Friday, July 29, 2011

Let's be Practical

"Now for the matters you wrote about..."
1 Corinthians 7:1a

Of course you know by now, how much I love the Word of God. He speaks to me daily through his Word. It truly is sharper than any sword as the words penetrate my life and point out things that need to be changed. There is another side to the Word of God that I wish all people understood. It is filled with the most practical and applicable directions for everyday life, that have ever been compiled in one book.
    In this one book, are practical directions for everything we face. It tells us what we should and shouldn't eat. It tells us how to conduct ourselves in virtually every situation. It gives direction for physical as well as spiritual cleanliness. It warns us about things that will harm us. The wisdom of God is revealed throughout the pages of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.
    In the scripture referenced above, Paul answers specific questions that the Corinthian church had concerning basic questions of life. The answers he brings to them are so practical that if followed, would eliminate many of the issues we have in the world today. Paul tells them to stay away from sexual immorality of all kinds. He instructs them to marry so they will avoid the temptations the enemy would place in front of them. There has been so much disobedience to this simple direction that we now must deal with sexually transmitted diseases of all kinds. Aids alone, has killed millions. We have millions of unwanted, orphaned children as the result of sexual sin. We are reaping the results of total unconcern for the Word of God by many. Sexual immorality is only one of many practical things we are taught to avoid.
    If a person who had no regard for God would decide to follow just a few of the practical commands offered in the Bible, their life would be transformed. That transformation would lead them to the One who provided the way for them. So I say, let's not be ashamed to point people to the Bible. It is not a book for only the spiritual. It is a book that changes lives; spiritually, emotionally, and physically. God is good, and like him, his Word is also good. Perhaps, the Apostle Paul said it best: "I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." (Romans 1:16a) Let's embrace the practicality of God's Word, apply it to our own lives, and then proclaim it to others. They aren't just words, they are God's words!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sweet Comfort

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God."
2 Corinthians 1:3&4

I am so thankful that God comforts us in times of trouble. There have been so many times when he has met me and spoken a word of comfort to me when I needed it most. Other times, I have read his Word and the words seemed to be written for only me. God is so faithful to minister to us by his Spirit. We are never left alone when troubles come.
    There is another dynamic of God's comfort. We are part of it. There are times when you and I have the opportunity to be the arms of God. With them, we can embrace the hurting. Sometimes we have the opportunity to be the very voice of God. We are able to speak words of comfort into the lives of people who are desperate for comfort. Sometimes we have the opportunity to be the ears of God. For those who are in pain sometimes need to just cry out. Sometimes, words are not necessary. A listening ear is far more important.
    The one thing that fuels our ability to comfort others is the fact that we, ourselves have been comforted by God. It is difficult to comfort others when we have never experienced God's comfort ourselves. This works in the same manner everything else works when God is involved. He speaks into our lives, and then we speak into the lives of others. Whether it is to comfort them, challenge them, or teach them, it can only be effective as we give out of what has been given to us. We are never "end users." Everything God gives to us is given so that we may give it to others. That is how God works. In this way, his mercy and love are multiplied.
    Apply the concept of the 'Good Samaritan' to the idea of comforting others. If Good Sam had passed by the hurting man, his wounds would have never been bound. He would have not been cared for. In the same way, when we pass by hurting people, we are missing the opportunity to be the hands, voice and ears of God. They may not receive the comfort that God wanted to extend to them. God wants to use us. But we are not his puppets. We must make the choice to give out of what has so freely been given to us. Let's spread the sweet comfort of God.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Test of Fire

"And the fire will test the quality of each man's work. If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames."
1 Corinthians 3:13b-15

This particular portion of scripture has often weighed heavy on my heart. The vivid picture of "one escaping through the flames" has caused me to cry out to God with a repentant heart, asking him to forgive me for building carnal, temporal things. With all my heart, I want to build eternal things in me, my family, and others. These are the things that will stand the test of fire. Everything I build in this world will not stand the test.
    The fire comes in many forms. It may be the fire of trials and tribulation. If we are building eternal things in our lives, we will stand firm during these times. If we have built our lives on wealth or pleasures, the fire will devour us. It may come in the form of temptation. None of us are exempt from this. The question is not: Will we be tempted? The question is: Will we yield to the temptation? If the eternity that is in our hearts is well fed, we will withstand the tempter, if not, we will fall. There is another fire coming. It is the fire of God. With it, the work of all men will be tested. If our lives are built on faith in Jesus Christ, we will stand the test. If our lives are built on religion, laws, and worldly excellence, we will fail.
    All of us want to be saved in the day of the Lord. None of us desire to be rejected by God and sent to spend eternity in hell, absent from the presence of our Father. And none of us, who have committed our lives to him, will have to face such a fate. But I want to enter the kingdom of heaven gloriously. I want to receive the reward for a life spent building eternity in my own heart and in the hearts of men. I am not looking forward to an escape from the world. I am looking forward to a glorious graduation. I will be magnificently ushered into the presence of God, and he will say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant!" Maranatha, maranatha, come quickly Lord Jesus!
    Examine what you are building. Is it eternal or carnal? Will it stand the test of fire or be burned up in the inferno? It is never too late to start building eternity in your heart. If you know Jesus, repent for the sin of building worldly, worthless things. Get ready to be launched into his kingdom. If you do not yet know Christ, give your life to him today. Simply say, "Jesus, I know you are the Christ and I receive you in my life." Believe it in your heart, and tell others about it. Then all of us will not just escape through flames, we will boldly walk into the presence of God. That which you build, build for eternity!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Reality Check

"You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere men?"
 1 Corinthians 3:3

Yes, it is time for a reality check among the brethren. In this scripture, the apostle Paul is bringing a needed, but difficult message to the Corinthian church. They were quarreling among themselves. Factions had developed as some proclaimed they were followers of Paul, others followed Apollos, and still others followed Peter. Later in the letter to the Corinthians, Paul challenged them because they were bringing lawsuits against each other in public courts. His point was this: If they were Christians, they should start acting like Christians, not like people of the world.
    I think we need to be challenging ourselves about these same things today. I recently heard a notable Christian artist say that the only time he had ever had a lawsuit brought against him, was by a Christian. The times he had been the most personally attacked, were by Christians. The most pain and hurt he had ever experienced, was at the hands of Christians. It seems that there is something wrong with this picture. Christianity has been marred by quarreling and division for centuries. Churches split over differences of opinion and ideas about the way things should be done. In the end, these things are absolutely meaningless. We have forgotten that we have all been purchased by the blood of Christ. The cost for our lives is so great that we have no right to dishonor God by quarreling, arguing, and discrediting each other.
    You see, these are the ways of the world, not the ways of Christ. The central theme of Christianity is love. Arguing, dissension, and quarreling are not founded on love, they are based in selfishness and pride. The Bible tells us that humility is esteeming others above ourselves. Humility flows from the deep conviction to love others. If we are acting in love and humility, we cannot participate in quarreling and the like.
    Sometimes it is denomination against denomination. Sometimes it is church against church. Sometimes it is one part of a church against another part of the same church. And sometimes it is brother against brother, sister against sister. Of all the things that may make God weep, this must be the greatest. It is time for a reality check. Is this the way we Christians are to live? God's answer to us is a resounding, "no." "It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." (Ephesians 4:11-13). This is not the time to be petty. It is not the time to be condescending to our brothers and sisters. It is time to become mature. It is time to grow up...into the fullness of Christ!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Culture Shock

"Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ."
Acts 5:42

I've been thinking about our culture lately. The word 'culture' means: "A particular form or stage of civilization."* Here in the United States, we live in the modern American culture. We have grown accustomed to this culture. It is our way of life. With it, comes good and bad. We enjoy the freedom that our forefathers fought for and won. We enjoy living in one of the richest and most powerful nations in the world. Our culture has changed as it is defined more and more by corporate influences.
    I would like to propose an idea: What if we, the church, set out to change our culture? Let me give you two examples of organizations that have affected change in the American culture. The Disney conglomerate changed our culture in many ways. There are few little girls who don't have the desire to be a princess after the likes of Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, or Rapunzel. Virtually every preteen in America knows about and has seen Hannah Montana. Disney literally changed the face of our culture, particularly for our youth. ESPN accomplished the same thing within the culture of sports. Sporting events that were never seen before, are now huge media events as ESPN and other sports networks have begun to cover them. ESPN affects change in virtually all facets of sports because of their in-depth reporting and analysis. What if the church caught the vision to do the same things?
    It seems to me that we have become comfortable coexisting with the world culture. Often , the church teaches us to coexist, rather than bring real change to our world. Many Christians have the mentality that we attend church in order to get fueled up to exist in a hostile world for the rest of our week. Some of us live defeated lives because of this idea. Cultural change is affected when revolution occurs. the United States was birthed out of such a revolution.Could the world culture really change if we, the empowered church, reached out and touched it?
    Let's become revolutionary. Rather than living underground Christian lives in a perceived hostile culture, let's bring change. Let the church rise up and become a culture changing influence rather than living within the godless culture of the world. The Book of Acts church did it. The known world was changed as 120 original church members were empowered by the Holy Spirit. Rather than being influenced by the world, let's influence the world! Jesus said that the world would know we are his disciples by our love for one another. The culture change we desire will not come with war, it will happen through the love of God being reflected by us. Let's take the challenge, let's change the world.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Giving Glory

"Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness."
Psaln 115:1

When God gave Moses the ten commandments, the first one must have raised some eyebrows. Surrounding nations who would later find out about it, must have been baffled by this commandment. Even the Israelites themselves, had trouble adjusting to the command. God said, "You shall have no other gods before me." (Exodus 20:3). The nations of the known world worshiped multiple gods. Of course all of them were idols, but the majority of the world lived in a polytheistic state. Having many gods was the norm. With the one command, God revealed his desire to change the world to a monotheistic environment. He wanted everyone to worship only him.
    With this command, we are introduced to the fact that God is jealous. He does not want to share his glory with anyone else. This includes any image that is thought of as a god, or any person. Throughout the Bible, we read of earthly kings who were destroyed by God because they took glory for themselves. People thought of them as Gods and the kings basked in it. God would not allow this to happen and the kings were destroyed. Often their kingdoms were overthrown, given to other rulers or conquered by other kingdoms. God is jealous.
    In the book of Acts, the apostles were often worshiped as gods, by people who saw them perform miracles and speak the truth of the kingdom. In every case, they would not allow it to happen. They always told the people that they were men themselves and the glory must go to the one true God.
    This short history lesson has a purpose. We need to continually give God glory. God's requirements of us are to love him and give him glory. That's it. When we understand that we serve the one God who created everything, both known and unknown, the only response is to praise him. When we realize that this same God has chosen to have intimate relationships with each of us, the only possible response is to love and obey him. We are no different than the peoples of old. We must give glory to God. Even though we are empowered to do great things, it is God who receives the praise because he is the source of the power. Even though we have great positions in the kingdom of God, he receives the glory because he gives us the positions. Let's praise him more. Let's give him ALL the glory. For HE ALONE is worthy!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Learning to Listen

"Therefore we are sending Judas and Silas to confirm by word of mouth what we are writing. It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us..."
Acts 15: 27&28a

I have written much about the Holy Spirit and his presence in our lives. He is always with us and is always speaking to us. But I know that I have spent much of my life trying to differentiate his voice from my own. My mind seems to be confused about who it is that is speaking. Therefore, I am sometimes unsure about direction or decisions. So how do we tell the difference? How do we know when the Holy Spirit is speaking to us?
    The scripture above references a critical decision in the life of the early church. The gentiles had come into the church and there was confusion about what laws they should obey, since they were not followers of the Jewish laws. So the apostles gathered to make a decision and have it delivered to the gentile churches. After much discussion, the verdict was rendered: "It seemed good to us and to the Holy Spirit..."  They went on to direct the gentiles in a few things that they should follow. So the apostles didn't necessarily hear a clear audible voice, or even a clear thought from the Holy Spirit about the matter. They simply arrived at a conclusion, and then tested it by asking God. They felt the agreement and approval of the Holy Spirit and then they acted on it by delivering the decision.
    Sometimes, we make the process of hearing the Holy Spirit much too complex. He is always speaking into our minds, bringing direction and answers. But we say, "Those are only my thoughts." or "I don't know if that is God or not." Rather than spend our energy trying to figure it out, why don't we just agree with the Holy Spirit? If it seems good to the Holy Spirit, go ahead and follow the direction. You may not hear a clear voice in your mind, but you will certainly know when there is the peace of agreement present. If you are acting on your own thoughts and the direction is wrong, the Holy Spirit will correct you.
    This problem of not knowing the voice of the Holy Spirit inhibits our faith. If we spend so much time trying to figure out the direction, we may never come to a conclusion and act on it. So, something that God wanted to bless us with, may be missed. Let's just relax and follow Jesus. When we are comfortable with our relationship with God, we will find it easier to agree with the Holy Spirit. We will be able to separate the thoughts in our minds because we will want the same things that God wants.When this happens, we have learned to listen, we are hearing the Holy Spirit, and there is agreement with him. It's easier than we think!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

No More Locusts

"I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten--the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and locust swarm."
Joel 2:25

Swarms of locusts are devastating. They may literally eat everything in their paths and leave nothing but a wasteland. Locusts were often talked about in the Old Testament. You may remember that swarms of locusts were one of the plagues that God sent against Egypt and Pharaoh. Many of you may feel like you have endured a sort of plague of locusts in your own lives. These may have been very difficult times or an old lifestyle that has left its ugly mark on your lives. Either way, these are locusts.
    The promise that God has for us is the same one he gave to the nation of Israel through the prophet Joel. He will repay-or redeem-the destruction that has been caused in our lives. I want you to know that there is no sin that cannot be redeemed. There is no addiction that cannot be destroyed. There is no crisis that cannot be defeated. Whatever has happened in your past belongs in the past. None of these locusts should be lingering in the field of your life. God is redeeming everything that has caused devastation in your life. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17). You have been set free from the old life of sin.
    If you still struggle with guilt from past sin, put it at the foot of the cross, once and for all. If you continue to have issues with past addictions, give it to Jesus and be done. I know addictions may be difficult to overcome, but Christ died to redeem you from them. Receive the gift of deliverance from him. If you are struggling through a crisis in your life, know that God is coming to rescue you. He will never leave you or forsake you. You are his and he will bring the fruit of his kingdom into your life. Crisis cannot remain. When God says it's over, it is over.
If it is difficult to remember the things we have talked about, simply remember this and say it to God as many times as necessary: "No more locusts, no more locusts, no more locusts." He will know exactly what you are saying!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


"I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
John 15:5

We must learn to abide in Christ. The word 'remain' is translated in other versions of the Bible as, "abide." There is great blessing and reward when we take time to simply abide with Christ. Our relationship with God is not a vertical one. We sometimes have the mistaken notion that God is up in heaven and we are way down here on the earth. So our prayers must transcend time and space to reach him. While the Father is on his throne in Glory, and Jesus is at his side, we have the Holy Spirit living and dwelling within us. So when we choose to abide and spend time with God, he is right here with us.
    The Holy Spirit is as much God as Jesus or the Father. It seems that some people either forget about the Holy Spirit or they lower him to some kind of lesser status than God and Jesus. He is fully God and God is fully resident within us. So when we make a decision to abide with him, we are in a relationship that is much closer than any other. The Holy Spirit reveals our Father and Jesus to us. He is the mediator, the intercessor, the bridge, that fills the gap between our lives and the fullness of God.
    Abiding with Christ is a lot like resting. It is a lifestyle of giving up ourselves and our problems to him, completely trusting him. We are in fellowship with him as he resides in us through the person of the Holy Spirit. Abiding doesn't require us to do anything. We don't have to say the right words or do the right things, we simply rest in the presence of God. When we do this, he speaks to us, shows us great things, and allows us to take in the sights of his kingdom. All this is possible, but only as we give up our hectic lifestyles and just relax in his presence.
    There is an element of longevity in the word 'abiding.' It is not a one-time experience. It is a lifestyle. As we learn to abide on a daily, even moment to moment, basis, we will find peace that we can only experience when we are in the presence of God. Try it today. Let all the cares of the world go away and simply take time to 'hang out' with Jesus. He doesn't require you to do anything, just enjoy his presence. This is the joy in abiding with Christ. It will change your life.

Monday, July 18, 2011

To the Fearful Hearted

"Say to those with fearful hearts, 'Be strong, do not fear, your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.'"
Isaiah 35:4

I know first hand, what fear can do to a person. I have lived there for a good part of my life. Only in the past few years have I been able to overcome, as the Holy Spirit guided me through a great healing. I know that I am not the only one who struggles with fear. Many of us have deep fears that cripple us from really entering into all the great things that God has for us. There is no easy answer, no quick fix to the problem of fear. For most, it is deeply entrenched in our thinking. But God has an answer. It depends on us to receive his comfort and overcome the issue of fear.
    It amazes me that God simply says, "Be strong, do not fear." I would think he would give us some clear directions, something that would give us the ability to overcome the problem. But he doesn't. Sometimes, we need to understand that it is enough to trust in God and in his strength to take care of our problems. We need to cling to him and trust the hope that he is coming to save us.
    Fear is the greatest tool of the enemy. His power has been defeated and he cannot master a Christian life. So he fills our minds with fear in an attempt to stop us from doing what God wants us to do. The greatest detriment to faith is fear. It cripples us, and we are ineffective. When God asks us to do something, we need to act and thus exercise faith. If we are consumed by fear, we will do nothing and our faith will not be complete..
    What are we afraid of? If we will take an honest look, most of us will find that there is little to nothing behind our fears. We have simply become so accustomed to living with fear that we have agreed with the enemy. So I say, let's stop agreeing with the lies of the enemy and start agreeing with the truth that God speaks. He is our protector and he will come with vengeance to defeat our enemy. This is the truth and when we understand and believe it, we will be set free from the entrapment of fear. So be strong! Do not fear! Trust in God and receive his overcoming power. Do this, and fear cannot reign in your life.

Friday, July 15, 2011

God is Smiling

"As for the saints who are in the land, they are the glorous ones in whom is all my delight."
Psalm 16:3

Let me give you a word of encouragement today. There is so much for us to do, so much that captures our attention. We are all busy with our lives and the work of the kingdom of God. But I would like to offer you a few simple thoughts to comfort and bless.
    We don't often think of ourselves as saints. But this is exactly what God calls us. The scriptural meaning of the word is; holy or sanctified. All of us are sanctified or set apart for God's purpose. And all of us are moving daily in holiness. Therefore, we are all saints. I don't say this to puff us up, but we do need to rise above the weak old philosophy that says we are all just sinners, saved by grace. This is true, but God now sees us as saints who are full of his Spirit and the power that he has given us.
    We are glorious ones in the sight of God. To me, this is what being sanctified or set apart is all about. God recognizes us as different. We have willfully followed him. Other people look at us and see a difference, too. Saints are different than sinners and people are perceptive enough to recognize it. We don't act the same way, we don't talk the same way, and we don't live the same way as those who are ruled by sin. God sees it, and people see it as well.
    God delights in us. When you picture God in your mind, you ought to picture him with a smile on his face as he looks at you. I am a grandparent. Many times, I look at my preschool grandchildren and take delight in them. They are playful, carefree, and simple in their approach to life. They don't worry and they know they are loved and protected by their parents and grandparents. This is like our relationship with God. It is with that kind of pleasure that he looks at us. We are his children and he delights in us.
    Be encouraged today. God takes delight in you. Don't let your thoughts condemn you and don't believe the lies of the enemy. God is smiling. You are pleasing him. Lay back and rest in that. Let a smile come across your face and agree with what God thinks. You are a glorious saint!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

God's Calling

"For God's gifts and his call are irrevocable."
Romans 11:29

If I were to translate this verse in today's language, I would say it this way: "You can run, but you cannot hide." Obviously, we need to understand first, that we are all called. God has a specific thing for you and I to do. It may be completely different than anyone else, but this is what makes God's call so unique and precious. Each of us has been gifted and called uniquely. It is not a package deal with everyone else. The concept we must understand is this: God looks at us individually, not as just a part of a whole. Yes, God loves his church, and he deals with nations, but he has chosen to work through people as he speaks to them directly and calls them for his purposes.
    Sometimes, we make this a little too spiritual. I was reading in Exodus recently and was struck with the mention of two men, Bezalel and Oholiab. It say that God filled them with his Spirit and gave them skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of crafts. they also had the ability to teach others these crafts. These men led the construction of the tabernacle. God didn't call them to speak to people, or lead nations, he called them to help build his tabernacle, and he gifted them accordingly.
    One of my heroes in the faith is a man named Smith Wigglesworth. He became a great preacher and was a man full of the Holy Spirit. In fact, stories are told about him that are incredible. He would walk onto a bus in London and people would fall on their knees and repent before God. All this would happen before he even spoke a word. He was full of the Holy Spirit. But Smith Wigglesworth was a simple man. He was a plumber. That's what he was first gifted to do. And God took the faithfulness of a person willing to follow him and made him great in his kingdom.
    What has God called you to do? How has he gifted you to fulfill his call? You may know already. You may be moving in that call right now. But some may be running from God's call. It is always simple. God may choose you to be a carpenter, and he will use you and your ability to literally build his kingdom. He may have called you to be a teacher, or a barista, or a janitor. Whatever God has called you to do, do it with all your strength. He has called you and he will use you and your call to glorify himself. Many people will be brought into his kingdom through your faithfulness. Don't run from God's call. It will always be with you no matter where you go. Take hold of it and live for God.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Sure Destiny

"The Lord Almighty has sworn, 'Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand.'"
Isaiah 14:24

When people talk about the future, there are varying opinions about how it works. Some say it is all just happenstance. There is no divine intervention and life is what you make it. Others say that all people have a destiny. They do not attribute this destiny to God, but they do believe that the future has been appointed for people. The truth is this; God has plans and destinies for all of us, and those plans do not change.
    God is the same now as he has always been. He will be the same as he is now. Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." God does not change, neither does he change his mind. This is the stability that we have within our relationship with him. We know that the rules do not change. He doesn't dangle a carrot in front of us, only to remove it before we can take hold of it.
    the future that is set for you, your destiny, is set by the hand of God. The Word says that "God Almighty has sworn" that his plans for us are set. We need not worry or attempt to direct our own lives. God is in control. Our destinies were created by him when he created us. He had in mind what each of us would do and his mind has never changed. Our place is to find out what that destiny is, and then live our lives agreeing with God. It is then, that we find fulfillment. We can choose to spend our lives fighting against God, or spend it agreeing with him and fulfilling his will.
    The things God has purposed will stand. Today, let's get back to the basics. Why don't you ask God to show you what your destiny is? Although he will not reveal his entire plan for your life with one question, he will set you on a path that leads to your life's destiny. It amazes me how God can orchestrate situations and circumstances to direct us. He is a master at carrying out his plans. We are not puppets. God longs for us to agree with him so his perfect plans will be fulfilled.. It is never too late to enter into God's plan. The prodigal's son came back and found it, so can we. Why would we settle for less than God's best for us? If we submit to God's will, we will have a uniquely designed, blessed future.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Living to Please God

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men."
Romans 14:17&18

I often wonder what really pleases God. I think about the way I live and act, and I realize that often, it does not please him. So I am challenged to really find out what pleases him. I understand that he is pleased with me, because he created me and purchased me through the blood of his own Son. But I want to live to please him. How then, do I do this without getting caught up in more religious activities that I think may please him.
   The answer to my dilemma is found in the simple words referenced above. I am to live my life in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, not concerned with eating and drinking, or the things of my flesh. When I realize this, I know that it is not a matter of what I do that pleases him, it is a matter of how I live. This gets down to the simple issue of my heart. Do I have a heart that pleases God? If so, my life will manifest righteousness, peace and joy. It is important that I know I am not expected to work up these things on my own. Instead, I am to depend on the Holy Spirit to help me.
    I love the fact that God is not moved by worldly success, wealth, or power. He is not moved by someone with prominent position. He is not impressed with popularity. He does not approve more of people with great ministries and Christian success, any more than he approves of us. He does not prefer one person over another. God is pleased when we exude righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. God enjoys people who live this way. When we are joyful, he must look at us and laugh with us. When we live in peace with others, there is a supernatural intervention that brings a peace that passes all understanding. And he loves righteous people, not because we are religious and obey every law, but because he gave us righteousness through Jesus.
    Please realize today, that these are the things that please God. You do not have to be a great speaker, or evangelist. You may stumble over words or be too shy to speak. None of this matters. If you are living in righteousness, peace and joy, relying on the Holy Spirit to help, you are pleasing God. It's that simple. A person who lives this way will be noticed by people as well. You can't hide these virtues. Your countenance will speak loudly. Let this truth settle into your heart. This is the life that really please God.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Living on the High Wire

"Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things, but also approve of those who practice them."
Romans 1:32

I like to be encouraging with the things I say here. But sometimes, we just have to face the truth of the Word and examine ourselves to make sure we are agreeing with the truth. This is one of those times. Paul wrote the words above to conclude a discourse about sin. Regarding sin, he mentions many: lying, stealing, gossiping, sexual immorality, murder, depravity and more. There are two areas of examination we need to consider. First: Are we continuing to participate in these sins? Second: Do we approve of others who practice these sins?
    As Christians, we must ask ourselves this question. Have we done away with lying, gossiping, stealing, disobeying authority, sexual immorality, idol worship and other evils? If we are still participating in some of these, we must face the reality that we are continuing in sin and not taking full advantage of the gift of salvation that Jesus has given us. God's grace gives the ability to say 'no' to sin, and 'yes' to righteousness. Grace does not give us the right to use it as a license to continue in the old sins we used to succumb to. Imagine you are in a circus high wire act. You must walk a wire, do hand stands on that wire, complete acrobatics on that wire, carry others on your shoulders while you walk the wire, etc. Now, imagine that you must perform all of these things a hundred feet above the ground and there is no net to catch you if you fall. You would make sure that you performed with precision and excellence. This is how we are to live our Christian lives. We are to live above sin, living completely for God. Sin is the hard ground that we hit if we fall.  However, we have the glorious blessing of knowing that God has provided grace for us as a net to catch us should we slip and fall into some sin. But if we live our lives expecting to fall, we will never be victorious in our faith. Artists who perform on the high wire, do so with a resolve that causes them to perform as if there is no net. They rarely fall. Neither should we.
   We must also examine ourselves to see if we approve of these sins. We have become the proverbial "frog in the pot." Sin is so rampant around us that we have become desensitized to evil. We watch movies with blatant sexual immorality and dismiss it in favor of the pleasure of entertainment. Lies, gossip and stealing are factst of life in much of the business world. Do we watch and then turn the other way rather than confront evil? Let's examine ourselves and find out if we are approving of sin.
    I do not write this to condemn. It should be a daily practice of the Christian to examine ourselves regarding these things. If we are involved in a sin, let's stop, confess it to God, repent, and turn away from it. If we are continuing to approve of sin by being apathetic toward it, let's stop, regain our focus, repent, and move on into the righteousness God has provided for us. I love the freedom we have in Christ, but we cannot abuse it. We must stand up and call sin for what it is, evil. We can live our lives on the high wire of God's kingdom. This is a thrill that lasts for eternity.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Right Time

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1

It seems that there is never enough time. No matter how we try to adjust our schedules, we never seem to catch up with all the things we have to do. I have been thinking about this dilemma lately. What I am learning is; it is not so much the lack of time, as it is the lack of my ability to prioritize time. True, there are some things that have to come first. I must be at work everyday I am supposed to. But beyond this, I need to decide what is really important and schedule my time accordingly.
    I know that the time we spend in the presence of the Lord is vital. It is, or should be, a priority for each day. But it seems that we often find excuses that all but eliminate any available time to spend with God. We say that other things came up, or we just ran out of time. But, there is a time for everything. It is there, and it is available. All we have to do is take the time. My wife and I have had two of our grandchildren staying with us for the past few days. They are energetic little boys and by the end of the day, we are worn out from the activities of the day. Grandpa and grandma aren't built with the same energy level they have. In the time they have been at our house, I have spent much less time praying and reading my Bible than usual. So I have made the excuse, saying that there just isn't enough time.
    There is always enough time for our relationships with God. There are adjustments that we can all make that will give us the time to spend with him. In addition, we can and should include him in all of our activities. When we are at work, praise and prayer can be in our minds and on our lips. When we are at home or involved in other activities, we can still make time to talk to God. So it seems that really is a time for every activity.
    Today, let's take time for God. If you look, you will always find enough time to spend praying or reading God's Word. Let's decide to change our priorities and make Jesus number one. Then all our other activities will be blessed because we have been with him. "God forgive us for not making you first in our daily routines. Give us the wisdom we need to prioritize our lives. You are our source for everything and we look to you, first."

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Our Refuge and Strength

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."
Psalm 46:1

Have you ever found yourself in trouble? I have. I have been in trouble to the point that I wished I could just turn back the clock. Then I could avoid the problem. But that never happened, so I have always had to face the fact that trouble was upon me, and therefore, I needed help. Trouble is common to all of us. We all face troubles of many kinds. Some are of our own making, and others are completely out of our control. In times of trouble, we often need help because we are unable to cope with, or resolve the situation on our own. It is in these times that many people fall into old habits or addictions. But there is a help available to us that can and will overcome any trouble.
    God is ever-present in the times of our struggles. It is interesting that when trouble comes, many people run away from God. They feel that they have failed him, or are unworthy of any help from him. But these are exactly the times when God wants to touch our lives. He never leaves. We can run, but he is still there. He is always comforting and guiding us through the difficult times.
    God alone is our refuge and strength. Humans are all the same. When trouble comes, we want to run. God understands this, so he has provided a place for us to go. You see, he is our refuge and strength. A refuge is a place where we can go to find safety and protection. We are mistaken if we think we can find that in any other relationship or substance. Other things may cover up the trouble for a time, but in the end, the problems remain. God is the permanent solution. He will give us refuge and then strengthen us to go through the trouble. He never leaves, so we will not have to face the trouble alone. There is tremendous comfort when we understand God's heart for us.
    Today, some of you are in trouble. You know it, and you are unable to deal with the situation on your own. I encourage you to run to your refuge and strength. Allow him to comfort you and instruct you in the way you should go. He will never leave you, he will not abandon you, he will never forsake you. If you have run to another relationship or an old addiction for comfort, it is never too late. God is still right there waiting for you to turn to him. Make the right choice: Run to Jesus!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Call

"Then he said: 'The God of our fathers has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth. You will be his witness to all men of what you have seen and heard.'"
Acts 22:14&15

Saul had just been confronted by Jesus while on a mission to Damascus to arrest Christians there. He was blinded and went to stay with a man named Judas. God sent a messenger to him. Ananias went to him and spoke the words God had given him. Those words are referenced in these scriptures. In this short statement, Saul (later called Paul) was given instructions that would mark the rest of his life. These same words also mark our lives and the call that each of us have to spread the good news.
    This is not difficult. It doesn't take a great deal of education or Bible study. It is the natural flow of a life that is submitted to Christ. When we give up our own agenda and allow him to govern our lives, we get to know his will. We begin to understand what he wants and the things we desire become less important. It is important that we know God's will. How can we follow what we do not know or understand?
    We have been called to see the Righteous One. We need to experience God. It is not enough to know about him, we need to really know him. We have been given the great privilege of being allowed to see his glory in our lives. As we experience him, we begin to fill ourselves with his character. Our own shortcomings begin to fall away and we are more consumed by the presence of God. What a tremendous blessing we have been given that we may experience the fullness of Christ.
    We are also blessed to receive words from the mouth of God. We have his written Word that guides us and helps us through any situation. Even more than that, we have the blessed Holy Spirit who brings his Word to life within us. If we will listen, we will hear wonderful things. God wants to reveal himself to us by allowing us to experience him and hear the things he speaks to us. The Holy Spirit is always speaking to us. Are we listening?
    All of these things, God has given us for one purpose: that we will testify to others about him. We are effective when we are sharing what God has done in our own hearts. This isn't the result of intense study or years of education, it is the result of spending time with God and opening up our spiritual senses to hear and experience him fully. Then we simply share what we already have seen and heard while being with God. This becomes a testimony unique to each one of us.
    This is the high calling of God. We need to experience him and his glory. We hear his voice as he speaks into our lives. His voice will change us and instruct us. Then we simply tell others what we already know. It is indeed, a high calling. But it is not one that only a few may have. We all have the call. God equips each one with exactly what he wants us to have that we may be his ambassadors to the world. Think about it today. Seize the opportunities to allow him to spill over from your life and touch others.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
Psalm 5:3

How often does the Lord hear our voices? I believe that God wants to hear us. He longs for those times when we lay our requests before him. There is a joy that comes to us and to our Father when we are consistent in our time with him. Perhaps if we thought of it as a daily appointment, we would be more likely to fulfill our time with God. It must not be a time we set aside because of obligation, it must be done because we want to spend time with God. It is important to our Father to spend time with his children..
    I love what David said here: "I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." It is not enough to simply present our requests to God. We must also expect answers. With all my heart, I believe God answers our prayers. He is always at work fulfilling the requests of his saints. Yes, sometimes the answer is 'no.' But when we align ourselves with his will, ask for the need, and wait in expectation, he answers us.
    I am afraid that we have become numb to the answers God brings. We often overlook them. We make excuses such as: "a person decided to helped me," or "I am okay, but it didn't turn out the way I prayed." Not long ago, my wife and I had a great need. It was pressing and the potential for great loss was always in front of us. We prayed constantly for God to help us. In the darkest hour, some people decided to do whatever they could to help. In just a few days, they had served us so completely, that the need was fully met. We could have said, :"thank you for helping us," and we did. But we recognized that this was not just good hearted people who helped, it was God answering our prayers, using people. So we thanked God for the people, and there lies the difference. We gave glory to God, because he answered our cries, and thanked him first. Then we thanked people.
    The New King James Version translates the scripture this way: "My voice you shall hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning I will direct it to You, and will look up." We need to get in the habit of looking up to heaven when good things happen to us. All good things come from the hand of God. It is not luck or good fortune. It is the blessing of our Father being poured into our lives. So when we pray, let's be consistent. Let's spend time with our Father. Then let's wait in expectation, looking up, to see the answers come. This gives glory to God and teaches us to be thankful. Our source is God alone, and we can expect him to answer!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Independence Day

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death."
Romans 8:1&2

It is the time of year when we celebrate our independence here in the United States. We celebrate our freedom and our liberation from the tyrannical rule of a distant nation. Long before the birth of our nation, an Independence Day was already established. Like the independence of our nation, this also was accomplished through blood shed. The liberation that was given, was not for just one nation, but for all. The opportunity for freedom was freely given to everyone on the face of the earth, who would accept it..
    We were once held captive by a set of laws that we could not follow. No person before the time of Christ had ever been able to find righteousness before God. All were held captive by the law of sin and death. But Jesus came and set all men free from that law. He created a new freedom in which the Spirit of life rules and reigns in our lives. We no longer have to conform to a set of human laws designed to attempt to draw us closer to God. We have full access to him because of Jesus.
    The things Jesus accomplished by his death and resurrection are so completely liberating for us that we may never fully understand it all. Only on the day of our ultimate liberation from this life will we understand the magnitude of the cross. In those three days; Jesus destroyed the power of sin and death, provided a way for the lost to be saved, took the keys of death away from Satan, restored the kingdom of heaven, and paved the way for the Holy Spirit to come to those who would receive him. This is the ultimate liberation. You and I did not have to shed one drop of blood to receive our independence, Jesus did that for us.
    Today, as we think about the wonderful blessings we have as Americans, let's also think about the ultimate blessing we have in Christ. We don't have to live by the law of sin and death, we do not have to attempt to earn our way to heaven, and we do not have to bow to the evil rule of the enemy. We have been set free. We are liberated. We have been given the greatest independence ever offered. All we have to do is say "yes" to the risen Christ. Receive him and receive life. This is not a freedom brought about by the hands of men, it is an eternal freedom given by God himself. Celebrate freedom!