Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Sure Destiny

"The Lord Almighty has sworn, 'Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand.'"
Isaiah 14:24

When people talk about the future, there are varying opinions about how it works. Some say it is all just happenstance. There is no divine intervention and life is what you make it. Others say that all people have a destiny. They do not attribute this destiny to God, but they do believe that the future has been appointed for people. The truth is this; God has plans and destinies for all of us, and those plans do not change.
    God is the same now as he has always been. He will be the same as he is now. Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." God does not change, neither does he change his mind. This is the stability that we have within our relationship with him. We know that the rules do not change. He doesn't dangle a carrot in front of us, only to remove it before we can take hold of it.
    the future that is set for you, your destiny, is set by the hand of God. The Word says that "God Almighty has sworn" that his plans for us are set. We need not worry or attempt to direct our own lives. God is in control. Our destinies were created by him when he created us. He had in mind what each of us would do and his mind has never changed. Our place is to find out what that destiny is, and then live our lives agreeing with God. It is then, that we find fulfillment. We can choose to spend our lives fighting against God, or spend it agreeing with him and fulfilling his will.
    The things God has purposed will stand. Today, let's get back to the basics. Why don't you ask God to show you what your destiny is? Although he will not reveal his entire plan for your life with one question, he will set you on a path that leads to your life's destiny. It amazes me how God can orchestrate situations and circumstances to direct us. He is a master at carrying out his plans. We are not puppets. God longs for us to agree with him so his perfect plans will be fulfilled.. It is never too late to enter into God's plan. The prodigal's son came back and found it, so can we. Why would we settle for less than God's best for us? If we submit to God's will, we will have a uniquely designed, blessed future.

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