Thursday, July 14, 2011

God's Calling

"For God's gifts and his call are irrevocable."
Romans 11:29

If I were to translate this verse in today's language, I would say it this way: "You can run, but you cannot hide." Obviously, we need to understand first, that we are all called. God has a specific thing for you and I to do. It may be completely different than anyone else, but this is what makes God's call so unique and precious. Each of us has been gifted and called uniquely. It is not a package deal with everyone else. The concept we must understand is this: God looks at us individually, not as just a part of a whole. Yes, God loves his church, and he deals with nations, but he has chosen to work through people as he speaks to them directly and calls them for his purposes.
    Sometimes, we make this a little too spiritual. I was reading in Exodus recently and was struck with the mention of two men, Bezalel and Oholiab. It say that God filled them with his Spirit and gave them skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of crafts. they also had the ability to teach others these crafts. These men led the construction of the tabernacle. God didn't call them to speak to people, or lead nations, he called them to help build his tabernacle, and he gifted them accordingly.
    One of my heroes in the faith is a man named Smith Wigglesworth. He became a great preacher and was a man full of the Holy Spirit. In fact, stories are told about him that are incredible. He would walk onto a bus in London and people would fall on their knees and repent before God. All this would happen before he even spoke a word. He was full of the Holy Spirit. But Smith Wigglesworth was a simple man. He was a plumber. That's what he was first gifted to do. And God took the faithfulness of a person willing to follow him and made him great in his kingdom.
    What has God called you to do? How has he gifted you to fulfill his call? You may know already. You may be moving in that call right now. But some may be running from God's call. It is always simple. God may choose you to be a carpenter, and he will use you and your ability to literally build his kingdom. He may have called you to be a teacher, or a barista, or a janitor. Whatever God has called you to do, do it with all your strength. He has called you and he will use you and your call to glorify himself. Many people will be brought into his kingdom through your faithfulness. Don't run from God's call. It will always be with you no matter where you go. Take hold of it and live for God.

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