Monday, March 12, 2012

Generously Refreshing

"A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

I think that when we think of a generous person, we immediately think about someone who gives money. There certainly are people who are generous with money, but this is a very limited view of generosity. Everyone has the ability to be generous. It doesn't take a lot of money or possessions. Generosity is a matter of the heart. Solomon, who wrote this proverb, links two great virtues together; generosity and refreshing. Both are the fruits of a heart that loves God and loves people.
    We live in a world where generosity is rare. Generally, people give reluctantly or sparingly. Even the richest people in the world give relatively little compared to their worth. It seems that a generous person finds ways to give that have little or nothing to do with money. Shortly after I lost my job and career, a business associate and friend volunteered part of his garage to store a boat that I owned. I listed it for sale and he gladly met with people and showed it. His wife always gave us baked items or other food she had prepared. These were not large amounts of money, but clearly it came from generous hearts. I will never forget how much that blessed me while I was in a really dark hour. Sometimes, the littlest things can be the biggest blessings.
    Generosity leads to refreshing. When a generous person is moved to help someone, the person on the receiving end is refreshed. It seems like an odd word to describe this, but it really is the most accurate. People who are in need of a touch from someone, are usually struggling with a circumstance, feeling defeated, or generally depressed. When a single act of kindness is brought their way, those negative feelings are pushed back and refreshing comes. Even if it relieves some pain for only a short while, there is a deep blessing for both the giver and the receiver.
    I resolve to be more generous. I know that a generous person is blessed and prospers. I also know that the blessing may not be a material one, but a spiritual one. Something eternal happens when generosity is unleashed. All of us are in need of refreshing from time to time. This exchange of generosity and refreshing is vital to our Christian lives. For when we are generous, we display the character of Christ. When we are blessed and refreshed by one who shows us generosity, we have received just as if we have received it from Jesus himself. I want to be a participant of both. Let's shine the light of Christ through generosity that brings refreshing. Whichever end you find yourself on, a blessing is sure to follow.

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