Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Be Magnified!

I have made You too small in my eyes
O Lord, forgive me;
I have believed in a lie
That You were unable to help me.
But now, O Lord, I see my wrong
Heal my heart and show Yourself strong;
And in my eyes and with my song
O Lord, be magnified
O Lord, be magnified.

"Be Magnified"
Words and music by Don Moen

I sometimes sing this song as I lead people in worship. But I have found that the lyrics are actually the cry of my own heart. It is much more than just leading others in the words and music, it is a passionate confession that flows from deep within me. There are too many times when I have believed the lie that God cannot or will not help me in my times of need. Singing this song encourages me to receive the truth and reject the lies that have kept me from fully entering into the glorious freedom that God has for me.
    It is not that God needs to be magnified. He is already the Supreme King of everything. But he needs to be magnified in my own heart. The simple truth is that I need to allow God to become much bigger in my life. As surely as a microscope causes the smallest of creatures to be easily seen by the eye of the student, my eyes need to be fully opened to the glorious magnificence and presence of God Almighty.
    So I say, "O Lord, forgive me!" It is absolutely true that I have made him much too small in my life. You see, he is not just a part of my life, he IS my life. Without his live, grace, and mercy, I would surely be doomed to hell. Without his precious Holy Spirit within me, I would be the most depraved and wicked of sinners. Yet he has blessed me. He has shown himself strong in my life. He has been faithful when I have been unfaithful. He has continued to reveal the truth even though I have trusted and believed in lies.  So I cry out, "God, be magnified in my life!"
    Surely there is healing in the arms of God. For those of us who have made him too small, his forgiveness is big enough. For those who have believed lies, his truth will set us free. When we run out of words to tell him just how great he is, the only thing left to do is declare: "Be magnified o God!" It is for our benefit that he is magnified. It is for our good that we praise him. God's desire is to be the only thing that really matters in our lives. When we give him that place, he is truly our Lord. This is all he asks in return for the great redemption, forgiveness, grace and blessing he has given us. And so we say, "BE MAGNIFIED, O LORD!"

Monday, October 29, 2012

Praise from God

"No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man’s praise is not from men, but from God."
Romans 2:29 

Apparently a person who has a circumcised heart receives praise from God. It is an interesting analogy that Paul the apostle gives us. He was writing to Jews, people who had followed the written law for thousands of years. What developed over that time was a religion that was more concerned about external appearances than the hearts of people. So they wore the right robes, celebrated the right holidays, attended the temple services, and provided the right animal sacrifices according to the law. Now they were being told that none of this was good enough to satisfy God. They would never attain righteousness in this way. The only way was to except the work of Jesus on the cross, validated by his resurrection. 
    It is still true today. We may do all the right things externally. We may dress well, look good, and generally be nice and respected people. But none of this is what pleases the heart of God. We may gather accolades from men, but this is not what pleases God. We all know that God looks on the heart, not the external appearance of a person, nor the deeds that he or she does. God is interested in our hearts. 
    Spiritual circumcision is the act of cutting away flesh and sin from our lives. These things are deeply engrained. The only way to accomplish it is by the work of the Holy Spirit. The scripture above tells us that this spiritual circumcision is done by the Spirit, not by the written code. You and I cannot make ourselves clean on the inside, only God can. I bring this up because many Christians, including myself, have tried to do this for their entire lives. The reality is; we must submit to God and the work of the Holy Spirit whose ministry is to expose the sin and flesh in our hearts. When we agree with him and allow him to do his work, we will find that the process of spiritual circumcision is being completed in us. It is such a freedom to realize that we don't have to do it ourselves. All we have to do is partner with, and follow the Holy Spirit as he does the work. 
    Everyone loves to receive praise. We love to hear others tell us that we did a good job, or that we look nice. But such praise is temporary. It may make us feel good about ourselves, but it has no eternal value. But when we allow the Holy Spirit to circumcise our hearts and lives, we receive praise from God, not from men. In fact, men may never see the deep work that is being done in our lives. But God will, and he will bless us and praise us because his kingdom is being built within us. Be free from the burden of trying to circumcise your own heart. It will only cause a life of despair. Allow the Holy Spirit to cut away the sin and flesh from your heart and receive your praise from God!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Love Never Fails

"Love never fails." 
1 Corinthians 13:8a

Every once in awhile, we need to get back to the basics. We spoend so much time living, studying, and perfecting the Christian life that the foundations often get covered up by the new things we are learning. But one thing remains, as the scripture says, and that one thing is love. The Bible is clear that love is the foundation of everything. It is the basis of our relationship with God, it is the pathway to our salvation, and it is the vehicle that makes all things possible.
    We can never forget that God is love. He is more than just a loving God, he IS love. You cannot separate God and his love, they are one in the same. Since this is true, you and I have experienced the greatest expression of love, the cross of Christ, that has ever been given. We are experiencing that same love every day because we have a continuing, growing relationship with God. That relationship will never fail. It will sustain us through all the trials of life.
    Because we have God within us in the person of the Holy Spirit, love is being actively manifested in our lives every moment of the day. To illustrate this, I would challenge you to read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Whenever you see the word 'love,' insert 'The Holy Spirit.' Since God is love, we can take the liberty to do this and it gives us a new perspective on the fact that the love of God lives in us through the Holy Spirit. The foundation of love is always with us even though we may lose focus and dwell on other things. All other things we deem important; spiritual gifts, church, fellowship, Bible reading, prayer, etc. all flow through love. If we put them ahead of love, we have missed the point. The foundation of all these other things is the cornerstone of love in Christ Jesus.
    Let's take some time to center our lives again on love. When we begin to understand the love of God and accept it as our living foundation, we will have to change our perspective. When love invades our life, we can't help but give it to others. Matthew 12:34 says, "Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." If love is in our hearts, it will come out of our mouths. If hatefulness is in our hearts, it will come out instead. So let's choose the way of love, yielding to the Holy Spirit. Because love will never fail!

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Truth about Sin

"In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires."
Romans 6:11&12 

It is no secret that all people, even Christians, struggle with sin. The apostle Paul told us in Romans 7 that he struggled with doing the right things. I think there is a solution that requires us to declare that we are free from sin. Over the years, there have been many methods suggested to deal with the problem. Even though we have been forgiven of all our sin; past, present and future, God desires that we live a holy life, following the example of Jesus. So what is the answer? How do we deal with the problem of sin? 
    Often, we fall into the trap of what I call, sin management. We set resolutions, trying to defeat a particular sin within our own strength. While this may work for a time, we almost always end up back in the same habit as before. We also find ourselves confessing the same sin day after day, wanting the assurance that we are forgiven. This is our way of making ourselves feel better for the sin that we cannot defeat. But God has forgiven us already. We are completely forgiven. The love and blood of Christ has covered all our sin. When we bring up a sin before him, he does not know what we are talking about, for the Word tells us that he forgets our sins and remembers them no more. Sin management does not work. We always find ourselves on the proverbial hamster wheel, always coming back around to the same place of sin. 
    The true way to defeat sin is found in the scripture above. Like everything in our Christian lives, we must make a decision to defeat sin. We must change our minds about it. When we are caught in an addictive sin, this is difficult to do. The real answer, the truth about defeating sin is this: We must reckon (or count) ourselves dead to sin. Since we are alive in Christ, we are now dead to sin. Let me illustrate this. If you went and got a dead man, took him to the warm, sunny beach, propped him up on a bench and paraded scantily clad women in front of him, would he respond or react in any way? Of course not, because he is dead! If you showed a dead person all the riches of the world, they would not respond at all because they are dead. They are dead to the world and therefore to sin. This is the truth about sin. We are dead to it. It no longer masters us, it should no longer appeal to us. But we must RECKON ourselves dead to sin. This means we must first believe it, then speak it, and then live it!
    This is a revelation to me. Instead of repenting every day for the same old sin, I can choose to count myself dead to sin before it happens. The more I declare it, the more I believe it. The more I believe it, the more I am victorious over sin. Sin will no longer reign in me. My desire for it is waning because I am dead to sin and alive to Christ. It is really a matter of you and I understanding the totality of our positions in Christ. Because we are in him, we are dead to the sin, we are dead to the world, and we are alive to God through Christ. Try it with me. Today, declare that you are dead to sin. Do it every day. In fact, do it several times a day. When tempted, let's say, "I am dead to sin, and alive in Christ Jesus." I believe the results will be life-changing. This is the truth about sin, and we can defeat it!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Believing Lies

"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
John 8:44

Jesus spoke these words to the Pharisees. They refused to believe in him and so he told them they belonged to the devil. I don't want to focus on that part today. I am writing as a believer in Christ to other believers. The truth we need to understand today is; the devil is a liar. He is the father of lies and there is absolutely no truth in him. As the scripture points out, lies are his native language for he cannot speak the truth any more than God can speak a lie. I bring this up today because I believe that we sometimes believe the lies of the devil. If we do, we have allowed him to compromise our spiritual well-being.
    What lies are you believing? Satan may tell you that you aren't good enough to be God's child. He may condemn you for the way you look; too big, too small, too tall, too short. He may level accusations, telling you that since you cannot overcome sin, you will never reach heaven. There are literally countless lies that the enemy speaks to us every day. It seems that many of the reasons we are depressed, sick, or angry are because we have believed these lies. The way to combat lies is to believe and speak the truth of God.
    When Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil, he responded to his temptations by speaking the Word of God. The devil also quoted the word, but he weaved it into his own lies. The way that you and I can combat the lies of the enemy is to speak the truth into the situation. We find the words of truth in the Bible and through the voice of the Holy Spirit who lives within us. We should take an inventory of the things we believe and present them to God. He is faithful to show us the truth and expose lies. You see when the light of God is shown on a lie, it cannot remain hidden, it will be exposed and we will know the truth. This is the promise of God.
    When we refuse to believe the lies of the devil, we will change. Depression and anger will disappear. Joy will overtake us as we live within the truth of God.and his Word. Lies are exposed by the truth, so the more we pour the Word of God into our minds, the more light is shed on the lies. I know it sounds simple, but the way to expose lies is to read the Bible and then ask God to expose them. Some of the lies have been with us for so long that we don't even recognize them anymore. These kinds of lies need to be exposed by the Holy Spirit as we present ourselves to him. So take inventory. What lies have become a part of your life? Let God expose them and then experience the joy and freedom that comes by living in the truth. Remember Jesus said that we will know the truth and it will set us free. So shall it be with you. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Do You Love Me?

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?”
“Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”
   Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me?”
He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”
   The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”
 Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.
John 21:15-17 

Peter had made a huge mistake. After being warned that he would deny that he knew Jesus, and after he had said that he never would, he did. He felt the shame of his sin and had gone back to do what he knew best, fishing. But after Jesus had risen from the dead, he came and confronted Peter. The verbal exchange was heart-wrenching, not only for Peter, but for all of us who read the story.
    Have you ever felt that you have done something so bad, so sinful, so evil, that it is impossible for God to forgive you? Have you felt separated from God so much that you couldn't even pray? Did the thought of coming before your King seem impossible because of your shame? Then consider yourself in good company because this is exactly how Peter felt. He wanted with all his heart to see Jesus again, but he felt completely unworthy because he had denied him. 
    It seems to me that when Jesus confronted Peter, he wanted little more than to hear him say, "Yes Lord, I love you." Of course, Peter repented and turned away from his sin, and so should we, but ultimately the blood of Jesus shed at the cross forgives and covers our sin. It is a lie of the enemy that tells us we are unworthy to go to Jesus. It is a mistake to believe that Jesus will not receive us because of our sin. He has already forgiven every sin that we will ever commit. It is time to stop believing the lie and believe the truth of God's Word. We are already forgiven, already reconciled, already redeemed. 
    While you should never use the grace of Jesus as a license to sin, you must understand that you are completely forgiven. If you are struggling today with something that you have done, or even a sin that you continue to participate in, you must be set free from the guilt and shame. No, you cannot continue in the sin, because this dishonors the great price that has been paid for you. But you are forgiven and it is never too late to come before Jesus and have the same kind of conversation Peter did. When it's over, you will be satisfied because you have met with Jesus. And he will be satisfied because he heard you say, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you." Remember that this is true: "Love covers over a multitude of sins." You are loved so greatly that nothing you do can sever it. When we love him back, there is a cord that cannot be broken. It is the bond of love that sets you free. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Shaking Foundations

"About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose."
Acts 16:25&26 

Paul and Silas found themselves in prison, heavily guarded. This happened because they were fearlessly declaring the name of Jesus. Paul had cast a demon from a young girl who was a fortune teller. She was a slave and when her owner heard about it, he had Paul and Silas brought before the city officials who then put them in prison. So we pick up the story at midnight while they are singing and praying. You probably know the story. They were miraculously delivered from the prison. But one phrase in the scripture caught my attention. It is this one thing that I would like to discuss..
    "Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the FOUNDATIONS OF THE PRISON were shaken." (Emphasis mine). Many times we find ourselves in some kind of prison. You may be in the prison of addiction, or financial struggle, or an abusive relationship. Our own minds can be a formidable prison. Whatever prison we find ourselves in, it seems that the miraculous way out is to allow God to shake the foundations. 
    God wants to get to the root of the prison. He wants to heal and deliver us so completely that we walk out and never return. It can truly happen if we allow him to shake the foundation. What took place that led to the prison? What foothold have we given the enemy to allow him to put us there? These are the things that make up the foundation of the prison. It is not enough to try to escape from prison, we need God to rock the foundation so that we can miraculously walk out. The supernatural key to the prison doors is prayer and worship. Notice that Paul and Silas were praying and worshiping when their deliverance happened. We usually spend so much time and energy focusing on the prison we are in that there is little time and effort put into praying, worshiping and honoring God. So it is a change of mind and a change of habit that is required on our part to allow God to set us free. 
    It is not within your own strength to escape the prison. It is God who is the deliverer. You must put the crisis, trial, or circumstance in his hands. You need to adjust your thinking so that you are open to allow God to do the work. Foundation shaking can be a scary experience. It may shake you like an earthquake. It may seem that everything in your life is falling apart. But if it is God who is doing the shaking, your deliverance is surely at hand. Identify the prison, give God access by giving it over to him, praise him every day, and pray. You may have your own idea about how to escape, but true deliverance is accomplished by allowing God to shake the foundations.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Gates of Righteousness

"Open for me the gates of righteousness;
I will enter and give thanks to the Lord.
 This is the gate of the Lord
    through which the righteous may enter.

 I will give you thanks, for you answered me;
    you have become my salvation."

Psalm 118:19-21

All who have received free salvation through Jesus Christ have walked through the gates of righteousness. Within those gates is the presence of God himself. Though we were once barred from entering, the way has now been made. We have right-standing with God and have been invited into his presence to experience him in a personal, intimate, and unique way. Since we have such a great privilege, what is our responsibility? 
    If there is an open gate and we find ourselves at the threshold, we must walk through. To me this means that we must take full advantage of the offer. If God has allowed us, in fact, invited us into his presence, we ought to do it regularly. If we asked people if they would like to see God, talk with him, and ask anything they would like, most people would say yes. You and I have this opportunity all the time. There is nothing separating us from the throne room of God except our own will. If we are not in his presence, it is because we have chosen to stay away. How can we ignore such a great privilege? The gates are wide open and all we need to do is walk through them into the presence of God. 
    What would you do if you were physically standing in front of the King of kings? Probably, you would fall down before him in awe and reverence. You may be speechless, awestruck by his majesty. You would be like a wide-eyed child seeing new things for the very first time. But most of all, you would be thankful for being allowed such a joyful experience. The Psalmist tells us that when we walk through the gates of righteousness into the presence of the Lord, we must be thankful. There are too many times when I forget to thank God for the great things he has done in my life. The greatest of these is the salvation and relationship with him that he has given me. I didn't have to earn the right to stand before him, he gave it to me. My only response must be to praise him and give him thanks. 
    Remember the gates of righteousness. Remember that you are invited into the presence of God. Go there and dwell with him. Literally choose to live in his presence. And while you are there, let thanksgiving be the cry of your heart and lips. He is worthy because he has given us access. He has removed the chasm that once separated us. It is much more than just the fact that he has allowed us to come into his presence, it is that he wants us to come. Would we turn down an invitation from God himself? It is time for us to walk through the gates of righteousness, enter his presence, and thank him with everything we have. He alone is worthy! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Power of the Cross

"Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God,
    and the authority of his Christ."

Revelation 12:10a 

I've been thinking about the cross of Christ recently. There was so much accomplished there that we aren't even aware of. In fact, I'm sure we will never know the full victory of the cross until we are with Jesus. On that day when our minds are fully enlightened with the revelation of God's complete redemption, we will know, even as we are fully known by God. The victory of the cross is more than just the death of Jesus, it is the resurrection and ascension that completed the work. The full power of the cross took more than just the one day in which he died. Much was accomplished during the three days that he was physically dead, and even more when he ascended to take his rightful place at the right hand of the Father. 
    Of course we know that we have received salvation through the cross. It is an eternal salvation that has allowed us to pass from death to life just as Jesus did. Central to Christianity is the fact that we have been saved through Christ's work on the cross. We should never lose this focus. But there is much more that was accomplished on the cross. 
    The power of God was established that day. It seems like an odd statement, since God has always had full power. After all, he did create the universe and guide humanity for thousands of years before the time of the cross. But what was established at the cross was this: The power of God was fully made known to men. It came in a different way than we expected. Man thought that God would do something supernaturally spectacular. They expected an amazing sign from God. he did do something spectacular and loving, but it did not come with hail, fire, and brimstone. It was a history changing event. All mankind was given permission to be reconciled to God. So his power was fully revealed to mankind through the cross. 
    The kingdom of God was also made known to men. The kingdom was embodied in Jesus while he was here on earth and then was deposited in us in the person of the Holy Spirit. You see, God had established a kingdom on earth in the beginning, but sin destroyed it. The cross of Christ established it again in our hearts and gave us a new and glorious hope that it will be established on the earth again. In fact, he commissioned us to pray that his kingdom would be established here as it is already established in heaven. What a great blessing that God gave us through the work of the cross! His kingdom was placed within us all.
    The authority of Christ was established in the eyes of all people. When he ascended to take his place in heaven, he was given all authority on heaven and earth. Every other authority bows before him and all things are under his feet. The victory of the cross was complete. The enemy was hurled down, mankind was saved and the war between heaven and hell was won. Let us rejoice in the power and victory of the cross today. We have been forever changed, history has been forever changed, and our destiny has been firmly set. We are his, bought with the price of his shed blood. There was nothing before, and nothing since, that can compare with the power of the cross! And that power is alive and working in us.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Earnest Prayer

"So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him."
Acts 12:5 

The story of Peter's escape from prison is one of my favorites. Having been put in prison for preaching about Jesus, he was bound in chains between two guards. There were guards at the doors as well. The situation looked bleak as Herod attempted to squash the growing early church. But there was something that Herod had not counted on...The church was praying.
    It is a passion of mine to not only pray, but to teach the church to do so. I believe the power of prayer is beyond any earthly power. It is responsible for bringing the will of God to the earth and establishing his kingdom here. So we have a great responsibility. I wonder what would have happened to Peter if the church had not been praying? But he was delivered miraculously from prison because of the prayers of the saints. The same power that brought his deliverance is available to us today. It is the power of prayer. 
    Maybe the key word in the scripture above is, "earnestly." The church was not casually praying. They weren't just launching an occasional prayer toward heaven. They were engaged in prayer. I believe they were together when they were praying, because when Peter was delivered, he found several together in one house. There is an amazing power that takes place when a group of people gather to pray. When there is a specific need, the will of God is released into that situation and answers come. It takes a level of pressing in to the throne room of God. It requires a commitment to not stop until something happens. This is the kind of prayer that accomplishes great things. 
    If we will make a new commitment to pray and press in, we will see the same kinds of miracles that the early church saw. God has not changed his mind about us. He has not stripped us of the power and authority he gave us. It is the same today as it was then. The difference is; we don't always exercise that power and authority in prayer. We are called to be people of prayer. It is good for us to pray unceasingly, and it is powerful for us to gather together for the purpose of prayer. Perhaps it's time to go back to the days of prayer meetings. I wonder what it would be like if we gathered to pray for a specific purpose and didn't give up until the answer came. When people see the answer, they would have to say: "The church was earnestly praying."

Monday, October 1, 2012

Oh Happy Day!

Oh happy day (Oh happy day)
Oh happy day (Oh happy day)
When Jesus washed (When Jesus washed)
Oh when He washed (When Jesus washed)
Mmm, when He washed (Mmm, when He washed)
All my sins away (Oh happy day)

He taught me how to watch

Watch and pray
Watch and pray (Watch and pray)
And live rejoicing every day
Every day (Every day)

'Oh Happy Day' Lyrics by Edwin Hawkins

I happened to think about this song recently. It is one of those songs that causes one to smile. The lyrics, the tune, everything about it brings joy. It caused me to wonder why. As I thought about it, one phrase kept coming to my mind: "And live rejoicing every day." I realized that I don't really live this way. Perhaps that's why I thought of the song. Perhaps it was a challenge from the Holy Spirit for me to begin to change my attitude and outlook on my daily life.
    I don't know about you, but it certainly isn't every day that I get up and declare: "Oh happy day!" Many days, I wake up already thinking about the struggles that may await me at work or home. The troubles of life overtake me before I have even had a chance to move into the heart of the day. So the idea of declaring, "Oh happy day!" each morning seems to be a great one. Maybe it would change my outlook and the outcome of each day. When I think about the song, I realize that I do have a reason to believe that each day is a happy one; Jesus really has washed my sins away, and that one thing is worth declaring my joy in the Lord each day.
    All this reminds me that I do not "Live rejoicing every day." And that must change. To me, it is all about changing my attitudes. Instead of focusing on the negatives, the struggles, and potential pitfalls that each day may offer, I should be rejoicing in the truth that Jesus has cleansed me, given me right-standing with God, and has given me a destiny that he created for me before the world began. In this, there is great reason to rejoice. No matter what comes my way, that truth is always with me. I think this is why the apostle Paul wrote: "Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4. So it is no longer just a catchy tune that asks me to live rejoicing each day, it is the Word of God that emphatically requires me to do so. I must always rejoice in the Lord.
    If any of this speaks to your own heart, make a decision with me, to live each day rejoicing in the Lord. If you must sing the song, sing it. If you must quote the verse, quote it. If you must tell yourself to rejoice, tell yourself. Whatever it takes, you and I must change the way we live each day. Instead of living in the oppressive negativity of the world, let's live in the overwhelming joy of the Lord. It seems to me that many people will notice our rejoicing. When they notice, they may even ask us about it. That will give us an opportunity to speak the words of Christ. So "Rejoice in the Lord, I will say it again: Rejoice!"