Tuesday, June 28, 2011

In One Accord

"For then I will restore to the people a pure language, that they all may call on the name of the Lord, to serve him with one accord."
Zephaniah 3:9 (NKJV)

I believe God is about to bring this prophetic scripture alive in our days. I am not necessarily speaking of a 'one world language,' but rather the language of the church. The NIV translates the scripture this way: "Then will I purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord, and serve him shoulder to shoulder." I believe this is God's heart for the church today.
    The key to this word from God is unity. The flavor of this verse clearly speaks to us that Christians are to become like-minded. All of us are to call on the name of the Lord. All of us are to speak the same Christian language with pure lips. We are to serve him in one accord, shoulder to shoulder. Unfortunately, this does not describe the Christian church today. Denominations have created their own 'brand' of Christianity. Each has taken a doctrine (or doctrines) and pushed them to the forefront of their religious 'brand.' People follow, and denominations flourish.
    God is calling us to stop focusing on things that matter little and begin focusing on things that matter much. The crucified and risen Christ is preeminent. Through him sin and death were defeated, the lost were saved, the kingdom of heaven was restored, the Holy Spirit was sent, and the true church was born. Why have we separated such a unified cause? We live in the days of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He is alive in every true Christian. If this is so, the seeds of unity in the faith are there, but it takes the cooperation of people. If there is true error in the theology of some, let's correct it and get on with the work to which we have all been called. Let's stop dividing and start unifying. Let's fill in the gaps on the wall and stand shoulder to shoulder, speaking the same language, and calling on the name of the Lord.
    Whether we think about it or not, we are living in the last days. God's church is going to be used to change the world. We are going to be called on to rule and reign with Christ. I do not believe he will tolerate division among his rulers. The return of Christ is our hope, and the Holy Spirit is our deposit, guaranteeing the advent of God's kingdom on the earth. What if we stopped bickering and started celebrating? Imagine the possibilities!

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