Friday, July 8, 2011

The Right Time

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1

It seems that there is never enough time. No matter how we try to adjust our schedules, we never seem to catch up with all the things we have to do. I have been thinking about this dilemma lately. What I am learning is; it is not so much the lack of time, as it is the lack of my ability to prioritize time. True, there are some things that have to come first. I must be at work everyday I am supposed to. But beyond this, I need to decide what is really important and schedule my time accordingly.
    I know that the time we spend in the presence of the Lord is vital. It is, or should be, a priority for each day. But it seems that we often find excuses that all but eliminate any available time to spend with God. We say that other things came up, or we just ran out of time. But, there is a time for everything. It is there, and it is available. All we have to do is take the time. My wife and I have had two of our grandchildren staying with us for the past few days. They are energetic little boys and by the end of the day, we are worn out from the activities of the day. Grandpa and grandma aren't built with the same energy level they have. In the time they have been at our house, I have spent much less time praying and reading my Bible than usual. So I have made the excuse, saying that there just isn't enough time.
    There is always enough time for our relationships with God. There are adjustments that we can all make that will give us the time to spend with him. In addition, we can and should include him in all of our activities. When we are at work, praise and prayer can be in our minds and on our lips. When we are at home or involved in other activities, we can still make time to talk to God. So it seems that really is a time for every activity.
    Today, let's take time for God. If you look, you will always find enough time to spend praying or reading God's Word. Let's decide to change our priorities and make Jesus number one. Then all our other activities will be blessed because we have been with him. "God forgive us for not making you first in our daily routines. Give us the wisdom we need to prioritize our lives. You are our source for everything and we look to you, first."

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