Friday, June 24, 2011


"So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power."
1 Samuel 16:13

In Old Testament times, they anointed people with oil all the time. Generally, they did it to set someone apart for a particular service. In the case of this scripture, David was being anointed to become king of Israel. The man of God would literally pour the oil over the head of the one being anointed. We still do this in some churches today. We pray for the sick and anoint them with oil in accordance with the direction given in James 5:14. But the kind of anointing David received was one that gave him a position. It set forth God's purpose for his life.
    I want Christians everywhere to understand that they have been anointed for God's service. This anointing has been done by God himself. In Old Testament times, God sent the prophets and priests to anoint people. Now, he anoints us through the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Did you notice that when David was anointed, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him? In those days, the Holy Spirit had not yet been given, so God would anoint them and then send the Holy Spirit to be with them. Now, we have the Holy Spirit deposited within our inner beings. He IS the anointing. He does not just come upon us, he lives within us. This is for a purpose. We have been given great positions in the kingdom of heaven. This position gives us heavenly authority and spiritual weapons for the lives we live here on earth.
    David was a great man of God. He remains one of the most beloved men in history. But the position he was given pales in comparison to the ones you and I have in Christ. We have been anointed to be Christ on the earth. We are not just people who believe in God, we are people who are empowered by him. He has anointed us to hold such great positions that even the angels marvel at the favor given us.
    You are special to God. He hand picked you, anointed you, and has sent you to be his ambassador. You carry his kingdom with you wherever you go. The Spirit of the Lord is within you. You have been set apart to accomplish incredible things for God. Now, be strong in him, receive the anointing, and go represent him well!

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