Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Free from Suffering

"He said to her, 'Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.'"
Mark 5:34

I watched a story recently, about the 33 men who were trapped in a mine in chile. They were literally imprisoned in a small area, nearly one mile underground, for nine weeks. The story was less about the actual event, but more about what the mens' lives are like now, one year later. These men are still suffering. None were able to return to their jobs because of the lingering mental illness caused by the trauma. Few have been able to work at all, because they cannot concentrate on tasks. In short, these men are suffering. I wept as I watched. I long to see people who are suffering have a genuine experience with God. I want to see them healed and made whole in their spirits, souls and bodies. This is my heart.
    I am not good at blowing my own horn. But I want to tell you what is in my heart. I have written a book called, Sixty Days with God. It is subtitled, Drawing Near to God through Times of Crisis. If you have visited this site, you see it shown on the page. The book is about a crisis that took place in my own life, the loss of my job and career. But this pales in comparison to the crises that are faced by many. The miners are a perfect example of the pain and damage that is often left because of crisis.
    As I watched the story of the miners, I was filled with a desire to somehow get my book to these men. If it would only touch 33 lives, it would be worth everything it took to publish.. It would be worth everything in the sight of God if just one of these men was brought into his kingdom, healed and set free. So, if you are suffering, get the book and read it. If you know someone who is suffering, get the book and give it to them. I want to see Christian people healed from suffering. I want those who do not know Christ, to turn to him when faced with crisis. It is not from selfishness that I ask this of you. It is from a heart of compassion. God met me in my time of crisis and changed my life. Although I have not yet seen the other side of it, God has equipped me to be victorious. I cry for those who are suffering. I weep for those who need Jesus.
    I, like the woman in the scripture, have been freed from suffering through the unparalleled love of God. Please, receive healing and draw close to him. Please help others draw close to him. There are thousands upon thousands who need to hear a message of hope. Please help!

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