Thursday, September 8, 2011

No Time to be Timid

"For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner."
2 Timothy 1:6-8a

I have read Paul's letters to Timothy many times. The second letter in particular, gives us insight into the life of the young pastor who was mentored by Paul. The verses I referenced here speak of an issue that Timothy had. It is one that I believe was in part, due to his personality. But I think there was another underlying issue as well. I believe Timothy had been hurt. We have no direct reference to how it happened, or what it was. But clearly there had been some event or events that led to Paul's concern for his son in the faith. Timothy had become timid.
    The word timidity, used in the NIV, is translated fear in other Bible translations. So Timothy had an issue with fear. I have said it before, fear cripples your faith. If you are bound up in fear, you will never have the confidence to launch out and do what God is calling you to do. Like Timothy, we must overcome this and move into the glorious freedom found in acting on our faith. I realize that some people are timid. They are not comfortable speaking to others and even the thought of doing so raises fear. I do not believe that God asks us to act in ways that are contrary  the way he created us. If a person is quiet and timid in their nature, it is okay. But if one is fearful because of a bad experience or rejection, this must be overcome. Hear the words Paul spoke to Timothy: "God did NOT give us a spirit of timidity (fear)." (Emphasis mine). So if God did not give it to us, it came through some other source, primarily the enemy. He loves to use circumstances to breed fear in God's people. But we do not have a spirit of fear, we have a spirit of power, love and self-discipline. This is who we are in Christ.
    Timothy had a gift. It was evident to all. But somewhere along the line, he lost confidence in what God had placed in him. He gave up. Paul's encouragement to him was to fan that gift into full flame. All of us are gifted by God. Every Christian has the Holy Spirit within them and he is the giver of gifts. If your gift is preaching, then preach. If it is hospitality, then be hospitable. If it is evangelism, then evangelize. If it is prophecy, then prophesy. If it is healing, then lay hands on people and watch God heal them. Fear cannot stop us. Timidity cannot be an excuse. The same God who created us and gave us our personalities, also gave us gifts which he expects us to use. So let's stop being fearful and fan the gifts we have into flame. Let's believe we are gifted and blessed people. Let's say to the enemy, "You cannot stop me. You cannot cripple me with fear!" Then let's go and make disciples.

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