Thursday, September 15, 2011


"The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him. In the same way, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God."
1 Corinthians 2:11

I want to establish a truth today. God is omnipresent. This simply means that he is everywhere at the same time. This omnipresence transcends time, space, and distance. The Bible tells us that there is nowhere we can go that God will not already be there. The Psalmist wrote it and Paul reaffirmed it in the book of Romans. I know this is difficult to understand, but I believe we can shed some light on the truth by talking about God, the Holy Spirit.
    We know that God is made up of three persons. God the Father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit. I would like to focus on the Holy Spirit today. You see, the Holy Spirit has always been God. I cringe when I hear Christian people refer to the Holy Spirit as an 'it.' He is God and he is everywhere. In Genesis chapter one, it tells us that the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. This was before anything was created. The Holy Spirit was there at the beginning because he is God. Somehow, we forget about the Holy Spirit. We often tell people that Jesus has come to live in their hearts when they receive him. This is true, but he lives there in the person of the Holy Spirit. Everyone who is a true believer and disciple of Christ has God living within them. The Holy Spirit has come and made his dwelling in us.
    So, how is God omnipresent? He is omnipresent because his Spirit lives in us. The Holy Spirit is the 'messenger' part of God. He speaks to us and reveals God's will. He knows everything about us and he knows everything about God the Father and Jesus. So he reveals the fullness of the Godhead to us. He never speaks on his own, and he does not draw attention to himself. He calls us to praise the Father and Jesus. In this life, we will never understand fully the omniscience and omnipresence of God. But we can know the truth that the Holy Spirit is alive. He is manifesting God in all of our lives.
    Remember the Holy Spirit. He is so close to us that no brother could ever be closer. He is such an incredible counselor that no counsel of men can compare. He is such a wonderful teacher that all the wisdom of the world seems like foolishness in comparison. He is such a friend that we can literally tell him anything, even the deepest, darkest, and most embarrassing failures of our lives. And he will listen, comfort, and encourage us every time. All this is so personal, yet he is so big that he is God himself. What an incredible life we live. What a blessing we have received. God is omnipresent and we live in him.

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