Friday, February 24, 2012

Grace to Win

"My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one."
John 17:15

If you are like me, there have probably been times when you may have told God that things are too difficult here. You may have said that it would be easier to just leave the world, either by death or rapture, than to remain in the difficulties we face on earth. I know, because I have said these things to God. It is not always easy to live in the world. It seems that the world is in a tailspin morally and financially. But we should make a decision to agree with the Word, the prayer of Jesus himself. 
    Sometimes, we Christians have an escapist mentality. Rather than stand and see what God is going to do, we would prefer to be removed from the situation. Of course, we still must contend with the enemy. He and his minions still roam the earth. But God's intent is for us to be victorious here on earth. I remember several years ago, the Portland Trailblazers of the National Basketball Association coined a phrase that became their rallying point for that season: "In it to win it." I believe this should be our mentality. There are often ways that seem easier for us to take, but the ones that God has in store for us are always better. His plans are set and he intends to use us to carry them out. 
    Remember, Jesus prayed this prayer shortly before he was to die on the cross. His prayer was based on the love he had for his disciples. He knew he would be leaving them. He also knew that they would feel the same way we sometimes do. They would see Jesus ascend to heaven and desire to follow him. Jesus understood and he had compassion for them. Yet when he was honest with the Father, he could only pray that they would remain here, be strong, and resist the enemy. His love, concern, and prayer for us has not changed, because he does not change. 
    There are amazing blessings in store for us. God is going to do great things on the earth. In fact, he intends to establish his kingdom here. It has always been his plan. Jesus understood this when he prayed. Let's take up a rally cry, "In it to win it!" We must change our ideas, change our thinking, about who we are. We must understand that God already knows us and has equipped us to fulfill his will on the earth. I know we long for heaven, but there is much to do here on the earth. And God has already given us the grace to win. 

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