Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Out of the Depths

"Out of the depths I cry to you, o Lord; O Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared."
Psalm 130:1-4

Do you ever feel like you are in the depths? Sometimes it seems like you are in the depths of despair. Other times, it may feel like you are caught in the depths of sin. Still other times, it may feel like you are so distant from God that he cannot hear your cries for help. These things sometimes overtake us. We are people who must contend with our own heats. Often, this is a difficult task..
    But there is a key, according to the Psalmist. When we are in the depths, we must cry out to the Lord. Otherwise, we may be swallowed up by the miry pit. Despair is dangerous. It consumes us, creates feelings of hopelessness, and breeds a 'woe is me' attitude. It is easy for our flesh to agree with despair. It is also easy for the enemy of our souls to use despair to derail us. We have to recognize feelings of despair and take them captive in the name of Jesus. This is no different than any other type of spiritual warfare. Recognize that despair comes from the enemy, not God. Then deal with it as you would any other attack of the devil. Rebuke the enemy, isolate the thoughts, and ask God to take away the despair. Sometimes despair is so intense that you must cry out to God. Sometimes there is no other path that can bring release. Don't be afraid, just cry out to him and he will answer.
    I remember a particular night, a year or more ago. I was filled with despair. We were struggling financially, had no job or income, and things looked bleak. I got in my car and went for a drive in the dark. I begin to cry out to God. In fact, I literally screamed at him. The prayers weren't eloquent, they were spoken out of a hurting heart. I cried until I thought no more tears could possibly come. But I released all of it to God that night. By the time I got home, our immediate financial need had already been met.
    If you are are in despair because of difficult circumstances, cry out to God. It is from the place of despair that heartfelt petitions come. Be assured of this: God will hear you and he will answer your cries. If you are in despair because of sin, remember this: God keeps no record of wrongs. Confess your sin and know that you have been forgiven. God will never bring it up again. You are clean before him. Ultimate forgiveness comes from God alone. You are not separated from him, a bridge has been built that crosses the chasm of sin. The bridge is Jesus himself. Do not give into despair. Out of the depths, cry out to God, and he will rescue you. This is his word, this is his guarantee.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful and encouraging post, Barry. It's been my observation that sometimes God doesn't lift the feelings of despair until you make a much needed change in your life. More praying doesn't help, in that regard, but a close and practical look at your own life would.
    It's also been my observation that at absolute rock-bottom, Jesus is sitting there waiting for you. I've been there many a time, but I was never alone.
    Thank you for your post, Barry. I was just in one of those moods in which I needed to be reminded of what you just wrote.
    Kind regards,
