"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. The sun and moon will be darkened, and the stars no longer shine. The LORD will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the sky will tremble. But the LORD will be a refuge for his people, a stronghold for the people of Israel"
Joel 3:14-16
When we look at the world around us, it is easy to develop a defeatist attitude. Economically, things look hopeless. Millions of people are fighting for their lives, living without adequate food and water. Evil nations are developing mass weapons of destruction. It seems like the world is coming to an end...and quickly. But there is a glorious hope for us who believe. Though everything around us falls, though all is burned up in the fury of God's wrath, we remain safe in the arms of God.
It really doesn't matter what theology you believe as it relates to the end times. You may believe that God is going to take us away from all this before anything bad happens. You may follow teachings that tell you there will be some suffering before God takes you away. You may adhere to theology that says you will be here until heaven and earth pass away. But there is one truth that all must believe: The church will be victorious!
God did not create the church only to destroy it with all the evil in the world. He created the church to carry on the work of Jesus in his temporary absence. He gave the church power and authority. He commissioned us, equipped us, and sent us forth to make disciples of all nations. I cannot see any defeat in these things. Jesus may have looked defeated by those who put him on the cross, but the greatest victory in history was done through him. The success and victory of the church is not based on how many attend, how elaborate the buildings are, or how good the music and preaching are. The victory lies in the fact that the church has been given the authority of Christ in the earth. The church will be victorious!
Yes, the world as we know it, is coming to an end. God will destroy evil as well as the wickedness of men. The old principles of the world will pass away, and a new earth will be established as Jesus himself, descends to rule and reign. And through all of this, the church will be victorious! So where do you fit in the valley of decision? Are you going to continue to believe that we are doomed to perish with the rest of the world, or are you going to take your place in the refuge of God? His promise to us is clear. He will keep us, he will protect us, and we will gain victory through whatever comes our way. The valley of decision is lit with the glory of God being shown through us, his church. Although the world is passing away, the church is victorious! Join the celebration.
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