Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Healer

"I am the Lord tht healeth thee."
Exodus 15:26  (KJV)

God spoke these words to the Israelites when they were about to leave Egypt. They had been in bondage to the /Egyptians for hundreds of years. God sent Moses to lead them, but he was not their deliverer, God was. So healing is not simply physical, it is really a deliverance. He told them that he was their healer, which assured them that he was going to release them from slavery. In God' s eyes, healing in multi-faceted.
    All of us are in need of some kind of healing. It may be physical, emotional, or spiritual. There is only one source for our healing, God himself. Whatever our needs are, we must present them to God and allow him to provide the necessary healing. The Israelites had been crying out for deliverance and God responded by calling Moses to their aid. From the most unlikely of sources, the healing was extended.
    Some are struggling with the promise of healing. I have talked to many people who have told of miraculous healings in their bodies. I have also spoken with many who have cried out for healing, but not received it. So what is the answer? Why are some healed and others not? The only one who can truly answer this question is God himself. His will is so far above what we can understand that our only choice is to leave it all in his hands. I understand this is difficult. We read about the many healings Jesus performed and we believe for the same things to happen to us. Yet sometimes the healing doesn't come. Let me reassure your heart today.
    If healing hasn't presented itself in your life, it is not necessarily because you are doing something wrong. God knows your need better than you know it yourself. His timing is perfect and his plan is unshakable. Even if he chooses to draw you to heaven, it is his decision, his true healing for you. Remember, the healing process is far more inclusive than just our bodies. God is concerned about eternity. He is concerned with the best outcome for us and others. Be persistent in prayer, be honest with God, but leave the results to him. He truly is the God who heals us and he has the perfect answer. Trust him, the day of healing and deliverance is on its way!

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