Monday, May 23, 2011

The Cure for Loneliness

God sets the lonely in families.
Psalm 68:6a

I am blessed to have a great family. My wife is the love of my life, my kids are more special to me than anything. My grandchildren are the apple of my eye. I love my family. They are always there to encourage and help. They love each other and all of us could honestly say that we are friends. This is a blessing that is unparalleled. It is special. It is the most rewarding thing in life on this earth. I am in love with my family.
    Those of you who have close families, I encourage you to celebrate the blessing of brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, children, and grandchildren. A family is a gift from God. He loves families and has always done great things through them. His desire is for everyone to have a family. Today, as you think about this, realize that there are many people who have no family at all. These are the ones who have no one to call or confide in. They are not comforted by those who love them. These are the lonely. But you have a family. Thank God for them and never take them for granted. You are incredibly blessed.
    For those who have no families, the scripture is for you today. God does not want you to be lonely. He wants you to be surrounded by loving people just as those who are blessed with family are. I love the fact that a church can become your family. You will find love, concern, help, and compassion from those who are your church family. If you are one without family, don't neglect gathering together with other Christian people in a church environment. You will find the same blessings as those who are blessed with close families. God's heart for you is to give you a family and bless you beyond measure with those relationships.
    We are all in the family of God. We are truly never alone. We have a Father, a Brother, a Counselor and Friend, that will never leave us alone. Take advantage of it...And celebrate family!

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