Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fearing God

"He will be the sure foundation for your times,
   a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge;
   the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure."

Isaiah 33:6

Within the kingdom of heaven is a vast storehouse of salvation, wisdom and knowledge. These things are not like the wisdom and knowledge we think of, because Jesus said that the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. So the treasure that is found in the kingdom is really beyond our comprehension. But these treasures are available to each of us if we are willing to receive them.
    I love this scripture because it is so precise. It speaks of salvation, wisdom and knowledge as treasures. But it doesn't leave us trying to figure out how we may have these things. It tells us exactly what unlocks the doors of the kingdom for us to receive them. It is the fear of the Lord that is the key to receiving the treasure house of salvation, wisdom and knowledge. I think that fear of God is an often misunderstood concept. There are those who try to soften it and use the word respect. There are those who have the opinion that God is like a mean boy with a magnifying glass who delights in burning the feelers off the ants he finds. But this is not who God is. He is loving, caring and protective of his own. So how do we fear God and gain the key that unlocks the treasure of heaven?
    Fear of God is indeed a respect for him. I think the word 'reverence' better describes how we should approach him. God certainly is powerful enough to end our life if he chose to, and we certainly must respect him for his power. But the other side of God's power is his amazing love for us. We reverence him because we are overwhelmed by his love. Let's face it, we cannot understand how God loves us because we cannot love others in the same way. Unconditional love is difficult for us. Yet God loves you and me as well as the murderer, adulterer, thief and terrorist. It is with both reverence for his love and respect for his power that are the elements of the fear of the Lord.
    There is a great need for all Christians to understand the fear of the Lord. Many believe in a touchy, feely kind of God. While it is true that God desires an intimate relationship with us, we must balance that with a healthy fear. He is the God of the universe and the King of all kings. If we want to appropriate the kingdom of heaven to our lives and receive the salvation, knowledge and wisdom that is in its treasure houses, we must live a lifestyle of fearing God. Fear of God keeps us from sin and opens our spirits to receive his overwhelming love. Fear of the Lord is a key to the kingdom. Take it, learn about it, and use it.

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