Monday, January 23, 2012

The Problem with Sin Management

"I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it." 
Romans 7:18-20

There are three types of people in the world. First, there are those who care nothing about the issue of sin. They live with a "If it feels good, do it" kind of mentality. Since they have little moral compass, they never even deal with the issue. Sin, quite literally, reigns supreme in their lives. Second, there are people who are 'sin managers.' They live in the revolving door of sin. Though they desire to move on, they cannot get beyond the very issue that Paul describes in Romans 7. Therefore, they attempt to manage the problem of sin by following rules and regulations. The third type is the overcomer. These are people who understand that there is victory over sin found in Jesus Christ and in a continuing relationship with the Holy Spirit who helps and counsels to move them toward holiness.
    The only hope for those who don't care about sin, is Jesus. The only thing that will actually change them is an experience with the God of the universe and his Son, Jesus Christ. Otherwise, sin will continue to reign in their lives and any hope of eternal salvation is lost. There is but one way to receive forgiveness of sin and move into eternal life; They must receive Jesus and the redeeming work of the cross.
    The sin managers are bound by rules. You see, religion teaches people to manage the sin problem as best they can. Since they cannot live up to the rules that have been created, the only option is to continually confess these sins to God and receive forgiveness. The idea is sound, because God does forgive sin, but the one who lives this way is like a hamster on an exercise wheel. They may think they are going somewhere, but in reality they are stuck in the same place, making no progress in their lives. They continue to confess the same sins over and over again. This is why no religion on the face of the earth can lead people to God. All religions, even if under the umbrella of Christianity, are powerless to lead people to the Father.
    The overcomers are people who understand that they are sinners, but the blood of Jesus has cleansed them from sin and given them righteousness (right standing) with God. They are not caught in the revolving door of sin. They have counted themselves dead to sin because of Jesus' death and resurrection. They repent of sin by confessing and then changing their minds about it. In this way, they move on from the place of sin into a place of authority and power in that area of their lives.. Sins are defeated and deeper things are exposed.
    If the Bible ended at Romans 7:20, we would be sad and lost people. But it doesn't. "Because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death." (Romans 8:2). The overcomer has moved through the revolving door of sin and into the victorious life in Christ through the Spirit of God. If you are caught in the revolving door of sin, but you know there is more for you, I encourage you to move into the life of an overcomer. This means you must put down religion with its rules and regulations and move into the glorious freedom found in Jesus. There have been many good people who have taught what they supposed were good things, but their teachings have only led to frustration for those who have tried to follow the rules. The answer is to be set free from the rules and follow the law of the Spirit. He will encourage and counsel you in the ways of God. Then the sin management will stop and the overcoming life will take hold.

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