Wednesday, February 29, 2012

One in the Spirit

"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had."
Acts 4:32

Near the advent of the church, there were many things they didn't understand. Jesus had recently left them and everything they did, every move they made was an adventure. None of the leaders of the church had been leaders before. They had been followers. But a new empowering had happened. The Holy Spirit was in them, and great things were happening. Miracles and healings were taking place and the church was flourishing. There was a central theme that was the key to their success. They were one in heart and mind.
    It seems that all personal endeavors were put on hold. The people who made up the early church had committed themselves to only one mission; to proclaim the message of the risen Christ to the known world. They started with Jerusalem. As those in the city looked on, they saw a group of people who were completely unselfish. There were no separate agendas. Members were not trying to move up the leadership ladder. They were content in the common goal. Every heart, every mind was on the same page. There were no competing churches. There were no groups claiming to have the best thing going in Christian circles. They were all one, and this brought unparalleled success.
    What would happen if the church today were one in heart and mind? What would happen if the petty things that separate us were destroyed in favor of having one heart for God? The early church people were so committed to one another that they literally sold things to provide for the needs of others. Is this a concept that is just too difficult for us to understand? I think we have been lulled into a selfish life in many ways. But the days are upon us when the church is being called to enter into greater relationship with God. The hallmark of the church, the thing that the world will be drawn to, is people who love each other enough to sacrifice themselves and their stuff for the sake of the common good. This can only be accomplished if we are committed to being one in heart and mind. Let the church arise and be the people God is calling us to be. The message of Christ will go forth with power and the day of the Lord will be ushered in. Let's commit ourselves to be one in the Spirit.

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