Monday, January 17, 2011

This Life is Fragile

"God has placed eternity in the hearts of men."   Ecclesiastes 3:11

I was reminded yesterday and today just how fragile this life is. My brother was found by a neighbor in his home, unconscious. He had a very high fever due to an infection that has invaded his body. After getting through the initial crisis, getting him to the hospital, and visiting him for the day, I was struck with the stark reminder that God really does hold us in the palm of his hand.
    This life we live is sometimes difficult. It is sometimes painful, and emotionally draining. On the other hand, sometimes life is wonderful. We have people we love and care for. We are blessed and live in one of the richest nations in the world. Yet, this life is not ours. We have a life in the kingdom of God. In that life, there is more than enough of everything we need. We are blessed spiritually beyond anything we can even imagine. There is incredible peace in the spiritual life. Though this kingdom is not perceived through our natural senses, it is vibrant and beautiful when we look through our spiritual eyes.
    My point is: We spend way too much time being concerned with the earthly life than we should. Often, there is turmoil and unrest here. But in the kingdom, there is peace and joy. The interesting thing is; I make the choice where I want to live. If I get caught up in the things of the earthly life, I do not experience the beauty of the kingdom. But if I choose to live moment by moment in the kingdom of heaven, I am fully satisfied. There is an old song that says: "Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace." Ah, the truth is overwhelming to me. God placed eternity in all of us. We should live in that knowledge. Then, the pain, the physical issues, even death itself, are no obstacles. I choose eternity. I choose the kingdom. I choose heaven. Join me there.

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