Tuesday, October 4, 2011


"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit -- fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name."
John 15:16

This could be a challenge to our theology. We talk about making the choice to follow Jesus. Although it is true that we must make a decision to receive him, he has already chosen us. This happened long before we took our first breath. It was established before our fathers and grandfathers even existed. I am not preaching a Calvinistic message, instead I offer an opportunity to check our own hearts in light of the call we have received from our God.
    I remember many years ago, a campaign of sorts took place. Thousands of bumper stickers were created and displayed. It became a catch phrase that was both popular and controversial. The bumper stickers declared, "I Found It." Of course, Christians knew that they were talking about Jesus. It was designed to provoke questions, and it did. However, at the heart of the matter is this one indisputable truth: God chose us, we did not choose him. God found us, we did not find him. He found us in the throws of sin. He reached down to us while were still in rebellion against him. And one more thing; God certainly is not an "it."
    It is self-centered of us really. We think that we control our own lives, dictate our own futures, and design our own destinies. But none of these things are of our own doing. Honestly, all we, as Christians, have really done is accept what God has already established for us. It is not our strength, creativity, or talents that have brought us to him. It was all him. He loved us first, before we even thought about it.
    However, we should consider ourselves honored. The God who created everything, chose us. He chose me, and he chose you. We aren't herded around like cattle. He gave serious thought to each of us when he created, called and chose us. And he is still thinking of us. So let's get it straight. God chose us. He has appointed us to do great things. It seems to me that when we take hold of this truth, we will bear much spiritual fruit. When that happens, we can ask the Father anything and he will give it to us. These are the benefits that the chosen possess. So be bold, be strong, and receive the call. After all, you are a 'Chosen One.'

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