Monday, October 24, 2011

Let Us Pray

"Give ear to my words. O Lord, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray."
Psalm 5:1&2

One of the basic realities of the Christian faith is prayer. It seems to me that many of us need to be reminded about this. We get busy in our lives and forget to spend time in prayer. I know that we can be in communication with God all the time. We can and should be in an attitude of prayer during the course of our days. But when David wrote these words, he was talking about setting aside time to be with the Lord. This is a time when we don't do anything else. We simply connect with God with no distractions.
    All of us have issues that are important. When David prayed, he had needs that were so pressing that all he could do was sigh before the Lord. He knew that even though there were no eloquent words, God would understand what his need was. We should take this freedom with God as well. I am learning that prayer is much more about communication with God than it is about the proper words I may put together. Prayer is about engaging our minds and focusing our attention on God. Although we should be speaking, it is okay if all that comes out is a sigh. We know that the Holy Spirit is praying for us at all times, and even if we don't have the words, he does. He knows exactly how to pray. God always knows our needs because the Spirit intercedes for us.
    David cried for help when he prayed. Some of the most effective prayers I have ever prayed, were not perfectly woven words, but rather just a simple, emotional cry to God for him to help me. In fact, I think one of the most powerful prayers is simply to say, "help." God understands our weakness and he knows that we are not able to handle all situations on our own. He doesn't expect us to. He wants to be the one who helps us and leads us through difficulties. He certainly does not want us to sidestep him and attempt to handle it on our own. He is intimately involved in our lives. When we pray, let's recognize our weakness and cry out for his help.
    Today, you and I should make a resolution to spend time in prayer. Not just time when we think about God, but a time when we sit, quiet ourselves before him, pour out our requests, cry for help, and listen to his voice. These times are precious. If we will make a practice of spending quality time with God, answers, benefits, and spiritual growth will come in abundance. Think about it. If you have not been in the habit of practicing prayer, start doing it. It will be the most productive time of your day. You will meet with God and great things are sure to follow.

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