Friday, April 6, 2012

Removing All Doubt

"When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, 'Surely he was the Son of God!'"
Matthew 27:54

I struggled with the content for today's post. It is Good Friday, the day we remember Jesus' death on the cross. So it seems I should talk about the cross, his death, and the great act of kindness shown to the world. But in itself, Good Friday is incomplete. The great victory of the cross was won when Jesus rose from the dead. Without his resurrection, it would have simply been another death, notable because of his life and teaching. So, I choose to think of Good Friday and Easter as one wonderful event; one where sorrow is deep, but the later joy, indescribable.
    Easter is a time when we remember all that Christ did for us. But it seems that it is much more than that. For those who actually were there, those who experienced the crucifixion, it was a resounding "amen" to all he had already done and said. Even those who did not believe he was the Son of God, realized in that moment that he truly was. Those who tortured and persecuted him, had to submit their anger and cynicism. For those who were there, every knee did bow before the Son of God.
    The work that Jesus accomplished on the cross left no doubt that he truly was God in the flesh. They mocked him, saying that if he was the Son of God, he could surely call on angels to come and rescue him...and he could have. But the way to victory ran squarely through the cross. Jesus knew it, and even though he cried out for the Father to spare him this agony, he knew he must go through it. So what appeared to be a weakness in the eyes of the cynics, was the greatest strength that has ever been displayed on earth. Yes, there was a great earthquake when he died, but this alone did not persuade the unbelievers. They were persuaded because of the humility and character of Jesus. He was indeed fully God, yet fully man.
    Of all the gods who have ever lived, all the prophets who claimed to know the way to God; Only one truly was and is the Way. All others died, only One still lives. There may be many religions in the world, but only one believes in the One who can save. We are convinced that there is no way to the Father except through Jesus Christ. Those who witnessed his death were convinced as well. The Easter celebration is not just a time in which we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus, it is a time when the world is reminded that there is no doubt remaining. Jesus is the Son of God. He suffered and died, winning a victory so complete, it defies our understanding. His act of unparalleled love provided the way by which all men may be saved. We know it, and the rest of the world, like the soldiers at the cross, must exclaim: Surely he is the Son of God!

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