Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Redeemed

"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree."
Galatians 3:13

Have you ever wished you could go back in time and redeem one moment, one mistake, one poor choice? After some of these things happen, we yearn to go back and correct them, but there is no way to do that. The damage is done and we cannot take it back. The curse has already been applied to our lives. No hope for redemption is available.
    The good news of the Gospel is based in the truth that Jesus has redeemed us. Since we cannot redeem ourselves, a way has been made to do it for us. This is the most selfless act ever performed. Jesus literally did what we cannot do. He covered over every one of the past mistakes. Not one was forgotten, not one was missed. All the curses that have plagued us as a result of sin were taken that day at the cross. We must understand that he became a curse for us to take our curses away. It is an amazing and complete redemption.
    We don't often think of ourselves as being under curses, but we are. The curse of sin has affected everyone. Since sin was birthed into the world, it contaminated every person who has lived. So our only choice, our only chance for redemption is to receive what the Son of God did for us on the cross. I know that many have already made that decision, but there remain many who have not. For those who have received the redemption of Christ, there may remain regrets that we cannot change the past. But the redemption we have received is far greater than any that we could achieve on our own. Our redemption has eternal value. So we must trust in the full redemption of God.
    If you have not made a decision to receive redemption, the forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ, I encourage you to to do so. It is simply a matter of believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth. Those who already have received redemption, be released from the curse of sin. Sin no longer reigns in you and what you cannot redeem yourself has already been redeemed, forgiven, and forgotten. This is the joy of the redeemed and it has been freely given to all of us.

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