Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Family Affair

"When the Lord began to speak through Hosea, the Lord said to him, 'Go, take to yourself an adulterous wife and children of unfaithfulness, because the land is guilty of the vilest adultery in departing from the Lord.' So he married Gomer, daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son."
Hosea 1:2&3

I know this doesn't look like the most uplifting scripture, but there is a point to be made here. Hosea was a prophet of God. The Lord spoke his words to the nation of Israel through him. In those days, this was the only way God's voice was heard. There were no written words. They did not have a Bible. So God used prophets to present his words to the nations. In Hosea's case, he spoke to God's people, the Israelites.
    It was costly to be a prophet of God in those days. God told Hosea to intentionally marry a harlot. He was then to have children with her. God told him what to name each child. They were not uplifting names either. He called his three children: 'I Will Punish,' 'Not Loved,' and 'Not My People.' These are literally the translations of the names God told Hosea to give his children. You see, God used Hosea and his family to literally exemplify the nation of Israel. They had been an adulterous people, they had chased after other gods and they had done it for generations. But now, God was speaking. He made known his plan through the words of the prophet, but he also provided a visual picture to the Israelites. Hosea and his family were live examples of the nation.
    My point is this: When God calls people, it requires a full commitment that will involve the entire family. God is intentional when he places families together. Your husband or wife did not come to you by mistake or happenstance. They were given by God to partner with you in the life mission that he has ordained. Your children are to learn from you and your experiences. They will carry the mantle of your life into the next generations.
    Families are important to God. He created the institution. Whatever God is doing in your life, he is also doing in the life of your family. You are in the Christian experience together. Each family member must have their own relationship with God, but there will be a commonality in the passion and vision God has given you. Thank God that we don't have to live as Hosea did. But each of us have been called by God. He has something for all to do. Take your family along for the adventure. Your calling will live far longer than you do. The legacy you place within your children will carry to generation after generation. The call of God truly is a family affair.

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