Friday, November 18, 2011

Calming the Storm

"And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, 'Truly you are the Son of God.'"
Matthew 14:32&33

After Jesus had fed the five thousand, the disciples got in a boat and headed across the lake. Meanwhile, Jesus stayed on the shore so he could pray. A squall arose which buffeted the boat. The disciples were fearful. We must remember that many of these men were fisherman. They fished in this sea regularly and knew storms like this had the potential to capsize the boat and bring death to those on board. But Jesus saw what was happening and walked on the water to meet them in the middle of the lake. When the disciples saw him, they were fearful, thinking he was a ghost. But Jesus assured them by identifying himself. Peter made his attempt to walk on the water, but failed due to his lack of faith. Then Jesus climbed into the boat....
    When Jesus got into the boat, the wind subsided and the storm ceased. This prompted the disciples to declare that Jesus truly was God's Son. I wonder why it took an event like this to move the disciples to this declaration. They had seen many miracles. Many were healed and many demons had been cast out. They had heard him teach with authority that could only have come from God. So why did it come to this before they could declare it? I think sometimes it takes a storm in our personal lives, for us to come to the great revelation of Jesus. We can see how he heals others and performs miracles in other people's lives, but if we have not gone through a storm of our own, we may not fully understand the supernatural authority of Jesus. Sometimes, we must insert ourselves into the story of the disciples facing the storm. Then we can experience the power, authority, love, and protection of God in our own lives.
    If you are facing a storm today, allow Jesus to get into the boat with you. Like the disciples, you may be experiencing fear because of the circumstance you are facing. But Jesus is able to calm the storm and deliver you from the danger you see. Sometimes this danger is perceived but not real. Other times, it is a real danger that threatens your life, or family, or livelihood. Whatever the case, let Jesus get into the boat with you. You see, he wants to be there. All of us must understand that God has power over the storms of life. He has authority in every area of life. It may be a time of peace and Jesus is there. It may be a time of struggle, and Jesus is there. It may be a massive storm, and Jesus is still there.
    I hope that you have allowed God to be in every part of your life. But if you have not personally experienced the miracles that are possible for you, I encourage you to invite him into your boat. If you don't know him, get to know him. If you do know him, and you are going through a difficult time in your life, allow him to come and calm the storm. It is a matter of faith. You must understand that God has authority over any difficulty. He can redeem any situation. No matter how deeply you find yourself buried, he can dig you out. It's amazing to see God work and perform miracles. It is even more amazing when he does it in your own life. Don't try to steer your own boat against a spiritual wind that may destroy you. Invite him to come on board and calm the storm!

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