Monday, April 30, 2012

What is Your Calling?

"Nevertheless, each one should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has called him."
1 Corinthians 7:17

I often talk about the call of God. I have a specific call in my life and I have spent years answering that call. I fully believe that God has a plan for my life. My responsibility is to partner with him in the fulfillment of that plan. For me, it would be impossible to walk away from the place that God has called me. He has gifted me, equipped me, and prepared me to fulfill his will for my life. In my case, I am called to ministry. In the course of my life, I have worked at many different jobs and businesses. But none of those fulfilled me. Jobs were necessary to provide for ministry, but they were not my calling. The only thing that gives me that deep down peace and joy is receiving from God and giving it to others.
    Not everyone is called to full-time ministry. Many Christian people spend their lives working at the same job, living in the same home, attending the same church, and living a normal, successful life. Does this make them wrong? Absolutely not! It is the gift of God for all of us to be in the center of his will for our lives, no matter what that calling is. For some, it may be to teach in public schools or coach sports. Others are called to own businesses and make an impact in the marketplace. Some are called to factories, retail stores, offices, or politics. None are better than others, all are fulfilling the will of God if they are doing what He created them to do.
    If you are called to be a businessman, do it with all your heart. Do it because you are working for your Father. If you are called to the factories or offices, do it to please God. All of these places have one thing in common: They all have people. Therefore, every place you go becomes a mission field. Remember, we are called to be Christ in the world. Your coworkers may never see another representation of Jesus except you. So represent him well. Somewhere along the line, it has been summed up this way: "Bloom where you're planted." When God plants you in a career, he has called you there. When he has given you a family, he has called you to be the best mother or father you can be. God has called us all and placed us strategically in every walk of life.
    If you have felt that you are not  important in God's kingdom because of what you do, be free from that. If you are in his will, you are fulfilling his will for you. All are equal, all are called, and all have a specific assignment. The pastor has his, the businessman has his, and the laborer has his. So find peace in the place God has given you. If you have dreams, chase them with everything you've got, but never run away from the call in your life. The Bible says that God's gifts and his callings are irrevocable. You can run, but you can never hide from God's plan for your life. Take it, embrace it, and live for him. When you are done, you will hear him say, "Well done my faithful servant." And that is more than enough.

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