Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lying to God

"Now Cain said to his brother Abel,'“Let’s go out to the field.' And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him. Then the LORD said to Cain, 'Where is your brother Abel?'
  'I don’t know,' he replied. 'Am I my brother’s keeper?'"
Genesis 4:8&9

Everyone does something wrong sometimes. Everyone commits sins. This was one of the earliest ones recorded. At this time there were only four people alive on the earth: Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel. Sin had been introduced into the world as Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit of the tree of life. There were no laws, no kings or soldiers to enforce rules. So the act of murder was a brand new thing. Why would someone think to do such a thing? why did Cain do it and why did he lie to God?
    Cain knew that it was wrong to kill his brother. When sin was introduced, the concept of right and wrong was also introduced. Remember Adam and Eve were naked when they lived in the garden, but after they ate the fruit, they hid themselves from God because they recognized that they were naked. They knew right from wrong. This was instilled in Cain and Abel as well. It certainly was bad enough that Cain would kill his own brother, but he complicated in further by lying to God. One sin gave birth to another and the cancer of evil spread in Cain's life.
    Not many of us have done anything so violent as Cain did. We probably have not murdered anyone. But i am sure that most of us have lied to God. Sin is dark, it dwells in blackness. It lives in secret places that we refuse to talk about. When we are confronted with a direct question, we will lie to keep it covered. Sin when exposed by the light of God cannot reign. So when we do something wrong, when we sin against God, we cover it up. God already knows what we have done, so why do we lie to him? It is freeing and releasing to go ahead and tell God what happened. When sin gets exposed, we open ourselves up to receiving the forgiveness that our loving God wants to extend.
    Some may have deep secretive sins. Others may have participated in things that seem like no big deal. So I'm speaking to all of us. You may not have a deep, dark secret, but if you continue to withhold exposing sin, it will separate you from God. So today, I encourage you to expose sin to the light of God's grace. Don't fear speaking it out to him. He is not going to reject you or stop loving you. He lives to forgive us. Hiding is equal to lying. God already knows. In fact, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. His love never fails, his forgiveness knows no end. So stop lying to God and receive his freedom.

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