to his commands and will. I often picture my relationship with the Father through things that the Bible tells me about him. I know that he is my Strong Tower. He is my Hiding Place. I find shelter in the shadow of his wings. These are things that I can relate to, and they define for me who God really is. I find that intimate place of fellowship and love with him through these things. What defines your love relationship with God? Think about it and check your own relationship with him.
    Loving people is critical. Jesus taught us that we cannot discriminate against anyone regarding love. All people are worthy of our love and we are to give it to them. This is manifested by helping them, praying for them, discipling them, and reaching out to them. The kingdom is meant not only for us but for them as well. When we pray, "Let your kingdom come," we are praying this not only for ourselves but for others. The power of that prayer is built on our love for God and others. Take the key of love and add it to your spiritual key ring. It will open up whole new areas of the kingdom of heaven.  

Thursday, April 19, 2012

God's Protection

"But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you."
Psalm 5:11

My daily article is late today. But in the course of the day, I was reminded how great the protection of the Lord is. God does cover us and protect us. I am convinced that if we knew all the times God has protected us from emotional and physical harm, we would be amazed at the frequency. He loves us and not one thing we do escapes his notice. In the same way that we watch and care for our children, he cares for us. We need to remind ourselves of his love and protection.
    Today I was helping to unload a full semi truck load of the trailers that I sell. They are stacked on a flatbed trailer pulled by a full sized truck. The trailers are loaded with a crane, but we must unload them with a forklift equipped with long extensions so we can lift one whole trailer at a time. We were attempting to lift the highest trailer on the load. We had to put wood blocks under it to give us enough room to get the forks of the forklift under it. So we lifted the front of the trailer just enough to be able to insert the blocks between that trailer and the one below it. I was standing on a trailer which was loaded on the truck's flatbed trailer. As I was preparing to insert the blocks, the trailer began to slide. It fell of the side of the truck dragging two more trailers with it. All this happened right in front of me as I was hanging on for my life. Each trailer that fell weighed about 1800 lbs. If they would have slid toward me, I would have lost my life. There was nowhere for me to go to escape. But I was protected and no one was injured.
    They say that your life sometimes flashes before your eyes in a moment when danger is imminent. This was one of those times. I am so thankful for the protection of the Lord. We have to thank him for things like this. He cares for us and many times we are completely unaware of his saving hand. When we see it and when we do not, we need to thank God that he cares for us. His protection is a reason to sing for joy. He is indeed a loving, caring God.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Humility is Key

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14

Now that we have established that there is a kingdom of heaven, that we must believe in it, and seek it, let's talk about some more keys. The scripture above speaks directly to the point that humility is key when we want to have God's kingdom come into our lives. What good is a kingdom if you don't get to live in it? What good is it if none of the rights as citizens are given to us? We already have these things, but we don't take the blessing. I believe all humans struggle with the idea of making the spiritual life and the physical life come together. We have our moments of spirituality, but for the most part we are content to live in the world and submit to its limitations. But there is a better way.
    When Jesus pronounced blessings in Matthew 5 (The Beatitudes), the humble are named among them. The word he used there is 'meek,' and he promises that they will inherit the earth. You may wonder what is so great about inheriting the earth when it seems to be dying rapidly. But it is the greatest of gifts because God is going to establish his kingdom again, right here on earth. Yes, right where we live, the kingdom of God will exist in the physical realm. What a blessing to know that as we are humble, God's kingdom will be given to us.
    If we pray with humility, God promises that he will hear and answer. He will bring healing, blessing, and resources. But the key is to pray in humility. Pride is evil and God requires us to turn away from evil. The posture we take when we approach God cannot be one of pride and arrogance. It must be in the attitude of humility. We have nothing that we can offer God within ourselves. He is all powerful, we are not. When  approaching the God of the universe, we must humble ourselves before the King of kings. This one thing will move the heart of God to act in our behalf.
    Let me encourage you to consider the key of humility. It is not something we talk about a lot, but the reward is great. God gives grace to the humble, but resists the proud. So why would we continue to live in pride? Humility is not weakness, it is strength. In fact it is the greatest strength you will ever find. Choose humility. When you pray, ask God from a humble heart that recognizes your weakness. Some may have to work at being humble while others may already have a humble spirit. If you have to work at it, ask God to give you a humble heart. You will see things change. If you want the kingdom of heaven to invade your life, humility is key.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Key of Faith

"What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."
James 2:14-17

I have written about faith many times. I'm sure I have cited this scripture before, but I am feeling the need to share some things concerning keys of the kingdom of God. Over the past several years, I have learned some things about the kingdom. We all have access to the kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit lives in us and is our link to this spiritual kingdom. But there are keys that help us access areas of the kingdom. When we use them, it opens up spiritual doors that we will otherwise, not experience. So keys are important and the key of faith is the first to discuss.
    The Bible tells us that "without faith, it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11:6). I would add to this that without faith, it is impossible to accept and receive the things of God, including his kingdom. Faith is the key to the spiritual. Without it, we will always live within the parameters of the natural. We will attempt to explain spiritual things with human logic. The result of this is confusion that cannot be removed. In order to really receive God's kingdom and it's input into our lives, we must first believe there is a kingdom. Then we must act on that belief by seeking it (Matthew 6:33). This is the beginning of accessing the kingdom.
    All of us have faith at some level. We would not be Christians without it. But faith is a growing experience. I have more faith now than I did at the beginning of my Christian walk. I have more faith, because I have used it often. I have believed for the things of God many times. I have acted on my belief by asking God for them and claiming them. When I receive something, it gives me more faith to believe for something else. This is growing faith and all of us should be experiencing it.
    I encourage you to exercise your faith. Apply that faith to seeking the kingdom of heaven. Believe that the kingdom exists for our blessing, then start asking for it to be opened up and applied to your life. There is blessing, health, freedom, revelation, and more within it. Why would we not seek such an incredible thing? We are to seek the kingdom of heaven just like we seek God. His presence is there and when his presence invades our lives, we will never be the same. Take the key of faith, use it, and see the kingdom of heaven opened.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Engaging the Enemy

"Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes."
Ephesians 6:11

There are many people who need a breakthrough. There are all kinds of difficulties; relationships, finances, business woes, and more. So I have been thinking about Christians lately. The people I am referring to are ones who love God. There seems to be an inordinate number of Christians who are going through difficult circumstances. They long for breakthrough, but somehow it eludes them. I know that there is one who is resistant to breakthrough. He is the enemy of our souls, and his desire is still to kill, steal and destroy. So the key for us is to engage the enemy in battle. The key to breakthrough is overcoming the enemy.
    The enemy loves to put roadblocks in our way. He schemes to create ways to stop us from entering into our hopes and dreams. We may be able to hope and dream for what lies on the other side of our breakthrough, but getting there seems almost impossible because we seem to be blocked. So we must engage the enemy rather than cave into his roadblocks. If we settle for where we are, we will miss the great blessing and fulfillment of our dreams.
    We must know who we are. Once we realize that we have absolute authority over the enemy, he will flee. You see, there is not one Christian who does not have more power than the enemy. He has been stripped of his power. He has been cast down and like the wild animal who is falling into the hunte'rs snare, he is clawing to keep himself from the depths of the abyss. But at exactly the same Christ stripped the enemy of his authority, he gave us all authority. So we have been empowered by Christ himself to defeat the devil exactly like he did when he walked the earth. Only now, the heavenly battle has already been won, accomplished  by the work of the cross and the resurrection. We are victors and Satan knows it.
    Still, we must engage him in battle. If we really want the breakthroughs we are seeking, then we must put the devil in his place underneath our feet (Romans 16:20). Too many times, we view spiritual warfare as an uphill battle. We think it isn't possible to really win, but maybe we can keep the damage to a minimum. This kind of mentality dooms us to failure in our Christian walk. the devil is evil and all of us must confront that evil everyday. So pray. Strip the enemy of any power you have given him in your life. Take back anything you have done to agree with his sorcery. It's simple really. We pray and rebuke the devil. We renounce anything we have done to give him a foothold and we appeal to the court of heaven to cancel any contract we have signed with the enemy. The great truth is this: The heavenly court will always rule in our favor because the blood of Jesus has already cancelled the contract and any debt we owe spiritually. We are free.
    Let's make it our mission to engage the enemy in battle instead of standing back and submitting to his schemes. Let's remove the roadblocks he is putting in our way. It doesn't take long, and the battle belongs to the Lord. Like generals in an army, we give the command and the armies of heaven are released to slay the enemy and his plans. Our breakthroughs are coming, the fulfillment of our dreams is already in progress. Brush the enemy aside and walk into the victory. The choice is simple: Stand back and submit to the fear tactics of the enemy, or walk with the authority we have, into the teeth of battle and gain victory. Which will you choose?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Making the Natural, Supernatural

"The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual."
1 Corinthians 15:46

Not long ago, I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my spirit. I have never heard it put this way, but I knew exactly what he was saying. I have a tendency to be very compartmentalized. I have my spiritual life, I spend time praying. I also have my life at work and there I take care of the business at hand. I have my life with my wife and family and I spend time with them doing the natural things that families do. But God was speaking to me to make the natural things of life supernatural. So I had to find out exactly what that meant.
    One thing I've learned is that I need to involve God in every area of my life. It is not that I leave him out, I just don't think of inserting him into some situations that I think are mine to deal with. But I am ready for a breakthrough in my life and circumstances. If that is going to happen, I have to give myself to God in every area. When at work, I need to be just as alert to the Holy Spirit as when I am alone praying. When with the family, I need to be listening for the direction that may come. I believe God gives me a lot of direction that I miss because I am simply not paying attention. So he is saying to me, "Pay attention." Make the natural things of life supernatural.
    It is important to be available to God all the time. I have found that when I pray and ask God for a specific answer, I don't always get it right then. I can ask over and over again, but nothing comes. Yet when I am least expecting it, he will speak. If I pay attention, I have my answer. If I don't, I miss his direction and continue to be confused about the question. I have been praying about a specific thing lately. One day, I was ironing my shirt, preparing to go to church. I wasn't thinking about God, no spiritual thoughts were flowing at all. In fact, I was thinking about ironing at the time. But I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me. He gave me an answer and direction to the question I had been asking. If I would have allowed the thought to pass without paying attention, I would have missed the answer. But I am learning to pay attention. This time I did, and the answer came.
    We do natural things all the time. We drive to work, mow the lawn, wash the clothes, clean the house, wash dishes, play with the kids or grandkids, watch TV, eat, and the list goes on and on. What if we took every one of these natural activities and made ourselves available for the supernatural? What if we spent that time in communication and fellowship with God? What if we disciplined our minds to hear the voice of God no matter when it comes? This is how we make natural things, supernatural. God can take a menial task and make it a supernatural encounter. He can change our lives, give us life direction, heal someone, or pour out a blessing while we do very normal, natural things. So let's make ourselves available to him all the time. Let's say to God, "I am here at any time. I want to be with you, no matter what I am doing." When we make that commitment and follow through with it, God will meet us and the natural will become supernatural.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pressing In

"As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him.  And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. 
'Who touched me?' Jesus asked".
Luke 8:42b-44

The woman in this story was desperate. She had spent all her money and many years going to doctors. No one and no amount of money could cure her sickness. She was so desperate that there was only one place she could go. She had heard about Jesus. She knew that he had a proven history of healing those who were suffering. So she went to him. Fighting her way through the crowd, she touched him...and was completely healed.
    I think there is a lesson for us to learn from this story. First, we can learn something from the crowds that were following Jesus. The scripture says that Jesus was almost crushed by the crowds. In other translations, it says that the crowd was pressing in around him. It is this idea of pressing in that I believe is a lesson for us. We need to learn to press in to the things of God. I know that I fall short of pressing in. There are many times when I would prefer to think about nothing, do nothing, and relax, rather than spend time with God. But I am learning that I must press in to receive all that God has for me. Every good thing that comes from God is meant to be sought. Jesus promised us that if we will seek, we will find. This means that we must press in with everything we have to find what God has for us. Jesus taught this truth many times. He said the kingdom is like a pearl of great price. Those who want it are willing to give up everything to receive. It is time for us to learn what the crowds knew; press in!
    We can also learn from the woman. Not only did she have to press in to get to Jesus, she also had to fight through the crowd. But the key to her victory was this: She touched him. She would not be satisfied just to press in with the rest of the crowd. She would not be satisfied by just being in the vicinity of Jesus. She knew she had to touch him. If we can have this kind of passion, we will see great things happen. Yes, we need to press in to the things of God, but we must have the passion to not be satisfied until we touch him. It is at this moment that the power of God is released into our lives, just like it was released to the woman.
    Think about it today. How willing are you to press in to God? It may mean that you must give up some other things. How willing are you to press in to the point that you touch him? It may take some effort, and you may have to fight through a crowd, but the reward is eternal. I am not advocating a 'works' mentality. We cannot earn the blessing of God, it is given. But there is a principle that Jesus taught which we cannot deny: To receive all the blessing of heaven and the full release of God's presence in our lives, we must press in to the point that we touch him. When we do, blessings beyond our comprehension are released. It is not a legalistic righteousness that will accomplish this. It is instead a deep seeded desire in our hearts to enter into an intimate relationship with God. Press in, touch him. You will experience great reward.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The God of Comfort

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows."
2 Corinthians 1:3-5

Everyone needs to be comforted sometimes. Let's face it, life can be difficult. There are so many struggles associated with the world in which we live that the effects on us can be overwhelming. How do we take comfort? How can we live with a joyful heart in spite of the struggles we may be facing? There is One who can always comfort us. He is the God of all comfort.
    I have found that while I cannot change the difficult circumstances on my own, there is always a place I can go to receive comfort. I receive a comfort that does not come from any worldly source, it is heavenly. This comfort flows from the kingdom of God into my life and gives me a way to overcome the difficulty even if the physical circumstance does not change. I find this comfort by going to my Father and allowing him to hold me in his arms. There is no greater place of safety and security than this. He lifts my spirit when everything else is dragging me down.
    But I know that it does not end there. The comfort that I receive from God is given to me not only for my well-being, but so that I may help others who are struggling. Christ suffered and died for me. He gave everything so that I may be comforted. So when I receive comfort and blessing from God, it is not only for me, but for others. I am to take this comfort and give it to others in tangible ways. It may be through a phone call, or a visit, or a thoughtful gift, or a note of encouragement. Whatever form it takes, is less important than the act of extending God's comfort to others.
    We all should learn to comfort others as we are comforted by God. A hug or a handshake may be just what someone needs to receive their comfort. As we pray for God to comfort ourselves, let's pray that he will comfort others as well. It is easy to get caught up in our own difficulties and spend all our time asking God to help and comfort us. But there are many who are suffering in greater ways than we are. We have the honor of knowing the God of all comfort. It is for his glory that we extend this supernatural comfort to those around us. If we touch some who have yet to come to know him, they will sense the supernatural influence of God. It may be the turning point in their lives. Today, receive the comfort of God and give it to someone else.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

As Unto the Lord

"While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table. When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. 'Why this waste?' they asked. 'This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.' Aware of this, Jesus said to them, 'Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me. When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial. I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.'"
Matthew 26:6-13 

There are many poor people in the world. There are also many people who are helping them. Many fine organizations have the mission of helping the poor. It is a wonderful thing to help, but I wonder what the motivation is for doing so. Jesus was a defender of the poor while he was on the earth. He loved them and helped them in the same ways he helped all he encountered. Yet on this one occasion he rebuked the disciples for complaining that the perfume could have been sold for a large sum and the money given to the poor. The lesson to be learned was about the condition of their hearts, not the act of giving. 
    The disciples felt that the anointing was a waste of money. But the heart of the woman told a different story. Her act of giving was born out of her love for Jesus. At that moment, the poor were not her concern. Her love for him was the overriding issue. Jesus was not telling us that we should not give to the poor. He modeled that for us and taught us that these acts of kindness are noticed and rewarded by God. But the woman wanted to give all she had to Jesus, in spite of the frowns of the disciples. 
    I think that giving to the poor is vitally important. But it must be done from the motivation of loving Jesus. Everything we do, everything we say, every act of kindness is done as unto the Lord. Later in Matthew 25, Jesus tells of the day when he will judge the nations. Those who helped the poor, visited the prisoners, ministered to the sick, and gave cups of water will be rewarded. Those who do not, will be punished with everlasting fire. The key is this: Jesus said that these things should be done in his name. So our motivation for helping others must come from our love for Jesus. Any other reason has no eternal value. Whatever we do for others should be done as if we are doing it for Jesus himself. 
    It is worth examining our motives. Do we do good things and get involved in ministries because we feel obligated, or do we do these things because we love Jesus and want to be his disciples? We should give serious thought to our lives. If we do these things in the name of humanity or even in the name of the church, we are accomplishing nothing. The woman gave liberally to Jesus. In turn, Jesus helped many people through his ministry. There are those who are called to touch the poor. They should do it out of the passion they have for God. Some are called to minister to the sick. They should do so out their love for Christ. Let's be generous, but let's give as if we are giving directly to Jesus. The eternal value is incredible. There is no selfishness in this kind of gift. We are Jesus in the world, we should minister to those in unto the Lord.

Monday, April 9, 2012

After the Resurrection

"Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'"
Matthew 28:18-20

Easter is over. The day appointed to celebrate the resurrection of Christ is now behind us. As Christians, we must celebrate the resurrected Christ all the time, not only on the one day. But why is it so important that Christ was raised from the dead? We know that there is only one living God. Jesus was not just another religious prophet. He was the one true God's only Son. The fact that he now lives sets Christianity apart from any other religion on earth. There was great victory accomplished through the resurrection and Jesus instructed us about what was to happen next.
    First, Jesus said that all authority on heaven and earth had been given to him. I believe this happened because of the cross experience and the ensuing resurrection. Please understand that Jesus has existed as long as God has, for he is part of the Godhead. But he became touchable. God actually descended to earth and lived among us. After the resurrection, there was no doubt about who had all authority. Satan had been defeated. Any heavenly power he thought he had was removed. Death was defeated and its hold over mankind removed. A promise of future life was given to us, and a way to attain it was made possible. All of this was made possible by the reality that Jesus was given all authority. What was true the day after his resurrection, is still true today. Jesus still has all authority in heaven and earth. 
    The resurrection of Christ validated everything he had said. Therefore, every teaching, every word, every instruction, every command was declared to be true. So he instructed us to obey all those things. He summarized by giving us the great command to go into the entire world and make disciples of all nations. In other words, we are to continue the work that he began while he was on the earth. So the resurrection empowers us to participate in the ministry of Christ. What he did and said, we must now do and say. The words we say and actions we take, are not powerless or empty. They are supported by the truth that Jesus lives and has called us to complete what he began.
    Finally, we are comforted with his words, "And surely I am with you always, even to the very end of the age."  This is only possible by the victory of the resurrection. Through his resurrection and subsequent ascension into heaven, he sent the Holy Spirit to be with us and in us until the days in which we live come to an end. Then he will physically take his place with us. The victory Jesus won in the three days of the cross reverberates throughout the heavens still. We take solace in the fact that he is with us now as surely as he was with the disciples when he walked the earth. 
    After the resurrection, the work still continues. You and I have been commissioned to work for the cause of Christ. We do not work as slaves, for slaves have no reward. We work as sons and daughters of God, because we have been given the place of sonship with God. We work, because we love others as he has loved us. We work because of the incredible things he has done for us. Others must know the love and authority of Christ. The resurrection was the ultimate victory and we are recipients of the blessing. How can we not share the blessing with the world? Think about it. This is our ministry after the resurrection. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Removing All Doubt

"When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, 'Surely he was the Son of God!'"
Matthew 27:54

I struggled with the content for today's post. It is Good Friday, the day we remember Jesus' death on the cross. So it seems I should talk about the cross, his death, and the great act of kindness shown to the world. But in itself, Good Friday is incomplete. The great victory of the cross was won when Jesus rose from the dead. Without his resurrection, it would have simply been another death, notable because of his life and teaching. So, I choose to think of Good Friday and Easter as one wonderful event; one where sorrow is deep, but the later joy, indescribable.
    Easter is a time when we remember all that Christ did for us. But it seems that it is much more than that. For those who actually were there, those who experienced the crucifixion, it was a resounding "amen" to all he had already done and said. Even those who did not believe he was the Son of God, realized in that moment that he truly was. Those who tortured and persecuted him, had to submit their anger and cynicism. For those who were there, every knee did bow before the Son of God.
    The work that Jesus accomplished on the cross left no doubt that he truly was God in the flesh. They mocked him, saying that if he was the Son of God, he could surely call on angels to come and rescue him...and he could have. But the way to victory ran squarely through the cross. Jesus knew it, and even though he cried out for the Father to spare him this agony, he knew he must go through it. So what appeared to be a weakness in the eyes of the cynics, was the greatest strength that has ever been displayed on earth. Yes, there was a great earthquake when he died, but this alone did not persuade the unbelievers. They were persuaded because of the humility and character of Jesus. He was indeed fully God, yet fully man.
    Of all the gods who have ever lived, all the prophets who claimed to know the way to God; Only one truly was and is the Way. All others died, only One still lives. There may be many religions in the world, but only one believes in the One who can save. We are convinced that there is no way to the Father except through Jesus Christ. Those who witnessed his death were convinced as well. The Easter celebration is not just a time in which we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus, it is a time when the world is reminded that there is no doubt remaining. Jesus is the Son of God. He suffered and died, winning a victory so complete, it defies our understanding. His act of unparalleled love provided the way by which all men may be saved. We know it, and the rest of the world, like the soldiers at the cross, must exclaim: Surely he is the Son of God!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

God Will Come

"Strengthen the feeble hands,
   steady the knees that give way;  

say to those with fearful hearts,
   “Be strong, do not fear;
your God will come,
   he will come with vengeance;
with divine retribution
   he will come to save you."

Isaiah 35:3&4

When life is difficult, we sometimes lose strength. There are good times and tough times, and within both, there are challenges that cause us to lose our strength. Isn't it ironic that when times are good; when finances are going well, relationships are good, and health is perfect, we may struggle more in our spiritual lives. But when times seem bad; when we are poor, struggling with health issues, and under tremendous stress, God brings extreme growth? We long for the good times, but we judge those by our physical circumstances, not our spiritual life. God is concerned about both. He wants to see us grow spiritually, but he also wants us to prosper physically.
    Whether you are doing well in your physical life or not. Whether you are growing spiritually or seem flat. Whether it seems like God is speaking daily or not, I want to bring you a word of encouragement. If you are weakened in spirit, soul, or body. If you feel weak in every area of your life, God wants to bring strength to you. He wants to give you everything you need to get you through the situation you face. There is a new day dawning. It is one in which the presence of the Lord is so real you can see and hear him, touch and experience him. He will give you strength to get through the tough times of life, and he wants you to know that he is coming to save you. He is coming to deliver you and lead you into the new landscape of your life.
    God said this many times in his Word: "Do not fear." This is key. If you are struggling with fear, you must overcome it. The tool of the enemy is fear. He wants to keep you living in such fear that you are afraid to move, afraid to get closer to God. Don't give in! the key to overcoming fear is to be strong in the Lord. Remember, "Perfect love casts out fear" and God's love for you is absolutely perfect. Therefore, there is no fear when we are living within the love of God. This one thing will deliver you from fear and give you courage to move ahead, into the life that God has in store.
    God is coming to save you. He is coming with a vengeance. As much as you long to move out of the difficulties you face and into the new life God has for you, he wants it even more. His plan for you has always been to give you great things. He wants to carry you through the tough times, and release you into the blessing he has prepared. Thank God for the strength he gives, but look forward with anticipation to the day of your deliverance. God is coming to save you. I know it is true. No matter how hopeless it may look now, he has overcome the world. I tell you this with all assurance: God will come! Look forward to it with hope. You will be set free to experience even greater life in Jesus.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

God Hears

"Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD, 'Remember, O LORD, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.' And Hezekiah wept bitterly.
 ‘This is what the LORD, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears.'"
Isaiah 38:2,3,5

God had performed a tremendous miracle. Hezekiah had spread out the threatening letter from the Assyrian king before God and prayed. God answered and Jerusalem was delivered without one person lifting a sword. God won the victory. But after this happened, Hezekiah face another battle; one that was life or death.  He had become very ill. In fact, it looked as if he would die. It is at this point that our scripture took place. Hezekiah prayed again. He reminded God of the life he had lived before him. He professed his devotion to God, and he wept...bitterly.
    Prayer is an amazing thing. Hezekiah understood the power of meeting with God. He had seen God do great things. He had received answers. He knew who his source of strength was and where true help was found. This was a time when no person could help. No nation could come to his aid, no earthly king could be his ally. Only God, who has the power of life and death, could help. So Hezekiah prayed.
    I think we need to understand the power of prayer. I think we also need to understand that there are no rules, no formulas, no methods, that make one prayer better or more effective than another. The reason Hezekiah's prayers were answered was because of his heart. He went to God with passion. He didn't have a formula or preconceived ideas about what he would say, or how he might manipulate God to move. He simply cried out to God from a heart that was hurting. He had great needs and he presented them to God. Everyone, including Hezekiah, thought that he would die. There was no earthly way that a person could live through the affliction. But God, in his mercy, gave clear direction and Hezekiah lived.
    I find freedom in this story. I sometimes wrestle with notions that I must pray correctly for God to hear me and answer. But I learn through this story, that God is interested in my heart, not my eloquent or correctly ordered words. He loves me and he feels the pain that I feel. Let's be released from the old ideas that we must pray perfectly for God to hear and answer. If we go to God with hearts that long for his touch, he will answer. We cannot manipulate God and we can't appeal to him on the basis of our own righteousness. We are not perfect and he knows it. We come to him because we have been given access through the blood of Jesus, shed for us. If we come with shouts or tears, it does not matter. What does matter is our heart for God and our cry of desperation. When we are honest with God, when we lay our lives at his feet, he hears.  And he answers our every prayer.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Everlasting Joy

"But only the redeemed will walk there,
  and the ransomed of the LORD will return.
They will enter Zion with singing;
   everlasting joy will crown their heads.
Gladness and joy will overtake them,
   and sorrow and sighing will flee away."

Isaiah 35:9b&10

I love the book of Isaiah. There is so much encouragement and insight found there that it is difficult to not write about it. The book is so insightful that it could be considered the fifth Gospel. God clearly showed the prophet many things not only for his own time, but for generations to come. Although many of the things Isaiah wrote applied to his own people and times, those prophecies are alive and speaking to us today. This is one of those.
    With all the difficulties that have been thrown at me in the past few years, I have lost a certain amount of joy. It is so easy to get caught up in the circumstance and forget that I have the ultimate joy in my life. I have eternal life, a personal relationship with the God of the universe, a dear wife whom I love with all my heart, a family that truly is my joy, and friends that refresh my spirit when I am with them. These things are blessings from God and will endure. All the other things in life may bring me temporary happiness, but true joy is only found in these eternal things. All things that God gives me, bring joy to my life. It is true that "weeping may remain for a night, but joy comes in the morning!" 
    There will come a day when the ransomed of the Lord will enter Zion with singing. Joy will be the hallmark of the celebration. Although there have been hard times in our lives, they will give way to days of rejoicing, days of singing, days of praising the Lord of Hosts. Of this I am sure: The redeemed of the Lord will not be forsaken. We will not be left to wallow in the struggles of the present. The future is glorious. The plans of God are sure and we will enter fully into them. The days of downcast spirits are nearly over and the days of uplifted heads will soon be here. The glory of the Lord will fall on the faces of the redeemed and we will reflect the brilliance of the Son. This is our hope, this is our desire, this is the promise of God.
    Sorrow and sighing will flee from us. Although we may be feeling this way now, there is a breakthrough coming. The barrier that seems to stand between the days of sorrow and the days of joy will be broken down. We will soon be on the other side and the old days of sorrow will pass away.. The joy we will receive will not be temporary, it will not last for only a moment in time. We will be filled with an everlasting joy that prepares us for the coming of the kingdom of heaven. Then, eternal joy will finally be ours. These are the promises of God. He is the One who loves us with an everlasting love, and cares for us with a relentless passion. This is our God. These are his promises. This is our hope. Everlasting joy is coming. Get ready for the experience.  

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Fruit of Righteousness

"The fruit of righteousness will be peace;
   the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever."

Isaiah 32:17

The Bible speaks of righteousness from beginning to end. In the purest sense of the word, it means to have right-standing with someone. As Christians, we understand that we have right-standing with God because of what Jesus did for us. He died and rose again to cover our sin and remove the chasm that separated us from God. Isaiah spoke of righteousness often. He prophesied regarding the coming of Christ many times. In his own understanding, he had no idea the eternal impact his words would have or the great victory he was speaking of. But I think it is important that we understand what righteousness does for us. Jesus literally took our sin in exchange for his righteousness. He has perfect standing with God the Father and now it is ours. So what is the fruit of having this kind of relationship with God?
    Righteousness produces peace. When we are in right-standing with God, there is a perfect peace that is only available through that relationship. Righteousness is a word that has become so common in Christian circles that I think we forget the importance of it. When Isaiah wrote these prophetic words, he could only imagine what true righteousness was. Before Jesus imparted it to all of us, there was no real righteousness in the world except through performance. If a person made all the right sacrifices, obeyed all the rules, and treated others well, he might be considered righteous. But few could live up to the rigors involved. Righteousness is now a free gift offered through Jesus Christ. And when we have it, we have peace. In a world filled with turmoil and war, peace is seldom really found. But in Christ we have it and peace carries us through difficulties.
    It seems that people who are genuinely righteous, don't have to make a lot of noise about it. They don't have to announce their righteousness, they live it instead. As Isaiah said, there is a quietness and confidence that comes along with righteousness. There is a misconception that those who are righteous are better people. They may be seen as more holy than others. Although holiness is important and we are all working toward it, righteousness is a free gift that all of us can have. No one is better than anyone else because it is the righteousness of Christ, not our own. All we have to do is receive the forgiveness of sin that Christ has offered and then continue to confess our sin before him, asking for him to keep us pure before him. When we do this, we have righteousness that the Old Testament folks could only dream about.
    I don't know about you, but I desire to have the peace that can only be mine through the righteousness of Christ. I want to have that quiet confidence in God. I want to be fully assured that God is taking care of me, fighting for me, rescuing me, and delivering me from my struggles. True righteousness is manifested through quietness and confidence. One who possesses these things does not have to advertise it. It is seen by others through their lives. Join me in understanding that we have the righteousness of Christ. That righteousness will overcome turmoil and fear. In their place, a quiet and confident spirit will blossom. Meditate on the righteousness that is already yours. Gain victory over the doubts you have and realize that you have full access to our Father. He wants you to approach him. He is happy when he sees you coming. All of this is true because you are in right-standing with him. You are his own flesh and blood. Be confident and experience the fruit of righteousness.