Wednesday, January 25, 2012


"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong."
1 Corinthians 16:13

Lately, the Lord has been speaking to me about bravery and courage. I am beginning to realize that these characteristics are vital to my life as a Christian. There have been too many times when fear has dictated my actions, too many times when I did not act because it seemed too difficult. At this point in my life, I am feeling the need to take up the mantle of bravery.
    I have often wondered what kind of soldier I might have been. I have never been in a war, never been on a battlefield, and never in a place where I would have to fight for my own life. I often listened to my dad tell stories of his time in World War II. The amazing bravery of the men who fought and died often brought me to an examination of myself. Would I have had the courage to stand in battle? Would I have run to the fight in defense of my nation and brothers, or would I have fled in an attempt to save my own life? When I honestly ask those questions, I don't really know the answers. On my own, I am not brave or courageous.
    Yet, there is a source of courage in me that cannot be explained in human measures. It is much deeper than that. Although I do not call myself brave or courageous, God does. He has called me to a place of spiritual bravery that I cannot run away from. It is his power that gives me strength to be brave. I cannot do it on my own, only by the help of the Holy Spirit. This spiritual courage will spill over into the physical part of my life, but I must submit to God's work in order for that to happen. I know that he is calling me into a deeper level of spiritual bravery. Even in battle, the bravest of men are the ones intrusted with the greatest duties. The greater plan is often revealed to them that they may understand the purpose of the mission and the reason for the duties they must perform. Those who are brave are intrusted with greater responsibility in the war.
    "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it." (Matthew 11:12). If I am to receive all of the kingdom of God, I have to take it. I must be forceful, brave and courageous. I cannot sit back and expect to receive the benefits, I must be brave in the Spirit. This is where the kingdom is revealed. The greater plan, the eternal purpose is found there. So I have committed myself to taking the kingdom. I will do this in the bravery, courage and strength that is given to me by God himself. For he has called me, he has intrusted me with a great purpose. He has required much of me. It is time I take the mantle of bravery. I am looking for partners. God is looking for brave men and women. Will you take the mantle? Will you be courageous?

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