"How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"
Psalm 139:17
We have thousands of thoughts in a single day. Our minds are so active that they never stop thinking. Even when we are unaware, our subconscious is thinking. At night, our minds are filled with dreams. Although we need to rest, our minds never stop. The minds of men are actively in thought from the time we are conceived to the time we die. What an incredible thing God has created in us. Yet our minds are nothing compared to the mind of God. His thoughts are so vast that we cannot comprehend..
The prophet Jeremiah spoke of the thoughts of God. As God spoke through him, he said, "'I know the thoughts I think toward you,'declares the Lord." (Jeremiah 29:11a). Although the thoughts of God are so infinite that we cannot comprehend them, he makes sure that we know that he is thinking about us. His attention is fully on us, not just collectively, but personally. He is thinking specifically about each one of us all the time. This is why David would say, "How vast is the sum of them." Imagine how powerful it is that God is thinking of us all the time.
God's thoughts are even more powerful when they begin to be our thoughts as well. Since the Holy Spirit lives in us, we have the potential to think the very thoughts of God. He is gracious enough to speak God's thoughts into our minds. When we receive them and acknowledge them, we have experienced a closeness to God that is unparalleled. We have literally looked into the mind of God and experienced his thoughts. How amazing is God's love for us that he would share his own thoughts with us. We are sometimes too fearful to share our thoughts with other people. We think the y are not profound enough, too fleshly. But God freely shares his with us. His thoughts are holy. They give direction and reveal his will. When we understand that process, begin to hear them and share them with others, there is a powerful dynamic that takes place. People who might never hear God's thoughts, hear them through us! We have an amazing opportunity to spread the thoughts of God to people who are not listening. Now that is a wonderful call.
If you are not listening, make a point to start. God is sharing his own thoughts with you. They are so precious, so powerful, that we must pay attention. Take the opportunity to share those thoughts with others. God is sharing his very being with us. Shouldn't we share his thoughts with those who are not listening? In the same way that his thoughts change our lives, they will change others. Once they are exposed to the thoughts of God, they will turn to him. They will want to hear more of his thoughts through their own relationships with him. His thoughts will touch their minds, too. We are so blessed by God that he doesn't even withhold his own thoughts from us. Listen for his thoughts. Your life will change, and so will others.
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