Monday, February 13, 2012

Always the Same

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
Hebrews 13:8

We need to be reminded regularly of the truth of this scripture. I think that sometimes, religion, theology, and denominational differences lead us to argue. Usually these things are about end times theology or beliefs about the scriptures. As long as there have been religious people, there have been differences of opinion. These have changed over time. Some religions have died, others have changed so dramatically that they bear little resemblance to the former state. Theologies, ideas about how we should worship, and philosophies about the purpose of the church have and will change. But one things remains constant and true through all of this: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
    There must be some basic beliefs to look at if we believe the scripture: If Jesus is the same now as he was before, he must still be creating. He was with God in the beginning and was actively involved in the process. If he is the same now as he was before, the miracles he performed are still happening. If he is the same now as he was before, his teachings are still bringing life. If he is the same now as he was before, he is still saving the lost. And if he is going to be the same in the future, these same things will be happening then.
    Once we embrace this truth, many of the things that bring division and arguments will fall away. We will not have to justify our personal set of beliefs because we will know that the constant is Jesus. The flavor of our worship may change. The music may be different. The style of the preachers may vary. But the one constant is: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
    Let us rally around the truth of this scripture. Jesus is the main thing, let's keep it that way. All the other doctrines and theologies can become distractions if we allow them to be greater than the central truth of Jesus, the crucified and risen Savior. I believe what God is doing now and is about to do in the world will transcend denominations. No one will be greater than another. We are about to see God do unprecedented things. We live in spectacular days. Although we are approaching the end of the age, one thing remains constant: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." He is the author of everything just as he was in the past. He will be the author in the future. This is why we need not fear. We are secure in the knowledge that he remains constant, he never changes. What he has done, he is doing now. What he is doing now, he will continue to do in the future. One small scripture, one amazing truth. Believe it and live in victory.

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