Friday, April 13, 2012

Making the Natural, Supernatural

"The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual."
1 Corinthians 15:46

Not long ago, I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my spirit. I have never heard it put this way, but I knew exactly what he was saying. I have a tendency to be very compartmentalized. I have my spiritual life, I spend time praying. I also have my life at work and there I take care of the business at hand. I have my life with my wife and family and I spend time with them doing the natural things that families do. But God was speaking to me to make the natural things of life supernatural. So I had to find out exactly what that meant.
    One thing I've learned is that I need to involve God in every area of my life. It is not that I leave him out, I just don't think of inserting him into some situations that I think are mine to deal with. But I am ready for a breakthrough in my life and circumstances. If that is going to happen, I have to give myself to God in every area. When at work, I need to be just as alert to the Holy Spirit as when I am alone praying. When with the family, I need to be listening for the direction that may come. I believe God gives me a lot of direction that I miss because I am simply not paying attention. So he is saying to me, "Pay attention." Make the natural things of life supernatural.
    It is important to be available to God all the time. I have found that when I pray and ask God for a specific answer, I don't always get it right then. I can ask over and over again, but nothing comes. Yet when I am least expecting it, he will speak. If I pay attention, I have my answer. If I don't, I miss his direction and continue to be confused about the question. I have been praying about a specific thing lately. One day, I was ironing my shirt, preparing to go to church. I wasn't thinking about God, no spiritual thoughts were flowing at all. In fact, I was thinking about ironing at the time. But I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me. He gave me an answer and direction to the question I had been asking. If I would have allowed the thought to pass without paying attention, I would have missed the answer. But I am learning to pay attention. This time I did, and the answer came.
    We do natural things all the time. We drive to work, mow the lawn, wash the clothes, clean the house, wash dishes, play with the kids or grandkids, watch TV, eat, and the list goes on and on. What if we took every one of these natural activities and made ourselves available for the supernatural? What if we spent that time in communication and fellowship with God? What if we disciplined our minds to hear the voice of God no matter when it comes? This is how we make natural things, supernatural. God can take a menial task and make it a supernatural encounter. He can change our lives, give us life direction, heal someone, or pour out a blessing while we do very normal, natural things. So let's make ourselves available to him all the time. Let's say to God, "I am here at any time. I want to be with you, no matter what I am doing." When we make that commitment and follow through with it, God will meet us and the natural will become supernatural.

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