Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Time to Seek the Lord

"Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers righteousness on you."
Hosea 10:12

My uncle passed away several years ago. I attended the funeral which took place at the little church he attended regularly. He lived a hard-working life. His body was tired from work and injury, and finally gave out. A woman was called upon to sing one of my uncle's favorite hymns. Before she sang, she gave a testimony about his life.
    She said that their church had meetings on Sunday evenings that were devoted primarily to prayer. My uncle was faithful to attend, even during his last days. When the time came to go to the altar and pray, he would slowly make his way down the aisle, straining with each step. The woman said that he had every right to ask God to heal him, take away pain, and help him through his physical struggle, but he never prayed about those things. Instead, he would lift his hands to God and cry, "Jesus, I want more of you!"
    I have been in the church for a long time. I grew up in a pentecostal church. They used to call us, 'Holy Rollers.' Looking back, some of my fondest memories are of times when all the people sought God. I have seen people dance with joy, I have seen the altar area strewn with people, standing, lying, or kneeling before God, crying out to him with all their beings. I've seen the Holy Spirit move in strong and powerful ways.
    Although I don't choose to live in the past, one thing I do know: It is just as important for us to seek the Lord today, as it was then. I don't care what the name says on the door of the church, if people are seeking God with all their hearts, his presence will be there. Miraculous things will happen and people will be changed. Maybe we don't live our spiritual lives based on emotions, but every significant, authentic spiritual experience I have ever had, was emotional. I get emotional when I meet God. I get emotional when he confronts me and gives direction for my life. And I get emotional when I see the Holy Spirit move mightily within a group of people who, along with me, are seeking God.
    Whatever church you attend, whatever denomination you embrace, keep this one thing at the forefront of your Christian experience; seek the Lord with all your strength and with all your heart. Do it when you are alone, and do it when you are in the congregation. You may cry, laugh, dance, fall on your face, kneel, raise your hands, shout, or whisper. God is good with any of these. It is not about the method or the manifestation, it is all about seeking God!

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Glorious Church

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."
Acts 2:42

After the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples of Christ, the church was birthed. It grew rapidly, spreading throughout the known world in a relatively short time. The apostles were the first leaders, but they quickly added others to help them. In those early days of the Jerusalem church, the devotion they had to the things listed in the scripture above were imperative to the life of the church. These things are still imperative to us.
    I love the local churches. God works through them, and while there are differences of opinion within and between them, God still chooses to use churches. We are called, as believers, to be actively involved in the local church. Every ministry that is valid and stands the test of time, flows through the local church.  We can never neglect the teaching that flows through men and women who have been anointed to lead and pastor churches. This is important to our spiritual growth.
    We are to be devoted to the fellowship. This means that we are to be devoted to the people within our local churches. The church is so much more than a place we go, it is a group of people who are devoted to Christ first, and then to one another. I have a friend who pastors a large church. Their motto is: "Loving God, Loving People." It is so simple, yet describes the mission of the church perfectly.
    We should never neglect the blessing that comes from breaking bread together. This simply means that we hang out with other people in the church, eat together, and enjoy the things of God. There is a refreshing that takes place within us when we spend time with those who share our love for Jesus and the passion to love and serve him. In the Book of Acts church, meeting together in homes was absolutely critical to the growth of the church. It is true that they met together in large groups, but they found much spiritual life and growth while meeting together in homes.  This is an important element to a healthy, growing church.
    We need to focus on prayer. Throughout the Word, we are instructed to pray. There is much power in prayer. It is good to be people who pray when we are alone, and we must also be people who pray together. There are amazing blessings that occur when we pray together. We are able to lift up others before the throne of God with unity and power that is only possible through the gathering of those within whom the Holy Spirit dwells. Prayer is critical to our lives both personally and within the context of the local church.
    We are all part of the church of Jesus Christ. Join it with all your strength and watch what God will do.

Friday, May 27, 2011

It Is Well

"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, 
  When sorrows like sea billows roll:
  Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
  It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Words by Horatio G. Spafford  1873
Music by Phillip P. Bliss

It is nearly unimaginable what Horatio Spafford had gone through when he penned this song. He had been a wealthy business man in Chicago, but lost his fortune and nearly everything he had in the Great Chicago Fire in 1871. Shortly after this, all four of his daughters were killed, while crossing the Atlantic Ocean, when their ship collided with another. Only his wife survived the accident. It was only a few weeks later, as Spafford's own ship passed near the spot where his daughters died, the Holy Spirit inspired him with the words of the great hymn.
    How could things so tragic result in a hymn of comfort that has been sung by millions? Mr. Spafford understood something; his wealth and security was not found in earthly things, or even an earthly family, it was found in Jesus. The tragedy that must have torn his soul apart, was not enough to shake his faith. His faith has been a testimony to others for nearly 140 years.
    How do we deal with struggles and tragedy? Some may fall apart, feeling that their lives are over. Others may run from the problem by falling into addictions such as drugs or alcohol. But there is only one thing that will lift us from the depths of our struggles: We must run to Jesus. I suppose that few of us have ever faced the kind of devastation that Horatio Spafford did. But many of us have faced very difficult things. I know that many have faced deaths in their families, sickness in their bodies, devastating financial loss, and more. The reality of life is that we do face difficult trials.
    If you are struggling through a tragedy or trial right now, I encourage you to run to Jesus. If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit within you is your Comforter. He will carry you through. If you do not yet know Jesus, receive him into your life, and experience the comfort of his Holy Spirit. When faced with tragedy, make up your mind to run to Jesus. Only he can restore the brokenhearted. And you will say, "It is well with my soul!"

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Signs and Wonders

"So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to do miraculous signs and wonders."
Acts 14:3

It is well documented that the early church, written about in the book of Acts, was used to perform many miraculous signs and wonders. People were raised from the dead, many who were sick, were healed, the blind saw again, the lame were raised up, and the deaf heard. The apostles were delivered miraculously from prisons. Paul survived shipwrecks as well as the bites of serpents. All these things were accomplished, not by the apostles and leaders of the church, but by the Holy Spirit who had empowered them.
    Imagine what would have happened if the early church did not have these signs and wonders following them. They had no New Testament, they had no news media. The resurrection of Jesus was a story told by many, but believed by few. Imagine if the Holy Spirit had not come in power on the day of Pentecost. Although some may have been bold enough to tell the story, without signs confirming the message, the movement would have fallen, as so many had before. The church of Jesus Christ was built on the power of the Holy Spirit and the miracles that were accomplished through all those who believed.
    I wonder how we feel about this today. Many churches, many Christians, live powerless lives without the confirming signs that should follow us. We have become dependent on other things, other powers. Yes, we must be believers in the gospel of Christ, we must believe his Word and know it well. But if we stop there, what have we accomplished? We must also believe in the confirming work of signs and wonders. We must believe in the indwelling presence and power of the Holy Spirit. And more than this, we must experience these things. Although the pattern of the early church's activities were specific to their time and place, the realities of the power of the Holy Spirit they experienced has not changed. We are to experience it in the same way they did.
    "And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well." (Mark 16:17&18). Jesus spoke these words, not me. I believe that God expects signs and wonders to follow us as believers and disciples.
    Consider the possibilities today. Are you empowered by the Holy Spirit? Is he dwelling within you? Are you experiencing the miracle working strength of God? All of us need to grow in these areas. All of us need to experience it. We are in the latter days of the church. The same power the early church exhibited must be manifested through us. There is a world to change, billions of people who do not yet know the Savior. "Empower us, God, to go, to proclaim your word, and to do marvelous things through the power of your Holy Spirit!"

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Am

"Moses said to God, 'Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, "The God of your fathers has sent me to you," and they ask me, "What is his name?" Then what shall I tell them?' God said to Moses, 'I Am Who I Am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I Am has sent me to you.'"
Exodus 3:13&14

The name of God was so revered and honored by the Old Testament Israelites, that they would not even speak it. Before this confrontation between God and Moses, the people knew him only in general terms, such as 'God' or 'Lord.' But Moses wanted to know his name, and God said, "Tell them my name is I Am."
    What a wonderful revelation for us! When we are in trouble, we know that the Great I Am, is with us. We cannot comprehend God. We don't have the mental capacity to understand him, his character, or the decisions he makes. People have tried for generations, to understand him and have failed. People are still attempting to figure him out today. But I know this for certain, no one can put God in a can. He is too big, too awesome, too sovereign, for that. Many have their own interpretations of God. They think that he acts the same way all the time. They find themselves stuck with a predictable, unimpressive, powerless God who says the same things over and over again.
   Our God is much bigger than we could ever imagine. He is so big and powerful, that the only name that really seems to describe him is, "I Am." He is so majestic, that he rules and directs the heavens and the earth, yet he is so personal that he is intimately involved in each of our lives.
   Today, God speaks to us: If you are in trouble...I Am.  If you are in need of help...I Am. If everything around you is falling apart...I Am. If you have no hope...I Am. If you are sick...I Am. If the world is in ruins...I Am. God is supreme and he is able to fill everything that we lack. Go to him today, to the Great I Am, and allow him to be your all in all.  

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Living in Egypt

"But our fathers refused to obey him. Instead, they rejected him and in their hearts turned back to Egypt."
Acts 7:39

The great man of God, Stephen, spoke these words minutes before he was stoned to death by the religious counsel of his day. He was speaking about the children of Israel who were following Moses through the desert. It is well documented in the Bible, how God's people longed to go back to Egypt.
    I find this difficult to believe, since Egypt was a place of slavery, bondage, and abuse for them. They were mercilessly forced to work, they were beaten, and often went hungry and thirsty. God had delivered them from the tyrant, Pharaoh. But now, rather than believe God and follow him, they chose to return to Egypt...not physically, but rather, in their hearts.
    It makes me wonder, how many of us, after being delivered from bondage, make choices to go back to Egypt in our hearts. For me, fear and worry have been strongholds. I know God has defeated those issues in me, but there are times when I fall headlong into fear and worry again. Living in Egypt is no happy place. When I worry, it consumes me. It takes all I can muster to make it through the day. But I have made a decision to never go back to Egypt again. My heart is set on God and the deliverance he has provided me.
    Do you turn back to Egypt in your heart? Has God delivered you from habits, struggles, sin, and peril? If so, then you have been set free from the bondage that held you captive, possibly for much of your life. Don't go back to Egypt! Don't give up on the freedom you have in Christ. Although habits, addictions, and the old life are always pulling at you, don't go back. God has set you free. The joy of living in Christ is found when you choose to live in that freedom. Set your heart on Christ. Set your mind to live in the glory of his presence. And never, never, return to Egypt!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Cure for Loneliness

God sets the lonely in families.
Psalm 68:6a

I am blessed to have a great family. My wife is the love of my life, my kids are more special to me than anything. My grandchildren are the apple of my eye. I love my family. They are always there to encourage and help. They love each other and all of us could honestly say that we are friends. This is a blessing that is unparalleled. It is special. It is the most rewarding thing in life on this earth. I am in love with my family.
    Those of you who have close families, I encourage you to celebrate the blessing of brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, children, and grandchildren. A family is a gift from God. He loves families and has always done great things through them. His desire is for everyone to have a family. Today, as you think about this, realize that there are many people who have no family at all. These are the ones who have no one to call or confide in. They are not comforted by those who love them. These are the lonely. But you have a family. Thank God for them and never take them for granted. You are incredibly blessed.
    For those who have no families, the scripture is for you today. God does not want you to be lonely. He wants you to be surrounded by loving people just as those who are blessed with family are. I love the fact that a church can become your family. You will find love, concern, help, and compassion from those who are your church family. If you are one without family, don't neglect gathering together with other Christian people in a church environment. You will find the same blessings as those who are blessed with close families. God's heart for you is to give you a family and bless you beyond measure with those relationships.
    We are all in the family of God. We are truly never alone. We have a Father, a Brother, a Counselor and Friend, that will never leave us alone. Take advantage of it...And celebrate family!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Taste and See

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 34:7&8

I take comfort in the fact that Jesus encamps around me. In the Old Testament, the authors often spoke of the "Angel of the Lord." Sometimes, it was simply angels they were referring to. But other times, they were clearly referencing Jesus. Since they didn't yet know the Son of God, they called him the angel of the Lord. He makes his home around me. Why? Because I fear God.
    The fear of the Lord is key to us. We must learn to fear him. Fearing God involves respecting him as the sovereign God. He has ultimate authority. No one and nothing can stand against him. He can do anything. We fear him as a child fears their father. The child knows that stepping out of line through disobedience leads to repercussions. These usually involve discipline. Yet for those who fear the Lord, there are many great promises. One of them is referenced above: He delivers us. No matter what we are going through, God will always deliver us. It may not look like what we think it should, but he will do it.
    It remains for us to simply "Taste and see that the Lord is good." I wonder if we understand what this means. We are to launch ourselves headlong into the will of God and see what happens. How do you know that he is good if you have never allowed yourself to really experience him?
    This is the message for today: Don't just 'play' with God, really experience him. If you are one who lukewarmly likes 'the God thing,' move fully into his will for your life. God is not satisfied with a 'like' relationship. He desires a 'love' relationship. Pour yourself into your relationship with God and see what happens. He will change you completely and shower you with his overwhelming love.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

No Looking Back

"But Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt."
Genesis 19:26

God had just destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. He gave clear instruction to Lot and his family about the event. Because he could not find ten righteous people in those cities, he was set to destroy them. The people were so corrupt, they even tried to attack the angels God had sent to them. But Lot's family was spared. They were instructed to leave and get as far away as possible. God specifically told them to not look back at the cities. Lot's wife disobeyed, looked back, and it cost her life.
    I often think of this because there have been times when I have looked back. Thee was a time in my life when sin ruled. I was not close to God and I lived exactly the way I chose to live, disregarding the will of God. But all of that changed and God forgave me. I have learned to not look back at those days. It isn't that the memories are all bad. I have good memories of my childhood and teenage years. But those were days when I was not a Christian. There have also been times in my life since then, when I did not follow God's will for me. I chose to go down my own path. These are also times that I have chosen to put in the past and leave there.
    My point today is this: Don't look back at the negative times in your life, and don't dwell there. They are gone. God has forgiven you and he literally has no memory of the sin that may have occurred there, if you have laid them at the foot of the cross. If you choose to live in the grace that Jesus provides right now, instead of looking back, you will be free of guilt. Guilt is a tool of the enemy, designed to destroy us. Don't allow it. The sin of the past has been crushed under the feet of Jesus, and so has the enemy.
    Lot's wife looked back and it literally killed her. Don't be like her. Live in the glorious freedom Jesus has provided. There is much to look forward to, why waist it by continually looking at the past?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Constantly in Prayer

"They all joined together constantly in prayer..."
Acts 1:14a

Imagine the situation. Jesus had gone to be with the Father. After spending nearly four years following him, 120 people joined together in an upper room in Jerusalem. Jesus had promised them the Holy Spirit. But they didn't even really understand who the Holy Spirit was, and they had seen no sign of him. There must have been a sense of abandonment, a feeling of being lost, and a complete lack of direction. What would they do? Who could they turn to? They did what Jesus had taught them to do, they prayed.
    If you were to poll the people of the world, a vast majority would say that they pray. They may not be praying to the Only God, but they do pray. As Christians, we have a direct line of communication with God. We even have the aid of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. He helps us pray. We must be people of prayer. We must learn to join together in prayer. There is a dynamic that takes place when people gather and pray. God has told us that he is present where two or three are gathered. This does not mean that he is not present when we pray by ourselves. You see, the Holy Spirit is praying with us, so the power of agreement is still in effect.
    It doesn't matter what we are facing, or what the circumstances are. If we are struggling, we should pray. If we are on top of the world, we should pray. Jesus taught us to do it and he exemplified the praying man. We have our own ideas about prayer. Some think that we must go to our closets to pray, others think we must be on our knees. But prayer, in its simplest definition is communication with God. We can do this at any time, in any situation, at any place. There is no lack of things to pray. We know people who are sick, nations that have suffered great disasters, and brothers and sisters who are dire circumstances. We need to pray.
    I encourage you today, to take a new stand. Make a decision to pray more. God listens and he hears. He responds by bringing his kingdom into situations and circumstances. He truly does answer prayer. So I believe that we must be people of prayer. We must live it. It must be a hallmark of our lives. We pray, God answers, and his Word is confirmed for all to see.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Hem of His Garment

"She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, 'If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.'"
Mark 5:26-28

The woman had been sick for many years. No doctor could help her, no cure seemed to work. She was despised by the society of the day because of her bleeding. She was considered unclean. Yet, when she heard about Jesus, hope returned and she mustered enough strength to go out in public. She saw the crowd around Jesus and it must have seemed daunting to know that she must fight her way through all those people to get to him. But she did. She had decided that she was going to touch the hem of his garment. This was her only chance to really be healed. She reached out and touched his garment. Instantly she was healed. All those years of pain, a long season of suffering, were gone in an instant.
    I am not really writing about healing today. Rather, I am writing about the resolve of this woman to get to Jesus, no matter what it took. There is so much available for us in Jesus. He is the source of so much more than just healing. Everything we need is found in him. But it seems to me that sometimes, we must resolve that we are going to fight our way to him. We must get through the crowd, overcome the limitations of our flesh, disregard the lies of the enemy, and break through to touch him. This is not about trying to earn anything, nor is it about fighting battles that God is already fighting for us. It is about gathering strength and getting through all the fleshly struggles so we can touch him. Even if we only touch the hem of his garment, it is enough.
    I know there are days when it seems that we don't have the strength to get to Jesus. Just the thought of praying or spending time in worship seems too difficult. We want him to just come and touch us. But I believe there is a truth that cannot be denied. God wants us to seek him. Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." This is exactly what the woman did. She sought Jesus, the King of the kingdom. When she touched him, the needs in her life were met.
    Today, let's make a decision to seek Jesus. We may have to fight through the crowds of opposition. We may need to overcome our own doubts and fears. But if we seek him, he will richly supply us: First, with spiritual victory, then with joy, then with healing, then with provision...and the list goes on and on. People of God, seek Jesus with all that is within you!

Monday, May 16, 2011

You Won't Have to Fight

"You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance God will give you, oh Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow and the Lord will be with you."
2 Chronicles 20:17

It is rare that I would write something believing that it is truly a prophetic word for us. But today is one of those days. I know that there are many who have been fighting battles that have worn you out. Today, this is your word. I know, with all my heart, that God is going to fight the battle for you. His word to you is this: "You will not have to fight this battle." Still, there are things you must do.
    Take up your position! This means that you must understand and exercise your position in Christ. It is not enough to believe you have Christ's authority, you must act on it. Go out there and take up your position!
    Stand firm! Some days, you just have to hang on. You have to say, "I am not going to give up ground today. I am going to stand here and watch God fight the battle for me." These may be days when you don't feel very victorious. You may not feel that you are advancing, you may not feel like you're winning. These are the most important of times, to stand your ground.and stand firm.
    Do not be afraid or discouraged. These are easy words to write, but much more difficult to live. The reality is; sometimes we are afraid. Sometimes we are very discouraged. But God is promising us that he will show up. What looks like the most difficult battle, will turn out to be one in which we simply watch God fight for us. It is a vantage point that is critical for us. We must not go out in our own strength and fight hand to hand.We need to allow God to fight for us.
    Now that we know all of this, the final command is: "Go out and face them tomorrow and the Lord will be with you." Take this as a prophetic word today. You may be facing a daunting battle today or tomorrow. Allow God to fight the battle. Just go out there and face it...God will be with you. This is his word for all of us today.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Looking for Help

"I lift up my eyes to the hills--where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."
Psalm 121:1&2

Everyone needs help from time to time. David knew this well. He cried out for help many times. There was always an enemy nation to battle or an evil man to contend with. David knew something that was key to his success. He understood that his own strength was not adequate. Even though he had been a mighty man; a slayer of giants, a killer of lions and bears, and a victor over tens of thousands, he knew that it was not in his own power that any of it was accomplished. He knew the source of his strength.
    I am learning that there is only one true place to find help. It is found in the Father. I must lift up my eyes and behold him. I must look to him for help in times of trouble and times of intense battle. There is a stark contrast between lifting up my eyes to God and being downcast in my heart.
    There is no help from men. Although God often uses people to help us, it is the result of his help, not the help of men. There is a huge difference between being helped by men whom God has sent, and looking for help from men. David said, "Give us aid against the enemy, for the help of man is worthless." (Psalm 108:12). We must look to God solely for our help. If we seek the aid of men, we are bound to fail. Really, it is a change of attitude. Will we trust God for help, or will we trust in men?
    I choose to trust in God. I choose to seek him for my help. I have a vivid memory of being in a car accident as a child. My mother was driving the car and my Dad was in the front seat with her. As we slid on a patch of ice, my mom lost control of the car and the vehicle rolled violently numerous times. As I was being tossed about the back seat, along with my brothers and sister, I heard my dad cry out, "Help us, Lord!" Not one of us were harmed in the accident. It wasn't an eloquent prayer, it was a cry for help. I need to be praying more of those kinds of prayers, and so do you. God isn't looking for prayers that sound like King James wrote them, he is looking to answer people who are desperate enough to simply cry for help.
    "Help us, Oh Lord. Our lives are truly in your hands. Men can't help and there is no other God beside you." Let this be our prayer. God will hear us and he will be our help!


In Times of Desperation

"Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.'"
Matthew 26:39

There are times when I feel I cannot go any farther. Sometimes I want to fall to my knees and tell God that I just cannot deal with life any longer. It seems too difficult, too cruel. These are the times when I have little strength left. The battle has wearied me, the grueling race seems too long. Yet in these moments, there is one thought that brings solace; someone has gone before me. The path I am walking has been walked before, and his journey ended with the greatest of victories.
    I imagine what Jesus must have felt that early morning in the garden. The emotional pain, the fear of what was about to happen to him, must have been nearly unbearable. Jesus was God, yet he was entirely man. The pain was real and the agony of his heart, sincere. He knew that the most difficult days of his life lay just ahead. Even though he was intimately in touch with his Heavenly Father, he asked if there was any other way to accomplish the goal without the suffering. He asked, knowing full well there wasn't. He simply needed to let it out. He needed to express to his Father exactly how he felt.In this moment, his humanity was fully on display.
    Ultimately, Jesus surrendered his will to the will of the Father. He asked, he expressed his desire, but then he submitted his will and desire to the plan of the Father. The result was history changing. He could have exerted his authority, he could have called legions of angels to deliver him, but he didn't. He chose the difficult road. He submitted his will.
    In the moments when we feel like we cannot go on, in the days when it seems that the future is as black as a coming ominous storm, these are the times when we must must say to God, "Not my will, but yours be done." He knows our future and he understands the pain we bear. He has already walked the path. There remains a great hope that we, like him, will emerge as victorious champions. Hear, oh heavens! Hear, oh earth! Hear, oh people of God! Jesus is victorious and we are his!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Voice Behind You

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it.'"
Isaiah 30:21

There often seems to be confusion about how God leads us through life. In fact, there are even questions about whether he leads us at all. Some Christians say, "God gave me a good mind and good sense, so I can make my own decisions." Others believe they must fully hear God's voice before they make any decisions. So, what is the answer? How does God interact with us in the decision-making process?
    A major purpose for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is for guidance. He is in us to counsel us and direct our paths. Many times in the New Testament, the apostles were directed by the Holy Spirit to go to particular places, to stay away from particular places, and to speak particular things to particular people. It seems to me that God is fully active in our Christian walk and daily lives..
    The verse above tells us that if we veer one way or another, there will be a voice that will give us clear direction as to the path we are to walk. There is an interesting truth in this scripture. There is an assumption made, that we are already walking somewhere. So the reality of God's involvement in our lives is dependent on the fact that we are moving in some direction. We can sit and wait for God to speak before we go anywhere, or we can move in a direction and allow him to speak and direct our path. I believe this is how God works in our lives.
    The key is to be walking in the things of God first. Then he will come alongside and direct the specifics. Even if we are headed the wrong direction, the Holy Spirit can and will make that clear to us. We simply need to pay attention and listen. There will be a voice telling us which path to walk. Then we must respond to his voice and go where he leads.
    Think about this today. If you are walking a consistent Christian life, God wants to direct your paths perfectly within his will. If you listen before you make a critical decision, he will guide you to the correct one. Try it. Listen for his voice to direct your day, your interaction with others, your decision-making processes, and your relationships. If you will listen, you will hear. Listen carefully, though. Sometimes his voice is a quiet whisper. Pay attention and find God's path for your life.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Conclusion of the Matter

"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself."
Matthew 22:37-39

I have learned much about the kingdom of heaven in recent years. I love to think about it, apply it to my life, and look to the future when God will establish it on the earth. I have learned about the blessings that are found there. I know there is healing, restoration, and deliverance available. I know that the kingdom is within me and I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit has taken up residence in me. Yet, even with all of these beautiful truths, there is one that seems to supersede them all.
    When I am honest with God and with myself, I return to two basic things, that when looked at closely, are really one in the same: I am to love the Lord with everything I have, and love others with zeal. It sounds easy enough, but it will be a lifetime journey to really fulfill these simple things. You see, the more I learn about the kingdom and the truths taught in the Word of God, the more I realize that these two most basic commandments far outweigh everything else. I must never stray from the course of loving God and loving people.
    Sometimes, it is easy to get caught up in the 'deep things' of God and forget that the most basic things are the gates through which we enter into greater things in the kingdom. My friends, never lose track of the King of kings. We may get so caught up in the kingdom that we forget the King. That is a destructive mistake. I am convinced that above all other things, we must love God with a passion that is deeper than we can imagine. And we must have that same passion for people.
    Jesus did not distinguish between 'sinners' and Christians when he gave the command. He simply said, "Love your neighbor as yourself." All people are loved by God and we are to love them as well. We need to spend as much time praying and thinking about our neighbors as we do ourselves. We must love them with the same intensity with which we love God.
    Let me confess; I don't love God nearly as much as I desire, and I don't love my neighbors nearly enough. On my keyring that holds all the keys of the kingdom, there is one that is the master. It is the key of love. If I don't use that one, the others will surely fail me.
    These are the greatest commandments: Love God and love people. It was true when Jesus said it, and it is still true. These are the greatest keys and we must use them always.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Keys of the Kingdom

"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
Matthew 16:19

Jesus said these words to Peter who had just made the very first confession of Christ. I find it interesting that Jesus did not say he would give Peter the kingdom of heaven, he said he would give him the keys of the kingdom. This implies that there was no question that Peter would have the kingdom within him. The promise given was that he would be given the keys. So the only question that remained was: Would he use the keys? We can apply the same things to our lives. There is no question that we have the kingdom of heaven. It is resident in us through the Holy Spirit. Like Peter, we have been given the keys of the kingdom. But we have questions as well. Do we know what the keys of the kingdom are? Do we know how to use them? Are we using them?
    Jesus did not tell Peter what the keys of the kingdom were. He only told him that he would have them. But we have been given a great treasure in the Word of God. He plainly tells us what the keys are. Love is a key of the kingdom. We must love God and others in order to access the kingdom. Faith is another key. We must believe that all things are possible and then, we must act on that belief. Humility is a key. Jesus said that we must become like little children to inherit the kingdom. Righteousness is a key. We must have right standing with God in order to enter the kingdom. Abiding in Christ is another key. We must be in constant rest and peace so that we may see the kingdom. Finally, the fear of the Lord is a key. We must know that God is mighty and we must walk in awe, fear and respect for him. This will release the kingdom into our lives. God certainly can and will show you other keys. I believe there are some keys that are unique to each person.
    Once we have the keys, we have authority. Jesus said that what we bind on earth will be bound in heaven. A closer translation of the Greek text would say, "Whatever you bind on earth, has already been bound in heaven." The same is true of the things we loose on earth. We can expect the kingdom to be entirely applied to every situation on earth. And what has already been accomplished in heaven, will be accomplished here on earth. This clearly speaks to the authority we have to access the kingdom.
    There is an interesting thing about keys. You can have them, but if you never use them, they are nothing but table decorations. We have the keys of the kingdom. Now let's begin to use them. Today, think about the keys mentioned here. Ask yourself these questions: Do I possess these keys? If so, am I using them? Do I really believe that things on earth can be changed through my access to the kingdom of heaven? If there is a 'no' answer to any of these questions, ask God to give you what you need. Then, take the kingdom!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sovereign King

"When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. 'Sovereign Lord,' they said, 'You made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and everything in them."
Acts 4:24

There is one obvious truth relating to the kingdom of God. There is a King of the kingdom, and it is God himself. Without struggling through a long discourse on the Trinity, it will suffice to say, the King of God's kingdom is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us that all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Christ. Therefore, he is King and...He is sovereign.
    The word sovereign means: Absolute and supreme authority. In terms we can understand, this means that God can do what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. The King of the kingdom is sovereign. I think it is important to talk about this because there is some error being taught that says we can manipulate the kingdom. They say that we can actually pray the kingdom of heaven into physical existence. Yes, the kingdom will be returned to the physical realm, but that is in God's timing.Now, before anyone gets upset, let me explain my point.
    We have absolute access to the kingdom of heaven. All the things that are found there are ours. We need only to go get them. Do you need healing? There is healing in the kingdom. Do you need a miracle? There are miracles in the kingdom. They are ours and we can have them. We can apply the kingdom to any situation. In fact, we are told to pray that his kingdom would come. But the King is sovereign. The how, when, and why are entirely up to him. In the New Testament, one man was blind for 38 years before he was healed. The crippled man at the Gate called Beautiful, had been there for many years and was passed numerous times by Jesus and the apostles. Then one day, he was healed as Peter and John stopped to touch him. God is sovereign. We can have faith, ask God for anything we want, go to the kingdom and get the things we need, and believe that we already have what we ask for, but in the end...God is sovereign.
   Why don't some people get healed? Why do miracles seem to pass some people by? We attempt to answer these questions by saying, "They don't have enough faith," or "They aren't praying correctly," or "They aren't applying the authority we have in Christ." I believe in miracles and healing. I have seen them, I pray for more, and I know they are available because I have the kingdom of heaven within me. But, I never question the sovereignty of God. He is supreme, He is the absolute Authority. He is God.
    We are called  to be people of faith, prayer and action. Let us never be caught saying, "God can do what he wants, so why pray?" If you need healing, are you praying for it? Does someone you know need a miracle? Have you prayed for them to receive it? We must do and act as God has commanded. There is freedom and blessing in that.We should lay hands on the sick and expect them to be made well. We should pray for miracles and expect to receive them. But never forget, God is sovereign and He is the King of the Kingdom.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mustard Seeds and Yeast

"He told them another parable: 'The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches.' He told them still another parable: 'The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.'"
Matthew 13:31-33

We know that the kingdom of heaven is within us. But how does it work in our every day lives? What are the possibilities of living a kingdom filled life? Partially, the answers are found in the above scriptures. Sometimes, we read the parables that Jesus taught and think, Isn't that nice. I will remember this one. But we don't take the time to understand what is being said through the parable.
    The first story illustrates the potential of the kingdom. You may feel like you only have a small seed of the kingdom within you. Jesus said that this is the perfect start to a kingdom filled life. The potential of God's kingdom working in our lives is limitless. To you, it may look like a small seed, but when the Holy Spirit takes it, it can become a flourishing tree. You have within you, the possibilities of fully entering the kingdom of heaven and allowing the Holy Spirit to completely guide your life. But, you must make the decision to allow the seed to grow, and then make moment by moment choices, to receive the provision of God's kingdom for every situation.
    In the second verse, Jesus is clearly teaching us that the kingdom of heaven must invade every area of our lives. We can no longer think that the kingdom is only spiritual and therefore, can only affect spiritual things. God has established the kingdom in each of our lives so that we may access the power and fruit of it for every situation. This can be spiritual, emotional, or physical. The kingdom is like yeast in the dough of our lives. We must kneed our lives to allow it to touch every area.
    Begin to look at the potential and possibilities of the kingdom of heaven. Take hold of it now. Do not wait until you die to experience the kingdom, do it now. You can allow the kingdom to influence every area of your life; spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical. Once it works through the whole batch of dough that is your life, you will be changed from the inside out. You will grow and be used by God to fulfill his purpose for you. If you have a mustard seed, let it grow. Tell God that you want him to permeate your life with his kingdom. We are all lumps of dough, resting, while the yeast of the kingdom works God's will in us..

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Kingdom Within

"The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you."
Luke 17:20b&21

Jesus spoke these words to the Pharisees. They asked him when he would bring his kingdom. You see, they doubted all that Jesus said. They thought his kingdom was an earthly one. They expected him to restore the kingdom of Israel and remove them from the iron hand of the Romans. But Jesus was speaking of the kingdom of heaven. He was telling them, that to all who were willing to receive it, the kingdom would be within them.
    The kingdom of heaven is resident within all of us who have made a commitment to Christ. It is there in the person of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. I have a friend who says this: "If Jesus is the King of God's kingdom, then the Holy Spirit is the Royal Governor." This is a good way to look at it. In the same way that Jesus embodied the kingdom when he walked the earth, so we embody the kingdom because the Holy Spirit now dwells within each of us. He administers the kingdom into our lives by counseling us and pointing us to the King. When we accept this, we are making decisions to live within the kingdom of heaven instead of the kingdoms of this world.
    What a marvelous thing to know that the kingdom dwells within us! We have full access to God's kingdom because the Holy Spirit leads us there. I think, in order for us to fully participate in the reality of God's kingdom, we must deepen our relationship with the Holy Spirit. After all, he lives in us and is available for counsel, instruction, comfort and joy at all times. How often do we ask him to help us? Do we truly walk with him as he walks with us?
    Today, understand that the kingdom of heaven is a real thing. Jesus made it available to us. Now the Holy Spirit dwells within us and makes all the things of the kingdom available. So choose to walk with the Holy Spirit. He desires to be involved in every moment of your day. Even the little decisions that you may be used to making on your own, are opportunities to get closer to the Holy Spirit and allow him to lead you. In this way, you will begin to view life from a new perspective. It will not be the view you are used to. It will be a new panorama seen from a kingdom perspective. Living in the kingdom of heaven that dwells within you, will change your view of your daily circumstances. But you must make the choice. Walk with the Holy Spirit and experience God's kingdom!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Kingdom of Heaven is Near

"As you go, preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give."
Matthew 10:7&8

Jesus said it several times, "The kingdom of heaven is near." But what does this mean and how does it apply to us? Jesus spoke often of the kingdom of heaven. In fact, the very first words he spoke when he began his public ministry were, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near." There are several things Jesus meant when he spoke those words. The meaning was potentially life-changing for those who heard him and for us today.
    The kingdom of heaven was near to those who heard him because Jesus embodied the kingdom of heaven. He was the kingdom. So those who were instructed to go and preach the kingdom, were told to tell the people that it was near them. This is true, because Jesus himself, was near them. The kingdom was also near to those who heard Jesus because he was about to be crucified, be raised from the dead, be exalted to the right hand of the Father, and defeat death and hell. At this time, he very literally restored the kingdom of heaven and made it available to all of us who would receive it. So the kingdom of heaven was indeed near to those who heard Jesus speak.
    Since the resurrection of Christ, the kingdom has been restored. That means that it is available to everyone of us who have been born into it. We have it when we say, "yes" to Christ. Many Christians do not understand the impact of having the kingdom of heaven available to them. If we will understand and receive it, we will enjoy the fruit of the kingdom in our own lives. But we must know what it is and how it applies to us every moment of every day..
    Today, meditate on those words, "The kingdom of heaven is near." Ask God to reveal to you what it means to you as a Christian. Understanding this truth and how it applies to you will change your life. In the coming days, we will explore the truth of the kingdom of heaven in more detail. For now, think about it. God will reveal the truth.