"He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning."
Daniel 2:21
I've been thinking about seasons lately. It seems that seasons are important to God. When he created the universe, he said that the sun and the moon were to mark seasons, months and years. Seasons were always important to the people who lived in both the Old and New Testament times. It was the seasons that marked the growth of the crops, the harvest, and even the barren times. Today, people still know and understand the seasons of weather. We know how to discern the seasons. We know how to dress appropriately, when to plant, when to sow, when to harvest. But even with this knowledge, we never know exactly what the seasons may bring. It may be excessively cold in winter or warm in summer. There may be little rain or an abundance. All this comes with the seasons. We know the seasons, but we don't always know what to expect.
So are the seasons of life. We know that seasons are a part of our life here on earth, but we don't always know what to expect or what to do when we are in a particular season. The seasons of life are many. There are times of plenty and times of want. There are seasons of joy and seasons of pain. There are seasons of incredible growth, yet times of loss. There are days of blessing, but days when we feel the curse of sin that robs our blessings. The apostle Paul said that he had learned the secret of contentment in every season of life, in want or in plenty. All people go through seasons of life. We will not escape this truth. But how we contend with the season is what will mark our lives. Difficult seasons have the potential to bring out the best in us or the worst. The choice is up to us.
It is easy to live in seasons of plenty. We enjoy life when we are being blessed. But when the difficult seasons come, we sometimes lose focus. The things that are important; faith, hope, and love, may falter under the pressures of life. It is in these seasons that we must learn to depend on God. These are the times when he will teach us and perfect us in our walk with him. Even if you feel that God has abandoned you in a winter season of your life, don't give up. Even in nature, the death of winter is necessary for the abundance of spring. Seasons change. This is a reality of God's creation and it applies to us as well.
Whatever season you find yourself in, God is there with you. He will not ask you to walk through a difficult season on your own. He will guide you. He will not pass out blessings and then leave you to enjoy it. All seasons are in the hands of God. He has a great purpose for us in every season, whether plenty or want, joy or sadness. The key for us is this: We must continually look to God to be our source. It is not the circumstances that dictate our lives, it is our relationship with Him. When you are struggling through a season, find your strength in God. When you are blessed beyond measure, thank him with all your being. Seasons will come and go, but we will live with the Lord for eternity.
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