Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This Too, Shall Pass

"He will call on me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him."
Psalm 91:15

God is always with us! That is something we have heard for most of our lives, isn't it? There are times when it is easy to believe it, but there are times when it is very difficult. In times of trouble, it may be a challenge to believe this simple truth. But God's word is true. He promises us that he is always with us.
    We would much rather not go through trouble. Wouldn't it be easier if we sailed through life without struggle? But God, in his providence, allows us to go through difficult times. However, he does not expect us to face these circumstances on our own. He will walk through the trial with us. We need to take comfort in the fact that God is right beside us as we walk through hard times.
    While we walk through the difficulties, we need to remember to call on God. We may get so entangled in the circumstance that we forget to pray and acknowledge God. But, we must! His promise is that he will answer us when we call. Jesus said, "You do not have, because you do not ask." So, don't forget to call on God and allow him to answer during times of trouble.
    The struggle will pass, it always does. God will walk with us through the valley and he will deliver us out the other end. He did it for the Israelites in the desert, Peter in prison, Paul and Silas in prison, and many others. And he will do it for us. There is a deliverance coming to those who are struggling.
    Today, know that God has not forgotten about you. He is walking beside you and he intends to answer and deliver you from the trial. In fact, he is going to honor you. I believe that as we faithfully walk through difficulties, other people will see it and marvel at the grace by which God brings us through. You will be honored as you victoriously live through rough times. But even more, you will be honored by God. You will be given the right to sit on the throne of Jesus along with him. Rest easy, the trials of this day will soon pass.

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