Monday, August 8, 2011

Taking Up the Cross

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up the cross daily and follow me."
Luke 9:23

There are many people who claim to be Christians, following the teachings of Christ. In America, we call ourselves a "Christian nation." But there is an element involved in being a Christian that goes far beyond just the proclamation. If one is truly a Christian, he or she must act like one. The act of following Christ does not happen by word alone. It happens when a person truly follows the words of Jesus referenced above.
    Jesus said that we must deny ourselves, if we are to truly follow him. There is a continual battle between our desires and God's desires. Our flesh desires sin, God desires righteousness. Our flesh is disobedient, God requires obedience. Once we have made the decision to follow Christ, we must tap into his strength that can and will give us victory over our flesh. But this doesn't usually happen with one supernatural intervention. We must partner with the Holy Spirit to defeat sin in our lives. We have to make conscious decisions to deny our flesh in favor of following God's ways. In other words, there is a cost to follow Jesus. We cannot continue to live the way we used to, satisfying our own fleshly desires. We must choose Jesus.
    It is essential that we take up the cross. In fact, we must do this daily. What does it mean to take up the cross? Simply put, we must give up our lives for the cause of Christ, in the same way that he gave up his life for us. He made the ultimate sacrifice, leaving no doubt about his commitment to us. Now, we must do the same. This goes far beyond making a one-time confession and then proclaiming that we are Christians. It is a daily commitment. an active, growing relationship with God requires us to take up the cross every day of our lives.
    Get in the habit of denying yourself. Say no to sinful desires. Then say yest to the righteousness that is offered by Jesus. Be willing to participate in the cross of Christ. As he gave himself for you, give your life for him. His commitment cost him his life, literally. Your commitment will also carry a great cost. It will require obedience to the voice of God and dying daily to sin. Sometimes, the experience of taking up the cross is painful, humiliating, and difficult. But you are not required to do anything that has not already been done for you. Deny yourself and take up the cross of Christ!

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