Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Big Fish

"But the LORD provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights."
Jonah 1:17

The story of Jonah has become a treasured children's tale. The story has been told countless times. Usually, the great fish is called a whale. Of course, we don't know for sure, but more than likely it was exactly as the Bible says...A big fish.
    Jonah was running from God. He was called to go to Nineveh and preach against the city because of their sin and wickedness. Not enthused at the prospect, Jonah chose to literally sail the opposite direction. When the seas became so violent that all aboard the ship were threatened, Jonah fessed up. He was the one running and he knew it. They cast him overboard and immediately the sea calmed. But it is what happened after, that is the heart of my thoughts today.
    God PROVIDED a great fish. I'm sure Jonah didn't see it as provision at first. But it became evident that it was God's plan, his vehicle, to get Jonah to the place he was supposed to go. Three long days inside a fish will cause a man to think, and Jonah did. From the belly of the fish, Jonah cried out to God. He thanked him for saving him from the waves of the sea. He praised him for providing for him. He promised to do what God had called him to do. Imagine being swallowed by a fish. It sounds horrific, and I'm sure Jonah was frightened beyond any description. But from within the fish, God still spoke to him and Jonah responded. It was a preparation time that he would not have had otherwise. His rebellion and disobedience were turned into a three day communion with God. This was his provision.
    Some of us may have run from God. But whether we have or not, one thing is sure: We will spend some time in the belly of the fish. Not literally of course, but we can be sure that God will put us in places that may not look very comfortable. it may be a cold, scary environment, but it may well be the vehicle God has chosen to prepare us for his purpose in our lives. Like Jonah, we must change our attitude about the fish. It is not a place of death or destruction, it is a provision given by God himself. In that time and place, he will prepare us for the great things he has planned. Let's not be afraid or angry. The big fish is sent for our good. From within its belly, let's praise and thank God. His plan is perfect.

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