Thursday, March 3, 2011

In the Presence of The King

"Do not be in a hurry to leave the King's presence."
Ecclesiastes 8:3

It seems that we are always in a hurry. We have schedules to keep, places to be, appointments to be kept. It seems that this is a curse of the days in which we live. We have a 'right now' mentality. We don't have to wait for the answer, we can look it up on the internet. We don't have to wait til we have the money, we can put it on the credit card.
    There is a time and place we must learn to rest. When we are in the presence of the King of kings, we must not be in a hurry. I have learned to value the times I spend with him. I am also learning that it is valuable to spend extended times with him. I do this through spending time in prayer.
    Imagine the privilege we have. We are given a wide-open opportunity to come before the ultimate King and spend as much time there as we wish. While there, he will not just go about business as usual. No, he will take time to sit with us and listen as we share our problems, defeats and victories. He laughs when we laugh, rejoices when we rejoice and cries when we cry. All this he does, because we share in the kingdom he leads. He always has time for the princes and princesses of his kingdom.
    There is a great paradox between the world we live in and the kingdom of Heaven. Here, everything is in a hurry. In the kingdom, there is all the time we need. Here, there is turmoil. In the kingdom, there is perfect peace. So, why would I choose to live my life subjected to the tumultuous, maddening pace of this world when I could spend time in the presence of the King?
    Choose today, to spend some time with the King. Don't be in a hurry, just relax in his presence. This is a place of privilege, of honor, of value. Don't take it lightly. Rest easy, my friends, in the presence of the King.

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