Tuesday, July 19, 2011


"I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
John 15:5

We must learn to abide in Christ. The word 'remain' is translated in other versions of the Bible as, "abide." There is great blessing and reward when we take time to simply abide with Christ. Our relationship with God is not a vertical one. We sometimes have the mistaken notion that God is up in heaven and we are way down here on the earth. So our prayers must transcend time and space to reach him. While the Father is on his throne in Glory, and Jesus is at his side, we have the Holy Spirit living and dwelling within us. So when we choose to abide and spend time with God, he is right here with us.
    The Holy Spirit is as much God as Jesus or the Father. It seems that some people either forget about the Holy Spirit or they lower him to some kind of lesser status than God and Jesus. He is fully God and God is fully resident within us. So when we make a decision to abide with him, we are in a relationship that is much closer than any other. The Holy Spirit reveals our Father and Jesus to us. He is the mediator, the intercessor, the bridge, that fills the gap between our lives and the fullness of God.
    Abiding with Christ is a lot like resting. It is a lifestyle of giving up ourselves and our problems to him, completely trusting him. We are in fellowship with him as he resides in us through the person of the Holy Spirit. Abiding doesn't require us to do anything. We don't have to say the right words or do the right things, we simply rest in the presence of God. When we do this, he speaks to us, shows us great things, and allows us to take in the sights of his kingdom. All this is possible, but only as we give up our hectic lifestyles and just relax in his presence.
    There is an element of longevity in the word 'abiding.' It is not a one-time experience. It is a lifestyle. As we learn to abide on a daily, even moment to moment, basis, we will find peace that we can only experience when we are in the presence of God. Try it today. Let all the cares of the world go away and simply take time to 'hang out' with Jesus. He doesn't require you to do anything, just enjoy his presence. This is the joy in abiding with Christ. It will change your life.

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