Friday, May 27, 2011

It Is Well

"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, 
  When sorrows like sea billows roll:
  Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
  It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Words by Horatio G. Spafford  1873
Music by Phillip P. Bliss

It is nearly unimaginable what Horatio Spafford had gone through when he penned this song. He had been a wealthy business man in Chicago, but lost his fortune and nearly everything he had in the Great Chicago Fire in 1871. Shortly after this, all four of his daughters were killed, while crossing the Atlantic Ocean, when their ship collided with another. Only his wife survived the accident. It was only a few weeks later, as Spafford's own ship passed near the spot where his daughters died, the Holy Spirit inspired him with the words of the great hymn.
    How could things so tragic result in a hymn of comfort that has been sung by millions? Mr. Spafford understood something; his wealth and security was not found in earthly things, or even an earthly family, it was found in Jesus. The tragedy that must have torn his soul apart, was not enough to shake his faith. His faith has been a testimony to others for nearly 140 years.
    How do we deal with struggles and tragedy? Some may fall apart, feeling that their lives are over. Others may run from the problem by falling into addictions such as drugs or alcohol. But there is only one thing that will lift us from the depths of our struggles: We must run to Jesus. I suppose that few of us have ever faced the kind of devastation that Horatio Spafford did. But many of us have faced very difficult things. I know that many have faced deaths in their families, sickness in their bodies, devastating financial loss, and more. The reality of life is that we do face difficult trials.
    If you are struggling through a tragedy or trial right now, I encourage you to run to Jesus. If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit within you is your Comforter. He will carry you through. If you do not yet know Jesus, receive him into your life, and experience the comfort of his Holy Spirit. When faced with tragedy, make up your mind to run to Jesus. Only he can restore the brokenhearted. And you will say, "It is well with my soul!"

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