Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Hem of His Garment

"She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, 'If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.'"
Mark 5:26-28

The woman had been sick for many years. No doctor could help her, no cure seemed to work. She was despised by the society of the day because of her bleeding. She was considered unclean. Yet, when she heard about Jesus, hope returned and she mustered enough strength to go out in public. She saw the crowd around Jesus and it must have seemed daunting to know that she must fight her way through all those people to get to him. But she did. She had decided that she was going to touch the hem of his garment. This was her only chance to really be healed. She reached out and touched his garment. Instantly she was healed. All those years of pain, a long season of suffering, were gone in an instant.
    I am not really writing about healing today. Rather, I am writing about the resolve of this woman to get to Jesus, no matter what it took. There is so much available for us in Jesus. He is the source of so much more than just healing. Everything we need is found in him. But it seems to me that sometimes, we must resolve that we are going to fight our way to him. We must get through the crowd, overcome the limitations of our flesh, disregard the lies of the enemy, and break through to touch him. This is not about trying to earn anything, nor is it about fighting battles that God is already fighting for us. It is about gathering strength and getting through all the fleshly struggles so we can touch him. Even if we only touch the hem of his garment, it is enough.
    I know there are days when it seems that we don't have the strength to get to Jesus. Just the thought of praying or spending time in worship seems too difficult. We want him to just come and touch us. But I believe there is a truth that cannot be denied. God wants us to seek him. Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." This is exactly what the woman did. She sought Jesus, the King of the kingdom. When she touched him, the needs in her life were met.
    Today, let's make a decision to seek Jesus. We may have to fight through the crowds of opposition. We may need to overcome our own doubts and fears. But if we seek him, he will richly supply us: First, with spiritual victory, then with joy, then with healing, then with provision...and the list goes on and on. People of God, seek Jesus with all that is within you!

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