Wednesday, November 2, 2011


"An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 'Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."
Matthew 1:20

Although it may be a little early, I am already beginning to think about Christmas. I love Christmas and I especially love the story of the coming of Jesus. The love shown to us by our Heavenly Father is amazing. His grace appeared even before it was taught. Mary was about to be quietly divorced by her husband Joseph. He had discovered that she was pregnant, but he did not want to embarrass her or bring shame to her. He was set to to do it when the angel of the Lord came to him in a dream and delivered the word. Joseph was to extend grace to Mary, and he did.
    What impresses me about this scripture passage is this phrase: "What is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit." The Holy Spirit was present in all the preparations for the coming of Christ. Even John the Baptist, while still in the womb, leaped with joy when Mary, carrying Jesus within her visited Elizabeth. The Holy Spirit was present when the plan of redemption was conceived by God. He was present when the forerunner to Jesus, John the Baptist was conceived and he was present in Mary when the Christ child was conceived. How incredible it is to realize that the Holy Spirit was involved in the conception of redemption. He did not stop conceiving after these things, he continues today.
    It is important for us to realize that there are things within each of us that have been conceived by the Holy Spirit. For example: Do you have an inner strength that can't be explained? Perhaps people recognize you as a strong person. These are things that the Holy Spirit conceived in you. Even if you don't recognize it, he is the author of all your virtues. Are you naturally loving? You may have a soft spot for children, or people who are in need. Again, the Holy Spirit has placed these things within you. The sad part is that many people who never come to relationship with Christ, don't realize that they have things in them conceived by the Holy Spirit. As Christians, let's recognize the truth: The Holy Spirit has placed great things within us. What we choose to do with those things is up to us.
    Anything that has been conceived within us is intended to be brought to the fulness of birth. Again, we must nurture these things to see them become productive blessings in the kingdom of God. Most women, when becoming aware that they are pregnant, make a point to do everything possible for the good of the baby. They change their lifestyle, get more rest, eat properly, avoid certain foods and activities, all for the nurturing of that which is within them. Are we doing this? Are we nurturing that which the Holy Spirit has conceived in us? When we think about it in this light, we may have new motivation. What if Joseph had not taken Mary to be his wife? What if Mary had refused the call to bear the Christ child? What if Jesus had never been born? The plan of God is dependent on our involvement and willingness to cooperate. So think about it. God has placed the seed of his kingdom within you. What will you do with it?

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