Friday, December 23, 2011

No Other Name

"For to us a child is born,  to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever." 
Isaiah 9:6&7

Isaiah the prophet told of the coming of Christ many years before it happened. This is one of the most powerful and poetic pictures of the plan of God written in his Word. There are amazing insights into God found here. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all mentioned with descriptive beauty.
    Our heavenly Father is the Everlasting Father, the Mighty God. To us, he is the most wonderful Father we could ever have. He will never leave us. He does and will provide for us in every situation. His love for us knows no bounds. His mercies are new every morning. His presence in our lives is sweeter than any earthly thing. He is revealed in greater measure through the birth of Christ. He became more to his people than just the Mighty God, the one who instilled so much fear that his people dared not speak his name. He became our Father, revealed by his loving kindness to us in sending his only son.
    Jesus is our Prince of Peace. Where there was once turmoil and battles in our lives, there is now indescribable peace because of him. Where there are wars and rumors of wars, they must bow to the name of Jesus, for he is the Prince of Peace. The enemy of our souls who once exerted his power and authority, has been hurled down by the power of the cross. In the place of slavery to evil, came indescribable peace. The little baby in the manger became a man, fully God, who would take away the sins of the world, and provide perfect peace for all who would follow him.
    The Holy Spirit is our Wonderful Counselor. There is never a moment when he is not with us. Not an instant goes by that he is not watching over us and leading us in the way we should go. When we are weak, he is strong. When we are poor, he provides wealth. When we don't know what to do, he knows the way and guides us in the truth. Where there is need, he gathers us to provide. Wherever the Holy Spirit is, there is freedom. Sincehe has taken up his residence within us, we are people who are completely free. He convicts us of our sin and leads us toward holiness. He reveals the Father and the Son to us in ways we could never see otherwise. He is quite literally, "God with us."
    Why does the prophecy speak all of these names? Why are they all given to the coming Christ? Because Jesus was the embodiment of the whole Godhead. In him was the Father. He said, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." Within him dwelt the Holy Spirit. He was the first human to receive him, and he descended as a dove, the symbol of peace. There are no words to describe the gift God gave us. When Jesus came, everything changed; history, the future, the earth, the heavens, and all mankind. There is no other name that can compare to his. There is no other name under heaven by which men may be saved. All the names the prophet spoke were fulfilled in his coming. Praise him! Praise him! Praise him! He is the Christ of Christmas!

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