Monday, October 8, 2012

The Power of the Cross

"Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God,
    and the authority of his Christ."

Revelation 12:10a 

I've been thinking about the cross of Christ recently. There was so much accomplished there that we aren't even aware of. In fact, I'm sure we will never know the full victory of the cross until we are with Jesus. On that day when our minds are fully enlightened with the revelation of God's complete redemption, we will know, even as we are fully known by God. The victory of the cross is more than just the death of Jesus, it is the resurrection and ascension that completed the work. The full power of the cross took more than just the one day in which he died. Much was accomplished during the three days that he was physically dead, and even more when he ascended to take his rightful place at the right hand of the Father. 
    Of course we know that we have received salvation through the cross. It is an eternal salvation that has allowed us to pass from death to life just as Jesus did. Central to Christianity is the fact that we have been saved through Christ's work on the cross. We should never lose this focus. But there is much more that was accomplished on the cross. 
    The power of God was established that day. It seems like an odd statement, since God has always had full power. After all, he did create the universe and guide humanity for thousands of years before the time of the cross. But what was established at the cross was this: The power of God was fully made known to men. It came in a different way than we expected. Man thought that God would do something supernaturally spectacular. They expected an amazing sign from God. he did do something spectacular and loving, but it did not come with hail, fire, and brimstone. It was a history changing event. All mankind was given permission to be reconciled to God. So his power was fully revealed to mankind through the cross. 
    The kingdom of God was also made known to men. The kingdom was embodied in Jesus while he was here on earth and then was deposited in us in the person of the Holy Spirit. You see, God had established a kingdom on earth in the beginning, but sin destroyed it. The cross of Christ established it again in our hearts and gave us a new and glorious hope that it will be established on the earth again. In fact, he commissioned us to pray that his kingdom would be established here as it is already established in heaven. What a great blessing that God gave us through the work of the cross! His kingdom was placed within us all.
    The authority of Christ was established in the eyes of all people. When he ascended to take his place in heaven, he was given all authority on heaven and earth. Every other authority bows before him and all things are under his feet. The victory of the cross was complete. The enemy was hurled down, mankind was saved and the war between heaven and hell was won. Let us rejoice in the power and victory of the cross today. We have been forever changed, history has been forever changed, and our destiny has been firmly set. We are his, bought with the price of his shed blood. There was nothing before, and nothing since, that can compare with the power of the cross! And that power is alive and working in us.

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